jeudi 18 août 2016

Stalking, Scientology and sex: Gawker's biggest moments

Stalking, Scientology and sex: Gawker's biggest moments. has announced that it will be ending operations next week:

As noted in an Associated Press article, among other things Gawker became famous for publishing the Ton Cruise Scientology video:

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Tom Cruise's Scientology recruitment video

In 2008 Gawker published a Scientology recruitment video featuring a black-turtlenecked Tom Cruise. It showed just how fanatic the actor was about his religion. It was a side of Cruise no one had quite seen before.

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Whatever one may think of Gawker otherwise, Gawker was the first news organization that stood up to the Church of Scientology's threats of litigation to publish the Tom Cruise Scientology video. Gawker's publication of that video was significant.
Stalking, Scientology and sex: Gawker's biggest moments

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