vendredi 5 août 2016

Blackstone Medical Services sued for pro-Scientology religious discrimination

Blackstone Medical Services sued for pro-Scientology religious employment discrimination.

Tony Ortega: Florida man sues medical sleep testing company after its dapper CEO forced Scientology on him

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Another lawsuit against an employer accused of forcing Scientology on an employee was filed this week, this time involving a Florida man who alleges that the CEO of a Tampa medical company harassed him and ultimately fired him because he wouldn’t subject himself to Scientology courses.


Over the next two months, Bunting says he was forced to participate in Scientology exercises at his workplace, and then in August was told he had to take a Scientology sales program that he was “contractually bound to do if he wanted to avoid financial penalties.” Bunting objected to the program, which would have had him proselytizing Scientology to customers. Tipnes also wanted Bunting to approach his wife about getting involved in Scientology.

Finally, on September 1, 2015 Bunting was fired because of his objections to Scientology, he alleges. He then complained to the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which gave him a notice of right to sue Blackstone Medical.

Bunting is suing for religious harassment and retaliation, and is requesting a jury trial.

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Complaint: Bunting v. Blackstone Medical Services

Blackstone Medical Services sued for pro-Scientology religious discrimination

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