dimanche 3 juillet 2016

Visiting the Independent Scientology Mission in Israel

Visiting the Independent Scientology Mission in Israel.

Tony Ortega - Field report: Visiting the mission that told the Church of Scientology to take a hike


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It was here in Tami’s office that we met their three partners, auditors who had been trained by Tami and then were made equal owners of the center with Dani and Tami in 2010. Even then, Dani pointed out, they had ideas that were more democratic than a typical Scientology organization. But what finally pushed them to the brink, he says, was reading Debbie Cook’s infamous letter that she put out on New Year’s Eve, 2012. If someone they respected like Cook, the former “captain” of Scientology’s spiritual mecca in Clearwater, could explain so clearly why David Miscavige was the problem with the church, then that was something they had to take seriously.

After their 2012 breakaway, the Lembergers went through some pretty typical harassment. But they tell us that for the most part now, they’re left alone. And they really have no interaction with Scientology’s “Ideal Org” in Jaffa.

Dani is suing Scientology, and we hope to have an update on that for you soon. For now, Dani says he can’t talk publicly about it.

At his office, Dani told us again about his own changing relationship with David Miscavige. When he started Dror Center in 1992, Dani says, there wasn’t really anything by L. Ron Hubbard in Hebrew. So he took it upon himself to translate the beginning text, Learning How to Learn, and printed up 1,000 copies at his own expense (see photo, above). He sent the very first copy he received to Miscavige, who sent him a letter calling him “highly commendable.”

Later, when Dani was kicked out of the church for breaking away, in his “declare” document, which we printed recently, his translation of Hubbard material into Hebrew is now listed as a crime.

Well, that’s Scientology.

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Dani Lemberger replied:


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Dani Lemberger • 12 hours ago

Dani Lemberger says:
Thanks, Tony, for coming to visit us. I enjoyed your stay and our conversation.
When Tony and I first met, exactly four years ago, Tony mentioned he had relatives in Israel. I invited Tony to visit Dror on his next trip to Israel and also offered him some free auditing. It surprised me that a researcher of over twenty years into Scientology has never been "in session".
So Tony has taken me up on the invite and still holds a rain check for his free auditing.
In our conversation three days ago, I found out that Tony does not believe that "thetans" exist. He holds the weird view that Man is a brain with a body attached. He has been misled into believing that Life is a "biological-chemical" phenomenon.
I attempted to demonstrate, in the little time we had, that Man is a spirit, is immortal, does replace his body once every 70-80 years, etc... Tony scoffed and I was not offended. He has such a charming, captivating smile.
I do believe the crux of the difference between us is the question, "WHAT IS LIFE???" Hubbard attempted an answer, I think he did a better job than most other thinkers.
To judge Hubbard and Scientology by Miscavige and his "Church" is tantamount to judging all Germans by Hitler (or all Russians by Stalin, or..., or...).
I am grateful for Tony's post because I hope it clarifies that not all practitioners of Scientology are crooks. I'd rather be viewed by the readers as dumb than as a villain.

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Visiting the Independent Scientology Mission in Israel

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