There is a feeling that can find its expression through this:
The ExScientologist Humanitarian Society.
What is it?
It's a table and 2 chairs across the street from Flag, across the street from PAC, across the street from any org. It has a banner behind it or dangling from the table that says what it is - The ExScientologist Humanitarian Society. It has an 800 phone number. It has a brochure. It has a business card, it has an email address, it has a website.
It is funded by anyone, but mostly by people who care, people who KNOW what dedication is. Who know WHY Scientology is, or was, important. And who have gone through the excruciating personal torture of change. Change in understandings, attitudes and beliefs. For some it was easier - those whose understanding of the tech was not as deep, those who's commitment was not founded on hundreds or thousands of personal experiences that Scientology did WORK.
But as we all now know there were layers of the onion we did not know. Policies of hurt written and enforced by Ron we did not know. Lies & Deceits put out by the old man himself. Aberrations of the tech also created by the old man. That the man had multiple personalities: a technical genius, a hungerer for money, a paranoid, an actor and more.
Most Scns were grabbed through the appeal of a tech that apparently delivered on the promise of a better world, better conditions. And we didn't let go of those beliefs. Only after leaving can grips be loosened and reason get back to work again and begin to pervade.
Most of us experienced the loss of all friends, business clients and a world attitude. We definitely knew loss and loneliness.
Many had nowhere to go. That reality of nowhere to go, no money to get anywhere, no food, no shelter also acted as a preventative to leaving.
Across the street from the org is a table & 2 chairs and a guy who a staffer wanting to get out can go to.
He can go there knowing that he can get a safe place to sleep tonight or for a week. He can get good food. He can get a safe place to get away and gather his thoughts. He can see if there is contact info and messages from old friends, family, loved ones. He can get a message to them or anyone. He an get an immediate first class ticket to anywhere - now. And a driver to get him to the airport and on the plane - now.
He can talk to someone who really knows the position he is in.
He can get contact info for people & groups who have been through what he is facing and are willing to help.
If he wants it he can even get contact info for exit counseling.
He can get away.
All this is paid for by humanitarian ex-scientologists.
A fund can be there: donations for anyone, donations for specific people still on staff.
Many of us have donated much too much to false church causes. Projects that never came through.
Now one can donate to making it MUCH easier to leave the church.
Have your letters to your loved ones on staff been undelivered? Now you can send those messages to the guy across the street from the org. You can enter your messages, contact info into the ExScientologist Humanitarian Society database. And if and when your loved one comes across the street they can get your message, info, money, understanding, compassion & love.
This does not exist yet.
Whats needed to make this happen?
Ex Scientology Humanitarian Society
The ExScientologist Humanitarian Society.
What is it?
It's a table and 2 chairs across the street from Flag, across the street from PAC, across the street from any org. It has a banner behind it or dangling from the table that says what it is - The ExScientologist Humanitarian Society. It has an 800 phone number. It has a brochure. It has a business card, it has an email address, it has a website.
It is funded by anyone, but mostly by people who care, people who KNOW what dedication is. Who know WHY Scientology is, or was, important. And who have gone through the excruciating personal torture of change. Change in understandings, attitudes and beliefs. For some it was easier - those whose understanding of the tech was not as deep, those who's commitment was not founded on hundreds or thousands of personal experiences that Scientology did WORK.
But as we all now know there were layers of the onion we did not know. Policies of hurt written and enforced by Ron we did not know. Lies & Deceits put out by the old man himself. Aberrations of the tech also created by the old man. That the man had multiple personalities: a technical genius, a hungerer for money, a paranoid, an actor and more.
Most Scns were grabbed through the appeal of a tech that apparently delivered on the promise of a better world, better conditions. And we didn't let go of those beliefs. Only after leaving can grips be loosened and reason get back to work again and begin to pervade.
Most of us experienced the loss of all friends, business clients and a world attitude. We definitely knew loss and loneliness.
Many had nowhere to go. That reality of nowhere to go, no money to get anywhere, no food, no shelter also acted as a preventative to leaving.
Across the street from the org is a table & 2 chairs and a guy who a staffer wanting to get out can go to.
He can go there knowing that he can get a safe place to sleep tonight or for a week. He can get good food. He can get a safe place to get away and gather his thoughts. He can see if there is contact info and messages from old friends, family, loved ones. He can get a message to them or anyone. He an get an immediate first class ticket to anywhere - now. And a driver to get him to the airport and on the plane - now.
He can talk to someone who really knows the position he is in.
He can get contact info for people & groups who have been through what he is facing and are willing to help.
If he wants it he can even get contact info for exit counseling.
He can get away.
All this is paid for by humanitarian ex-scientologists.
A fund can be there: donations for anyone, donations for specific people still on staff.
Many of us have donated much too much to false church causes. Projects that never came through.
Now one can donate to making it MUCH easier to leave the church.
Have your letters to your loved ones on staff been undelivered? Now you can send those messages to the guy across the street from the org. You can enter your messages, contact info into the ExScientologist Humanitarian Society database. And if and when your loved one comes across the street they can get your message, info, money, understanding, compassion & love.
This does not exist yet.
Whats needed to make this happen?
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