vendredi 22 juillet 2016

Special Needs for Second Generation Ex-Cult Members

Although this article doesn't specfically mention scientology, it does of course work exactly the same way.

We are now up to 4th or even 5th generation scientologists, and it's a subject I hope gets a lot more discussion and attention. I know it's a problem in my family.


Special Needs for Second Generation Ex-Cult Members
Lorna was quick to remind her audience that in the ex-cult member community there is a growing awareness about the special needs of second generation ex-cultists (SGAs) – those who were born in or raised in a cult compared to first-generation former cultists (FGAs) – those who joined.

She told us that in both cases, the high-control group injects the cult personality into the mind of the individual, forcing the authentic personality into the background. But for SGAs, this means the true self never has an opportunity to develop. Then after leaving the cult, born-ins often have a much more difficult time adjusting to life outside the cult, as there is no formed true self to latch onto. They have to start from scratch, figuring out who they are.
Special Needs for Second Generation Ex-Cult Members

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