jeudi 21 juillet 2016

"Wins and Cogs" about Scientology after leaving Scientology

this was posted on Tony Ortega's Bunker this morning. I found it helped me to blow more charge and I had many releases.

I thought it was worthy of its own thread.

Please contribute to the motion....share your wognitions, cognitions and realizations now that you are out ABOUT Scientology and what it really is.

"Awesome video Chris Shelton!

Here are some COGS AND WINS we got out of Scientology.
Science is proven in or outside of the bubble of Scientology. Xenu and body thetans can't fit in a Petr dish, they can't be seen by a microscope and they don't exist unless you BELIEVE.
All you have to do to control someone is, on a gradient, make them change their behavior, change the information they will allow into their minds, change their emotions and stop them ( thought stopping techniques), and change their thoughts.
Hence - we start with the Purification Rundown.
No science there - LSD, TCH and other drugs do not store in the fat for any longer than a few weeks...LSD is water soluable. So are other drugs.
The Purification is the baby step to get you to change your behavior...go to the Org, run, sit in a sauna and let the "programming begin" - no Family Circle magazines in the Purif....just (little gradient suggestive books by LRH like 'Have you Lived Before' and 'New Slant on Life' as well other LRH propaganda re: "The Psychs".
It sort of makes sense to get rid of toxins that will cloud your mind...but think about it now for real and get honest and straight!
Cancer is rampant in Scientology - especially among the OT's due to STRESS!

Christianity has the devil to blame. Scientology uses "THE PSYCH'S" and "SP's"
If you invest a ton of money and time - YOU TOO WILL BELIEVE whatever YOU decide to allow in your mind.
If you invest heavily - you too will get others to invest. That is why the OT Committee's have information about THE SHILL in their OT Committee Hat Packs for Ideal Morgue Fundraising activities.
Scientology FEEDS you the suggestive IMPLANTS for what to say for your suckcess story you have to say in order to COMPLETE the SERVICE AND MOVE FORWARD. This is brilliant LRH.
The implants are done when you sit in the 3 hour events.
The videos (they are instructed to make the room cold to keep you awake, feed you propaganda which hypnotises and implants suggestions into your subconscious mind)...
This is done through the "suck sess stories and during the events. Notice Suppressive Scientology keeps the WINS vague and non specific. Then when it is your don't say anything specific...just BOOM BOOM BOOM....Win after Win after Win.....cognition after cognition after in this video (lol) here:

Check it out for yourself. How many OT's turned to the large photo of LRH, saluted and said "THANK YOU SIR"?
I did. My bad!
"Wins and Cogs" about Scientology after leaving Scientology

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