The thread about Tom Cruise's step father dying.....made me think of starting this thread....
It would seem to me.....with the where with all of the Legal Team of the Cult.....that Ron Hubbard could have tried to "come back to money." (if this were are all possible....)
This seems to be an underlying, unspoken, cult idea....that "we come back" but some I imagine some want to "come back" to money.
Some Cult members are rich.....
Instead of having to start over with a new body....and childhood....and the uncertainty of what success one might have in life....( financially...) If one does have money now......wouldn't it be nice to have that money available next life time.
It was mentioned in another thread that Tom Cruise or other whales might donate their wealth to the Cult.
I think this is a unspoken "dream / certainty " of many cult members....SO or not....that they are in a way protected next lifetime.....Money or not.
Some might even "think" that they "could choose their parents or next lifetime family....."
It is possible that they will put up with anything, this life time....because their next lifetime....."is secure".....(whether with money or not...)
Anyway....I don't see this happening.....
I don't see this as having happened...
In a way.....this "hidden data line" is kinda like a "Heaven" or "Paradise" other religions...( though I hate to make that comparison....)
This "hidden data".....Its really more like....just coming back to earth life again...but "with knowledge of having done so..." So not like "Heaven" at all.....more like a wheel of life Buddhist thing....
Just some thoughts...
This "we come back" hidden also a somewhat hidden recruitment tool....and lie used....
Wanting to come back to money?
It would seem to me.....with the where with all of the Legal Team of the Cult.....that Ron Hubbard could have tried to "come back to money." (if this were are all possible....)
This seems to be an underlying, unspoken, cult idea....that "we come back" but some I imagine some want to "come back" to money.
Some Cult members are rich.....
Instead of having to start over with a new body....and childhood....and the uncertainty of what success one might have in life....( financially...) If one does have money now......wouldn't it be nice to have that money available next life time.
It was mentioned in another thread that Tom Cruise or other whales might donate their wealth to the Cult.
I think this is a unspoken "dream / certainty " of many cult members....SO or not....that they are in a way protected next lifetime.....Money or not.
Some might even "think" that they "could choose their parents or next lifetime family....."
It is possible that they will put up with anything, this life time....because their next lifetime....."is secure".....(whether with money or not...)
Anyway....I don't see this happening.....
I don't see this as having happened...
In a way.....this "hidden data line" is kinda like a "Heaven" or "Paradise" other religions...( though I hate to make that comparison....)
This "hidden data".....Its really more like....just coming back to earth life again...but "with knowledge of having done so..." So not like "Heaven" at all.....more like a wheel of life Buddhist thing....
Just some thoughts...
This "we come back" hidden also a somewhat hidden recruitment tool....and lie used....
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