vendredi 25 septembre 2015

New Public Safety FOIA Documents Archive on Narconon Reviews

For the past 6 months, we've been gathering and compiling police, fire and EMS records for the Scientology drug rehab network. In addition, we've been building a new segment into the document management system on Narconon Reviews for collecting "public safety" documents in a cross-referenced archive AND setting up a companion project page on MuckRock News where I do my FOIA Crusader work. The first juicy piece of all this work and due diligence has finally gone live today!


When the internet grew legs and began protesting the Church of Scientology globally in 2008-09, the idea of filing open record requests to obtain additional sets of Narconon police records was tossed about by activists on more than one occasion. We were again reminded of the usefulness in such disclosures when the Say No To Narconon in Warburton grassroots campaign set out to prevent the relocation of the Narconon Australia facility. They successfully used a FOI summary of police records from the Melbourne rehab to sway the Yarra Ranges Councillors decision to reject Narconon’s application in 2014.

So when we made the decision to harness the power of MuckRock News for doxing one of the Church of Scientology’s biggest revenue streams en bloc on this website, police records and Scientology’s flagship drug rehab facility, Narconon Arrowhead in Oklahoma were two of the most tantalizing targets for Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) data mining. ...
More at the link and much, MUCH more to come in the weeks ahead.
New Public Safety FOIA Documents Archive on Narconon Reviews

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