I'm exhausted, tired, and elated. Two cases of books arrived this morning by UPS to send out to people who want signed copies.
Also on Amazon yesterday, but no book image or Data 'LOOK INSIDE' published yet. Could take a week ot two?
WireService.ca Press Release (09/16/2015) - The book describes in detail, what goes on inside Narconon centers, and focusses on the now closed, Narconon Trois-Rivieres in Quebec, Canada.
Following more than five years of documenting the fraud and human rights abuses inside Narconon's drug rehab network, another book has been published debunking the pseudoscience rehab centers
'DANTE'S EIGHTH CIRCLE: Why Scientology's Narconon Must Be Stopped" details the Scientology teachings inside Narconon. The "students" (patients) at Narconon have no idea they are gradually being indoctrinated into the cult of Scientology. Many students have psychotic breaks, are kicked out of the program, and become suicidal. Some suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and others die from overdoses.
A "Sneak Peek Inside" Dante's Eighth Circle is available at 'Smart People Today' website:
Book Release: DANTE'S EIGHTH CIRCLE Why Scientology's Narconon Must Be Stopped
Also on Amazon yesterday, but no book image or Data 'LOOK INSIDE' published yet. Could take a week ot two?
WireService.ca Press Release (09/16/2015) - The book describes in detail, what goes on inside Narconon centers, and focusses on the now closed, Narconon Trois-Rivieres in Quebec, Canada.
Following more than five years of documenting the fraud and human rights abuses inside Narconon's drug rehab network, another book has been published debunking the pseudoscience rehab centers
'DANTE'S EIGHTH CIRCLE: Why Scientology's Narconon Must Be Stopped" details the Scientology teachings inside Narconon. The "students" (patients) at Narconon have no idea they are gradually being indoctrinated into the cult of Scientology. Many students have psychotic breaks, are kicked out of the program, and become suicidal. Some suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and others die from overdoses.
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