jeudi 24 septembre 2015



Occasionally, I wonder about wholetrack "Cult Comrades" I have known. . .

And what became of them.

Whether they're still-in, frantically F/Ning fanatics, or whether they are through with their little planet clearing episode.

Like today, for example, I was reading Mike Rinder's blog about Inglewood Ideal Org. In the comments section someone asked about OT VIII Robin Shereshevsky who was named at one point as the Executive Director of Inglewood's org. Then someone noted that she has been for some years divorced from Barry Shereshevsky (also OT VIII) and that he had left the COS which was the reason for their divorce.

Really? Barry's "through" with Scientology? If so, yayyy! (Jeez, that's kind of suppressive of me to cheer someone blowing and losing their eternity, isn't it? LOL)

Found this photo on another ESMB thread about "SquirrelBusters", but don't know what that thread is about or how this photo below is connected. (Barry is 2nd from right).

Maybe this " WHO -- WHO's THROUGH?" thread will be a fun way to find out about those curious little question marks regarding: 'What ever happened to good old ________?"

Scientology: The way out is the way through. The way out is for those who are through.

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