dimanche 27 septembre 2015

WTF is wrong with this guy?

I see this and think: this guy has lost the plot.

Larry Byrnes

Did the Pope fire the US Congressional "leader" John Boehner? Boehner is, of course, very junior to the Pope in the New World Order's Chain of Command - as is "His Lordship" Obama and the rest of the subverted US political "leaders".

As in many past sociopolitical transformations on this prison planet, the criminal wardens and guards usually cough up their juniors as a protective action. The "Pope" and his masters seem to be trying desperately to cover their tracks by sacrificing their underlings and crummy hired politicians!

This is a GOOD thing and is at least some progress. Maybe Boehner will come clean, tell what he knows and help clean up the mess?

His grief is indicative of the crimes against humanity that he has allowed by following the evil slugs who keep the true spiritual nature of man a big secret as THE major control mechanism on this planet.

Note that this article appears to give the Pope Moral authority? That has to be the biggest joke of this entire geopolitical "Love Fest" - put on by those who hallucinate that they can control spiritual beings forever.

While it is true that Boehner has crimes and is no doubt in Treason to America and humanity, how much more culpable for the age old misery and genocide on this planet is the "Pope" and his masters? Claiming spiritual authority while presiding over the amount of evil created by the "Vatican" and other "elite" organizations is hilarious - unless you are on the receiving end of their "moral authority".

While they are all in NYC, how about someone rounding them all up and sending them off to another planet where they either can blow each other up for a change or be rehabilitated before being allowed to rejoin humanity?

Larry Byrnes

WTF is wrong with this guy?

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