mercredi 9 septembre 2015

Scientology, a Tax Exempt Criminal Cult That Victimizes Everyone That Tells the Truth

And the incredible facts just keep on coming. Scientology, the phony religion, has a
charitable tax exempt
religious status from our IRS. In the 1970's, Scientology declared
war on the IRS & spent
20 years covertly & overtly attacking the IRS with its mafia like t
actics. What other so called
"religion" has ever declared war on our IRS & then beat
down the IRS, as it won that war?
The short answer is NONE.

These tactics included
infiltrating & sabotaging the IRS from within. The IRS eventually gave in or up & Scientology got what it wanted, a religious charitable tax exempt status. Scientology had won the war on the IRS. I actually participated in the Cults celebrations of their victory, or criminal beat down, of the IRS.

As a former member, I can say with absolute certainty, Scientology is nothing more than a covert criminal enterprise, that masquerades as a religion, to avoid paying taxes, on the money that it swindles, from those that it victimizes.
Scientology, a Tax Exempt Criminal Cult That Victimizes Everyone That Tells the Truth

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