mercredi 19 août 2015

FOIA Request Reveals FTC Flooded with Narconon Complaints

So I dumped a massive FTC dox drop on Narconon from my ongoing FOIA crusader project, and wrote a lil sumthin sumthin about it here:


Evidence of these controversies has been piling up so fast in recent years; we are now seeing a nationwide trend of dropping the usual “Narconon” or “Fresh Start” brand names on new rehabs. Meanwhile, the Scientologists running these centers are also renaming existing Narconon facilities with cushy, feel-good fictitious business names like Emerald Pines Rehab, Riverbend Retreat and Tranquility Detox. This deceptive rebranding conveniently allows the embattled ABLE franchise of Scientology-based drug and alcohol treatment centers to distance their facilities from the long, sordid history of damning media coverage, rip-off reports and lawsuits associated with the Narconon brand.

This trend inspired me to join forces with the Narconon Reviews team and take up their call to arms for filing more record requests. I also opted to bring the power of MuckRock News service to the table so that we could commence to doxing one of the Church of Scientology’s biggest revenue streams en bloc. During the past few months, we have received so much documentation via Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) releases and record requests, it will likely take us until this time next year to compile and publish it all on this website and elsewhere. To get that party started, we have decided to begin with releasing a cache of Federal Trade Commission (FTC) complaints for fraud and deceptive business practices spanning 15 different Narconon corporations.
See link for moar!
FOIA Request Reveals FTC Flooded with Narconon Complaints

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