mercredi 19 août 2015

Donald Trump's biggest fan is a British Scientology member who lives in a castle

Donald Trump's biggest fan is a British Scientology member who lives in a castle.

I know there is already an off-topic Donald Trump thread. He is now on-topic. Who knew?

Market Watch: Donald Trump’s biggest fan is a British Scientologist who lives in a castle


By Charles Passy

Published: Aug 19, 2015 8:15 a.m. ET

Forget the American electorate. Donald Trump’s biggest fan may be a British businessman who likes to play the odds.

John Mappin, a media investor who owns Camelot Castle in Cornwall, has placed more than 15 wagers, totaling more than £2,000 (or $3,100), that Trump will secure the Republican presidential nomination, if not win the presidential election outright. Depending on the type of bet (nomination or presidential victory) — and the odds at the time it was placed — the payoffs range from 7-to-1 to more than 30-to-1. If Trump indeed becomes president and Mappin wins every bet he’s made, he stands to collect at least £40,000 (or $62,000).

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As for Mappin, the Trump bettor, he’s almost as colorful and controversial a character as the man he’s predicting will become president. Mappin says his family once earned a fortune in the British silver trade. And he’s now put his money to use by buying Camelot Castle — in the locale from where King Arthur hailed, Mappin notes — and turning it into a hotel of sorts, a kind of Downton Abbey that’s open to the public. Mappin is also well known as a member of the Church of Scientology.

Aside from placing big bets on Trump, Mappin is hoping to connect with the candidate in other ways. He’s planning on launching a television channel from his castle and producing a program interviewing celebrities and other prominent figures. Trump is on the must-have list. “I have extended an outreach,” Mappin says.

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Donald Trump's biggest fan is a British Scientology member who lives in a castle

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