jeudi 12 mai 2016

Who killed Flo Barnett, Shelly Miscavige's Mother Restiumlate David Miscavige's O/W

Just ran into this affidavit from the previous COB of RTC - Vicky Aznaran. OMG!

Sounds like her confessional except it gives the TRUTH about the crimes and criminals in Scientology. This is amazing history I never knew.


Flo Barnett's suicide was a scandal within the inner circles

of Scientology. This was not due to the fact that she supposedly

committed suicide, but due to the f act that she had become a

member of a declared. enemy group, David Mayo's Advanced Ability

Center. She was receiving auditing and assistance from this group

and at the time of her death, possessed a pack of the NED for OTS

(secret upper level auditing procedures) which were believed to

have come from David Mayo's group. Flo Barnett's membership in

this group made her a suppressive person as she was actively

"squirreling" and a member of a suppressive group. The fact that

David Miscavige was linked to her by familial ties was extremely

repugnant to him and to his wife, Michelle Miscavige. David

Miscavige's comment upon her death was that "the bitch got what

she deserved." His wife Shelly, did not appear to feel any

different about it than David. I asked Shelly if she was doing

alright since receiving this bad news. She said that personally

she was doing just fine and that this was an excellent

opportunity to find out where the NED for OTs materials had come

from and to use it as leverage against Mayo. She also stated that

it was not surprising that this happened to her mother since she

had been "squirelling". The circumstances of the deaths of both

Flo Barnett and Yvonne Jentzsch are very relevant to the issues

in this case, as I understand them to be.

Who killed Flo Barnett, Shelly Miscavige's Mother Restiumlate David Miscavige's O/W

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