samedi 21 mai 2016

Sticking my toe in...

Hello everyone.

New to the forum here, but I have been lurking around for some time now.
A brief (albeit necessarily vague) personal history:
i was in the SO for many years including time on the RPF--Fun with a capital F, that! This was in the US sometime in the last 20 years.
I would have left years earlier than I did, but as I'm sure many people here know, it is intentionally very difficult to do so ESPECIALLY when many close friends and family are still in.

im out now though. Out for good. I'm raising my own family and am happy to report any kids of mine will never be pressured into leaving home at some absurd age to slave away for premise an hour in sleep deprived desperation.

Thanks in advance to everyone here and elsewhere online making the truth known and providing resources for recovering people like me!
p.s. I do hope I was sufficiently vague to give you fine folks over at OSA a challenge, but I also recognize that the more I post, the more likely you are to connect the dots. Probably best to move along though. I'm super tame right now. Threaten to force my family to disconnect from me, harass me or my family and there is no end to the hell I will rain down when I no longer GAF.
Sticking my toe in...

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