Franklin Graham promotes Scientology propaganda in anti-marijuana Facebook rant.
Raw Story: Franklin Graham promotes Scientology propaganda in anti-marijuana Facebook rant
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Franklin Graham promotes Scientology propaganda in anti-marijuana Facebook rant
Lorraine Berry
02 MAY 2016 AT 15:22 ET
Franklin Graham, Christian evangelist and son of Billy Graham, took to Facebook over the weekend to detail the evils of marijuana. So far, the post has been shared 7,299 times by Christians who may not be aware that the link he posted as evidence of the deleterious effects of pot was written by Scientologys Foundation for a Drug-Free World.
The medical research he offered to back up his views of marijuana came straight from the Scientology web site. In addition to destroying ones mind, causing panic attacks, and being implicated in cancer, the Scientologists warn that marijuana can make men sterile. Even more frightening are the effects on the fetus:
Cannabis is one of the few drugs which causes abnormal cell division which leads to severe hereditary defects. A pregnant woman who regularly smokes marijuana or hashish may give birth prematurely to an undersized, underweight baby. Over the last ten years, many children of marijuana users have been born with reduced initiative and lessened abilities to concentrate and pursue life goals. Studies also suggest that prenatal (before birth) use of the drug may result in birth defects, mental abnormalities and increased risk of leukemia in children, the article says.
Last year, The Daily Beast criticized the Foundation for a Drug-Free World for its reliance on fear tactics to keep schoolchildren and others from trying pot. The magazine printed a statement from a spokesperson who argued that the Foundations approach to drug-use prevention was based on sound methods:
Megan Fialkoff, spokeswoman for the Foundation for a Drug-Free World, defended its validity in a statement to The Daily Beast. [Its] is a secular, nonprofit public benefit corporation that empowers youth and adults with factual information about drugs so they can make informed decisions and live drug-free, says Fialkoff. No one, especially a young person, likes to be lectured about what he or she can or cannot do. Thus, we provide the facts that empower youth to choose not to take drugs in the first place.
Why would Graham cite Scientologists on marijuana? Why not check with the National Institutes of Health. While acknowledging that medicines containing THC are being used to treat nausea caused by chemotherapy and increase appetite in patients who have severe weight loss from HIV/AIDS, the NIHs site lists a number of articles that point out the dangers of marijuana usage.
Perhaps Franklin Graham spoke with FOX host Greta Van Susteren and her husband, John Coale, when they journeyed to Cambodia together. Van Susteren and Coale are long-time members of the Church of Scientology.
Gospel Herald Ministries reported that Graham asked his followers to pray for Coale when he underwent open-heart surgery in 2015. Graham described the couple as close friends, and noted that they had been huge contributors to his charity, Samaritans Purse.
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Franklin Graham promotes Scientology propaganda in anti-marijuana Facebook rant
Raw Story: Franklin Graham promotes Scientology propaganda in anti-marijuana Facebook rant
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Franklin Graham promotes Scientology propaganda in anti-marijuana Facebook rant
Lorraine Berry
02 MAY 2016 AT 15:22 ET
Franklin Graham, Christian evangelist and son of Billy Graham, took to Facebook over the weekend to detail the evils of marijuana. So far, the post has been shared 7,299 times by Christians who may not be aware that the link he posted as evidence of the deleterious effects of pot was written by Scientologys Foundation for a Drug-Free World.
The medical research he offered to back up his views of marijuana came straight from the Scientology web site. In addition to destroying ones mind, causing panic attacks, and being implicated in cancer, the Scientologists warn that marijuana can make men sterile. Even more frightening are the effects on the fetus:
Cannabis is one of the few drugs which causes abnormal cell division which leads to severe hereditary defects. A pregnant woman who regularly smokes marijuana or hashish may give birth prematurely to an undersized, underweight baby. Over the last ten years, many children of marijuana users have been born with reduced initiative and lessened abilities to concentrate and pursue life goals. Studies also suggest that prenatal (before birth) use of the drug may result in birth defects, mental abnormalities and increased risk of leukemia in children, the article says.
Last year, The Daily Beast criticized the Foundation for a Drug-Free World for its reliance on fear tactics to keep schoolchildren and others from trying pot. The magazine printed a statement from a spokesperson who argued that the Foundations approach to drug-use prevention was based on sound methods:
Megan Fialkoff, spokeswoman for the Foundation for a Drug-Free World, defended its validity in a statement to The Daily Beast. [Its] is a secular, nonprofit public benefit corporation that empowers youth and adults with factual information about drugs so they can make informed decisions and live drug-free, says Fialkoff. No one, especially a young person, likes to be lectured about what he or she can or cannot do. Thus, we provide the facts that empower youth to choose not to take drugs in the first place.
Why would Graham cite Scientologists on marijuana? Why not check with the National Institutes of Health. While acknowledging that medicines containing THC are being used to treat nausea caused by chemotherapy and increase appetite in patients who have severe weight loss from HIV/AIDS, the NIHs site lists a number of articles that point out the dangers of marijuana usage.
Perhaps Franklin Graham spoke with FOX host Greta Van Susteren and her husband, John Coale, when they journeyed to Cambodia together. Van Susteren and Coale are long-time members of the Church of Scientology.
Gospel Herald Ministries reported that Graham asked his followers to pray for Coale when he underwent open-heart surgery in 2015. Graham described the couple as close friends, and noted that they had been huge contributors to his charity, Samaritans Purse.
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