mardi 31 mai 2016

DM as a WOG

I recently completed Leah Remini's wonderful book, Troublemaker. In the book, one sees a bit of the personality of David Miscavige.

Leah reveals the events surrounding Tom Cruise's wedding in Italy. According to the book, there were many, many awkward moments caused by the clumsy and heavy-handed attempted manipulations of David Miscavige. It appears as though DM and TC were hoping to create a magnificent and lovely storybook SCIENTOLOGY wedding so the adoring paparazzi would flock to Scientology.

But normal folks don't respond to DavidM or TomC the way Scientologists would, and certainly not the way an SO member would. The wedding was a PR disaster. With a drunken Norman Starkey grabbing Brooke Shields and SO goons hanging around, why wouldn't it be a fun time? BECAUSE STAFF SCIENTOLOGISTS ARE WEIRD IN SOCIAL SETTINGS.

DM and TC were trying to position JayLo and her husband, Mark Antony close to the wedding couple. But JayLo was only there as a fun thing to do with Leah. JayLo wasn't really close to TC or Katie.

DM and TC were using Leah to create a contrived closeness with THE OTHER CELEB COUPLE, JayLo and Mark. JayLo took a pass.

It's apparent to me that DM is way over his head as top Scieno exec and has no idea how to fix his Church. Dave's formative years were as an SO exec, not a junior level manager learning all the posts and working his way up. Was Dave a body router? a reg? a course supervisor? a letter reg? No, no, no. The world outside of Scientology is nothing like the SO. Non-Scientologists aren't all about compliance or flowing power to power. The SO exec personality was invented by LRH and isn't capable of fixing the organization, but very good at punishing. Dave is GREAT AT PUNISHMENT. Dave's only public foray was on Nightline with Ted Koppel. Dave's comments were rehearsed and rehearsed. Like an actor learning his lines.

Dave has NO experience with folks outside of the COS (who are not employed by him). This equates to NO UNDERSTANDING of the non-Scientologist and this explains his complete inability to get new people into Scientology.

Dave's ONE MAJOR SKILL is being able to intimidate SO members by carrying out punishments. That one skill has served him well. It's the same skill set dictators have.

I see DM in a mental cage, falling back on the only skills he has--building orgs and punishing people, hoping someone of substance will acknowledge him.

We can expect to see more stupid decisions and more punishments and more buildings, but not much in the way of expansion.
DM as a WOG

Journalist in Ireland

Hello everyone!
I'm a journalist in Dublin looking to have a chat with an ex-member for a few minutes. Message me if you'd be up for a quick call. My only requirement would be that you speak English. Thank you!
Journalist in Ireland

lundi 30 mai 2016

Justification and Rationalization in Scientology

Justification and Rationalization in Scientology.

Mike Rinder: Justification and Rationalization

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

Another thoughtful piece from our Special Correspondent who brought us An Evaluation of Scientology and Fear: That Which Drives Scientology.

Justification and Rationalization in Scientology

Rationalization of doctrine occurs in all religions. From the moment one is introduced to the creeds and canons of a church, he’s forced to make sense out of the illogical and absurd if he has any chance at salvation. Scientology is no exception.

Making excuses for material that doesn’t make sense, but which one is expected to accept as true, becomes a way of life for church members. This is especially true in The Church of Scientology where nearly every aspect of the organization must be rationalized to one degree or another if one is to go OT—become an authentic Operating Thetan—and remain in their good graces.

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *

Topic Headings:

Justification of Ethics Abuse

Rationalizing the Purification Rundown

Rationalizing the Survival Rundown

Rationalizing Study

Rationalizing and Justifying Staff not Applying Tech and Policy

Orgs Rationalizing Failing Stats and Insolvency

Rationalization of Programs

Rationalization of Things-That-No-Longer-Are

Rationalization for Ideal Orgs

Rationalization for Overt Products Put out by Golden Era Studios and Bridge Publications

Rationalizations In the Chair

Rationalizations of End Phenomenon

Etc, Etc,

Justification and Rationalization in Scientology

New Scientology front group: Master Learners Academy

New Scientology front group: Master Learners Academy

Please note the following courses are clearly Scientology courses that must be licensed through the Scientology ABLE (Association for Better Living and Education) front group.


The same instructors -- i.e., Rev. Alfreddie Johnson, Jr. and Dr. Larry Muhammad -- and the Master Learners Academy offer a total of four courses.


Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version.  Name: MasterLearnersAcademy.PNG  Views: N/A  Size: 68.3 KB  ID: 12629   Click image for larger version.  Name: MasterLearnersAcademy1.jpg  Views: N/A  Size: 51.7 KB  ID: 12630   Click image for larger version.  Name: MasterLearnersAcademy2.jpg  Views: N/A  Size: 20.6 KB  ID: 12631   Click image for larger version.  Name: MasterLearnersAcademy3.jpg  Views: N/A  Size: 37.8 KB  ID: 12632   Click image for larger version.  Name: MasterLearnersAcademy4.jpg  Views: N/A  Size: 22.3 KB  ID: 12633  

New Scientology front group: Master Learners Academy

Help Scientology Member Marty Buttwinick Beat Pancreatic Cancer

Help Scientology Member Marty Buttwinick Beat Pancreatic Cancer.

The Go Fund Me:

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

Help Marty Beat Pancreatic Cancer

The last thing I thought I would ever be doing in my life is writing a letter to you asking for help. But considering the circumstances, it’s really my only option, so thank you for reading this.

My name is Marty Buttwinick and I was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. It was caught at an early stage and I don’t have any major symptoms, yet, but there it is in plain sight, based on X-rays, CT Scans and a biopsy that were done at USC County Hospital last month. In a nutshell, if this cancer is not handled now, the odds for surviving are not good. And that’s why I need your help: to undergo treatment to contain it and reduce it before it spreads.

Unfortunately, the most effective type of treatment for my situation is not available in the U.S., so I am right now in Europe undergoing the first phase of a three-phase protocol. I personally witnessed a good friend of mine opting to do this European treatment about three years ago and that person not only handled the cancer, but is very much alive and well.

The good news, financially, is that this treatment is relatively economical compared to traditional treatments offered back home, the latter offering only a 6% chance of success. Economical as it is, there are still costs of food, shelter, and not working while undergoing the treatment. That’s why I’m asking for a manageable total of $25,000, which will cover seven more weeks of the European protocol, followed by a doctor-supervised intensive nutrition regimen to take place either at a specialized clinic in New York, or in Mexico.

As a musician, teacher and author, I still have a lot of music to create, students to teach and books to write. And I have lots of friends (and will probably make many new ones because of this unexpected chapter in my life).

So please donate what you can, and share this GoFundMe link with your family, friends and associates so that they may contribute as well.

Thank you so much for your help.


* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *

Marty Buttwinick's Scientology Completions

Marty Buttwinick in Scientology's Published Service Completion Lists

The following 25 individual completions for Marty Buttwinick appear in official Scientology publications:
Marty Buttwinick PURIFICATION RUNDOWN Celebrity 1982-03-01
Marty Buttwinick SUNSHINE RUNDOWN Celebrity 1983-03-01
Marty Buttwinick FINANCIAL RESCUE COURSE Celebrity 220 1988-08-01
Marty Buttwinick CLEAR CERTAINTY RUNDOWN Auditor 221 1988-10-01
Marty Buttwinick ARC STRAIGHTWIRE Auditor 226 1989-07-01
Marty Buttwinick THE DYNAMICS OF MONEY COURSE Celebrity 281 1994-12-01
Marty Buttwinick STUDENT HAT Celebrity 315 1998-11-01
Marty Buttwinick HUBBARD DIANETICS SEMINAR Celebrity 325 2000-05-01
Marty Buttwinick ARC STRAIGHTWIRE Celebrity 341 2002-09-01
Marty Buttwinick SCIENTOLOGY DRUG RUNDOWN Celebrity 341 2002-09-01
Marty Buttwinick POSTULATES CONGRESS Celebrity 365 2005-04-01
Marty Buttwinick FUNDAMENTALS OF THOUGHT COURSE Freewinds 71 2008-03-01
Marty Buttwinick DIANETICS: THE ORIGINAL THESIS COURSE Celebrity 390 2008-06-01
Marty Buttwinick DIANETICS: THE EVOLUTION OF A SCIENCE COURSE Celebrity 390 2008-06-01
Marty Buttwinick FORMULAS FOR LIVING COURSE Celebrity 402 2011-03-01
Marty Buttwinick TRS & OBJECTIVES CO-AUDIT COURSE Celebrity 408 2012-02-01
Marty Buttwinick HOW TO GET MOTIVATED Celebrity 408 2012-02-01
Marty Buttwinick EFFECTIVE TIME MANAGEMENT Celebrity 408 2012-02-01
Marty Buttwinick SETTING AND ACHIEVING YOUR GOALS Celebrity 408 2012-02-01
Marty Buttwinick SCIENTOLOGY PRINCIPLES OF PROSPERITY Celebrity 408 2012-02-01
Marty Buttwinick THE PHILADELPHIA DOCTORATE COURSE Celebrity 412 2013-01-01
Note: The dates listed above are the approximate publication dates of the magazines, which may be weeks or months later than the actual date the service was completed.
Marty Buttwinick in Scientology's Publications

The following 2 mentions of Marty Buttwinick appear in official Scientology publications:
Marty Buttwinick Honor Roll of the IAS Impact 102 2002-12-01
Marty Buttwinick Honor Roll Impact 114 2006-09-01
Note: The dates listed above are the approximate publication dates of the magazines, which may be weeks or months later than the actual date the service was completed.
Marty Buttwinick and the Clear List

Appearances by Marty Buttwinick in my Scientology Statistics Project Clear List database:
Clear No. 15,589 MARTY BUTTWINICK, CC LA Auditor 160

Marty Buttwinick and Scientologist Online Sites

Marty Buttwinick has a Scientologist Online cookie-cutter web site: Marty Buttwinick - Scientologist Online site
Marty Buttwinick and WISE Directories

WISE, the World Institute of Scientology Enterprises, publishes directories listing their members.

Marty Buttwinick appears in a recent WISE directory:
2001 WISE Directory:Category: Publishing

Marty Buttwinick
Sonata Publishing
1277 S. Adams St.

Glendale, CA 91205-3644
United States
Tel. (1) 818-242-7551
Fax (1) 818-242-5551
E-Mail: sonata@[provider].net
Help Scientology Member Marty Buttwinick Beat Pancreatic Cancer

Director of Los Angeles City Film and TV Office Kevin James praises Scientology

Director of Los Angeles City Film and TV Office Kevin James praises Scientology.

From Tony Ortega:

Director of Los Angeles City Film and TV Office Kevin James praises Scientology

LAPD Captain Arturo Sandoval praises Scientology

LAPD Captain Arturo Sandoval praises Scientology.

From Tony Ortega:

LAPD Captain Arturo Sandoval praises Scientology

dimanche 29 mai 2016

Ross & Carrie OH NO Podcasts - Ross and Carrie Audit Scientology

Tony Ortega wrote an article in February that outlined Ross Blocher and Carrie Poppy who explore fringe beliefs and pseudoscience by experiencing it for themselves.

‘Are you 100 percent American?’ — ‘Ross & Carrie’ investigate joining Scientology

These two gutsy journalists made an 8-part podcast series about their investigations and adventures while checking out the Church of Scientology. They start with taking a personality test (February 2016) and get up to the purification rundown (May 2016). This is an excellent 8 part podcast series and so worth listening to whether you are an ex-scientologist, a never-in, or scientology watcher.

Here are the links and synopsis of all 8 parts of the podcast....

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Ross & Carrie OH NO
Ross and Carrie Audit Scientology

Part 1: Going Preclear
Ross and Carrie stop by “Big Blue”, Scientology’s L.A. Ideal Org. They come for the free personality test, but stay for two additional tests and a sales pitch. Do they sign up for classes? Does Carrie need to fix her relationship before it’s broken? Is Ross 100% American? Find out in the first part of the investigation you’ve all been waiting for.

Part 2: We Stand Tall
Ross continues taking his Personal Efficiency course, and Carrie visits the semi-exclusive Scientology New Year's party. Which one of them is accidentally sent into a Sea Org meeting? Who is given a free Church membership? What on Earth is an "upset"? And who the heck is Ross Blocker? The answers are within.

Part 3: Create-Create-Create
It's the next leg in our bizarre and amazing Scientology journey. Ross moves on to Scientology's "advanced" personal efficiency course, and finds it anything but efficient. As the only student in the entire class, he gets the chance to ask a lot of good questions, and get a lot of strange answers. Meanwhile, Carrie listens along with you and marks every inefficient teaching with a slide whistle. Plus, we learn that the Scientologists already lied to Ross about one of their teachings. Check it out, and get confused!

Part 4: Dianetics and Volcanoes
The "fun" continues as Ross and Carrie get certified in Dianetics. The pair spend 22 hours at the Church over a single weekend, learning how experiences are encoded in our cells, what an "engram" is, and how to audit your friends for neither fun, nor profit. Plus, find out the secret menu item for Scientologist vegetarians.

Part 5: L. Ron Hubbard Life Exhibition
Join Ross and Carrie on a visit to the L. Ron Hubbard Life Exhibition. Let your eyes widen as you hear the various questionable biographical details of the founder's life, from being the youngest-ever Eagle Scout to performing microbiological studies... by himself. Plus, Carrie tests the e-meter, Ross recounts a previous visit where he was ejected from the building, and we review the official Scientology literature on the controversial practice of "disconnecting" from loved ones who question the Church.

Part 6: The Celebrity Center
We can't think of a better way to spend a Sunday morning than to enjoy a nice brunch at the Scientology Celebrity Center. We can think of few worse ways than to attend a breaking-into-the-industry seminar that starts 40 minutes late and goes for two hours. Find out how Tom Hanks made it big, and learn how to maximize your confront!

Part 7: The Way to Happiness
We've finally got what you've been looking for: the meaning of life. Yes, you've been thinking to yourself, "How can I be ultimately happy?" Well, the answer is in a 70-page booklet called "The Way to Happiness," that is IN NO WAY affiliated with the Church of Scientology, other than being written by its founder, L. Ron Hubbard. And the organization which distributes said booklet is IN NO WAY Scientologist, other than being run by members of the Church.

Part 8: The Purification Rundown Rundown
Ross prepares for Scientology's hardcore detoxification program, in which he will sweat out his toxins in a sauna, chug niacin, and drink gross water until he's free of the harmful effects of... peas? Meanwhile, Carrie digs into the dirt of what actually happens in one's body during the rundown, and gets a formal invitation to Sunday Service. Then, join our duo as they attend the weekly service and read LRH's hilariously redundant words of wisdom. And finally, find out how they're found out. Will Ross and Carrie be kicked out of Scientology? Who knows!

Ross & Carrie OH NO Podcasts - Ross and Carrie Audit Scientology

vendredi 27 mai 2016

Panama papers and Scientology completions

Panama papers and Scientology completions.

From TrevAnon on WWP.

* * * * * BEGIN QUOTATION * * * * *

Recently the Sunday times has put a file on the net with all the names that come up in the Panama Papers.
I have checked these names against completions. Now that in itself doesn't prove ANYTHING. If there is a John Doe in completions, and there is a John Doe in the Panama papers, that in itself in no way proves these are one and the same person.
Ok... and now I think you have already guessed that for some of the names in the Panama Papers I have found that exactly the same names are also in completions!
Enclosed you find a file with the original lines from the Sunday Times file for only the names that I also found in completions.
IMPORTANT: this is the result of an automated process using "vertical search" with EXACT comparison. That also is the reason why it is a small file. There are over 500,000 lines in the Sunday Times file, here I have only 571. A LOT of the entries in the Sunday Times file have "baptism names" (do not know the right English word), and completions only have first and last name.
So it's a long stretch, you should be aware of that. However: finding a needle in a haystack while not knowing if there is a needle at all is much harder than finding a needle in - say - a bucket full of hay.
Here goes for all you fellow researchers out there.

P.S. There also was a George Allen with > 10000 lines, who is also in completions. I deleted him to have a manageable file.

* * * * * END QUOTATION * * * * *

Panama Papers Person lines in
Attached Files
Panama papers and Scientology completions

Scientology is backwards !

How can be that scientology is backwards ?

It puts attention on what is wrong. Put attention on what is wrong gets, you guessed it, more of what is wrong.
Wake & think what an awful day it is going to be - keep thinking all day. See what happens!
That is what scientology auditing does - gets a person to think about, dwell on, wallow in, what's wrong.

Hey, what if instead of looking back on when you broke you leg & how much it hurt & all that . . .

What if it when went more like this :

When were you having fun ?

Who or what What from you joy ?

Who or what did you love ?

What was a good time ? With who ?

And so on - lotsa good ( so-called ) listening questions !

REHAB the pleasure moments instead of wallowing in what was wrong !
Scientology is backwards !

The Bulverism of Independent Scientology Milestone Two, and indeed all Scientology

The Bulverism of Independent Scientology Milestone Two, and indeed all Scientology.

Bulverism is a logical fallacy. Wikipedia further explains:

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

Bulverism is a name for a logical fallacy that combines a genetic fallacy with circular reasoning. The method of Bulverism is to "assume that your opponent is wrong, and explain his error". The Bulverist assumes a speaker's argument is invalid or false and then explains why the speaker is so mistaken, attacking the speaker or the speaker's motive. The term "Bulverism" was coined by C. S. Lewis[1] to poke fun at a very serious error in thinking that, he alleges, recurs often in a variety of religious, political, and philosophical debates.
Similar to Antony Flew's "Subject/Motive Shift", Bulverism is a fallacy of irrelevance. One accuses an argument of being wrong on the basis of the arguer's identity or motive, but these are strictly speaking irrelevant to the argument's validity or truth. But it is also a fallacy of circular reasoning, since it assumes, rather than argues, that one's opponent is wrong.

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *

Similarly, the Rational Wiki explains:

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

Bulverism the logical fallacy of assuming without discussion that a person is wrong and then distracting his or her attention from this (the only real issue) by explaining how that person became so silly, usually associating it to a psychological condition. The fallacy deals with secondary questions about ideas rather than the primary one, thus avoiding the basic question or evading the issues raised by trains of reasoning. It is essentially dodging your opponent's argument by treating them like a psychological patient who needs your evaluation to explain why they came up with such a ridiculous argument in the first place.The fallacy was coined by C.S. Lewis in his essay, "First and Second things". [edit]Strict usage

The form of the Bulverism fallacy can be expressed as follows:You claim that A is true.Because of B, you personally desire that A should be true.Therefore, A is false.orYou claim that A is false.Because of B, you personally desire that A should be false.Therefore, A is true.[h=[edit]Examples]2[/h]

[edit]See also

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *

Logical Gal explains the derivation of the name as follows:

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

Have you ever heard of Ezekiel Bulver? He’s an imaginary 5-year old, immortalized by CS Lewis in brief hypothetical transformative moment of this young man’s life.” ….. Ezekiel Bulver, whose destiny was determined at the age of five when he heard his mother say to his father – who had been maintaining that two sides of a triangle were together greater than the third – “Oh, you say that because you are a man.”At that moment,” E. Bulver assures us, “there flashed across my opening mind the great truth that refutation is no necessary part of argument. Assume your opponent is wrong, and then explain his error, and the world will be at your feet.” (essay read to the Socratic Club at Oxford in 1941)What CS Lewis describes in story form is none other than the Genetic Fallacy. Remember that fallacies are often used IN PLACE OF reason, either to make a case OR to attack an opponent’s claim.This kind of low blow attempts to discredit the speaker by talking about his or her origins.To wit:
  • What do you expect from someone over 40?
  • You’re only saying that because you’re a conservative!
  • Of course they would argue that way, look at what they have to gain!

Do you see how these retorts are likely to distract the recipient from the merits of the argument in question? Tactical parries of this sort often lead someone on a fruitless bunny trail away from the meat of the discussion itself.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *

The Independent Scientology Milestone Two essay at issue is:

Vengeful attacks

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

Vengeful attacks

Posted by Lana M.

May 28, 2016

by Bruce C

For anyone who has experienced personal gains from L. Ron Hubbard’s works and writings and is unwilling to be denied their value it can be abrading, or at least questioning, to read popular smears against the founder of Scientology. The latest I have seen was written by Hana Eltringham, a well-known and once-respected name in the Sea Org in which she accuses Ron of “being always right.”

There has also been a recent post to Mike Rinder’s blog from a person who reported to be a current online Scientologist and well trained Data Series Analyst (none of which is proved) who began an exposé with a brilliant situation analysis and in her findings proceeded to squat deliver diarrhea all over Hubbard’s face based on her personal opinions.

Note: I have not provided links here. If you are that interested in reading this tripe then feel free to search for it online. It’s there.

The first thing I consider about these is ARC-X revenge of some sort. Certainly, there is can be the MWH phenomena at work. There is also a huge gray-zone between PTS and SP, for better or worse an area never better delineated than in SOS. And yes, I am using Scientology acronyms, mainly because if you don’t know them, then you are not informed enough to make worthy comment about any of this.

Volumes can and should be written about Ron’s tech and how it has/could/can reach the world into which it was delivered. But its evaluation should always be viewed given the disparity (gap) between our present society and truth. It is one thing to bring about a truth that will set man free, but bring it against man’s long dedication to being man.

Let’s keep it simple here. To me, the basic tech of the ARC Triangle, that alone, is miles above any tech ever seen on or considered on this planet, inclusive of Buddhism, Christianity, or any “ism” which has attempted to move mankind forward in a better direction; though each of them included the ARC principle somewhere and somehow in its tenets.

Yet, these writers attack. Hana for instance denies all case gain from OTIII. What she did not write about is her success stories and attestation from her auditing. The best (if not only) explanation here is that she lied.

And now we are to be believed by Hana. Right?

There is, unfortunately, a lesson to be carried on here. PC’s did evidently promote their ser-fac personages over actual case gain. That is a sad revelation but undeniably true. Also true is Ron’s statement in CS-Series 20 that he had originally underestimated the insanity of mankind.

When I consider the accomplishments that Ron envisioned for his technology, I consider them to be of a better perspective and confront of evil than I could have ever, or even now presume. Going into the unknown is sometimes, even with the best of study, unknown.

For what it’s worth, no, I do not always abide with Ron’s policies. I like to think he would respect me for that. For one, I was there in the Toronto’s so-called boom days, and even as an auditor in the HGC, I had to seek outside income (Canadian Socialism) in order to pay my rent and assuage my hunger. There is no way I can justify that lapse in HCO-PL’s even tho there was written about auditor pay bonuses.

Ron has written (sorry, paraphrased) that the first thing they do is attack him rather than his technology. How true, it’s easier after all, right? But when ex-Scientologists, even when long-term and well-known names within the past Scientology community, start attacking Ron rather than his technology, know well that they are taking an ARC breaky, vengeful, and easy line of attack.

I wish they had gotten the full case gain that they had claimed in their Success Stories. But their loss is theirs, not Ron’s. Most of us had real successes.

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *

In this essay Bruce C as writer, Lana Mitchell as editor, and Independent Scientology Milestone Two demonstrate not only their sadly impaired and defective reasoning ability, but also provide an example of Bulverism that would make C.S. Lewis proud. They assume, without evidence, analysis or rational thought that Hana Eltringham and the recent critic on Mike Rinder's blog are wrong, then explain why they are so wrong -- e.g., "ARC-X revenge," "MWH phenomena" (i.e., missed withhold phenenomena), that they fall in the "huge gray-zone between PTS and SP," or they "promote[d] their ser-fac personages over actual case gain."

Nowhere do Bruce C as writer, Lana Mitchell as editor, and Independent Scientology Milestone Two address on the merits the emperical observations and arguments by Hana Eltringham and the recent critic on Mike Rinder's blog. Indeed, they are such non-confront cowards that they won't even link to them. Instead, Bruce C as writer, Lana Mitchell as editor, and Independent Scientology Milestone Two assume they are right, and deign to explain why Hana Eltringham and the recent critic on Mike Rinder's blog.

In my experience, this defective and logically fallacious form of argument is common not only within Independent Scientology, but also also within the broader world of Scientology, whether represented by the corporate Church of Scientology, Indies, or the Freezone. They all, in my experience, assume without evidence, thought or analysis that any criticism or negative empirical observations are wrong, and then mistakenly think it is a valid form of argument to only provide the psychological or "case" reasons why you have such mistaken beliefs.
The Bulverism of Independent Scientology Milestone Two, and indeed all Scientology

Reviewing the Chairman of the Board and the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is suspiciously absent. There's no knowing anywhere who these members are or where they're at.

If one goes to the website of RTC one can read all about David Miscavige and that's it. Here's the site map url:

If you go there nowhere will you be able to locate the Board of Directors or see who they are - although you can select "contact" and then see all the MEST offices of RTC sans any people or "terminals" as we like to call them.

And then, of course, you can read all about Miscavige and this here quote: "In 1987, Mr. David Miscavige became the Chairman of the Board of Religious Technology Center." That's roughly 30 years as the Board Chair and that's in waaaaaaaaaaaaay too long by any standards anywhere.

Here's 20 Questions About Boards in which this comment is made:

18. Do boards have term or age limits?

Some boards have term limits and age limits and others do not. The National Association of Corporate Directors recommends term limits of 10 to 15 years to promote turnover and obtain fresh ideas. Age limits range from 70 to 80 years old, and many companies have no limit at all. Without term or age limits it is often difficult for companies to suggest to board members that they retire or leave.

And here's an argument from 5 Reasons Board Leaders Should Have Term Limits.

1. See above. Term limits provide a painless way for people who aren't doing a good job to retire gracefully and automatically. Admittedly, this is a pragmatic argument—and the downside is that a chair who is doing a fantastic job may get forced out early. But I've never heard a real-life complaint about term limits. And I've heard many complaints about their absence.

2. Term limits help with recruitment. Serving as a board chair requires an intensive commitment of time and energy. Prospective chairs are more likely to agree to serve if they know the office has an expiration date.

3. Term limits force organizations to develop new leaders. Boards that know they'll need a new chair every few years are more likely to recruit new members with an eye toward future leadership roles. And board candidates who want to build their own leadership skills will be more likely to say yes if they know there are opportunities to lead.

4. Term limits help with fund raising. A board chair is potentially one of an organization's most powerful volunteer fund raisers. But chairs who serve for many years may exhaust their Rolodexes and grow tired of making the ask. Leadership transitions provide an opportunity to engage new prospects who have relationships with the new leader.

5. Term limits lead to healthier boards. Admittedly, this is a catch-all intended to cover three or four other good arguments—because five is a nice round number. Board chair term limits reduce the likelihood that a few individuals will dominate board discussions and decisions. They provide periodic injections of new energy and ideas. And they help prevent board-chair burnout.

But then, we are talking about a non-profit board so let's look at this for commentary: A Nonprofit's Board of Directors - What is a Board?

The board of directors is the governing body of a nonprofit. Individuals who sit on the board are responsible for overseeing the organization’s activities. Board members meet periodically to discuss and vote on the affairs of the organization. At a minimum, an annual meeting must occur with all board members present. Additional meetings are likely to take place throughout the year so board members can discuss and make other necessary decisions. Board memberships are not set up to be permanent positions; most organizations have terms set up for board members, which typically fall between two and five years.

So then I looked up the Top 100 Non Profits just to look at their websites and see if I could find their Board of Directors - of which there would be a member who was the Chairman of the Board holding the Chair.

I just went to the website of the first 5 on this list and in every case with a few clicks I was introduced to the Board and there was no "shows" of MEST offices or anything spiritual like that.

Every one of these non-profits, so far, broadly disseminate when the next Board meeting is scheduled. Scientology doesn't do that.

Why does Scientology not have a Board? Where are the Directors? Who cares about the MEST offices? Why would there be a focus on those?






RTC Sand Castle


RTC Denmark


RTC Flagship

On every single website of these various Scientology joints you can read all about Miscavige. YAWN!

What organization would parade a bunch of posh and empty offices? How spiritual is that? LOOK AT OUR MEST!!! WE HAVE MEST!!!

Board of Directors?

We don't need no stinkin' Board of Directors!
Reviewing the Chairman of the Board and the Board of Directors

jeudi 26 mai 2016

Auditing David Miscavage

Ron Hubbard - got lots of auditing - MSH audited him, Lucy Malveric ( spelling?) did as did many others. On the Clearing Course movies he has a big stack of folders, and there's the famous Otto Roos fesing debacle. Gobs of auditing. On a BC tape he says he's an easy pc - he always answers the question, no matter how wrong headed. He waxes poetic how he has been asked by auditors how to run the process, etc. When Lucy (if I recall correctly) miscalled a read, afterwards he blew a gasket, he threw the book at her, and she was knee deep in shit.

He wanted to get his case handled. He was solo auditing to the very end.

David? This is a different bird. He ceased getting auditing, and it is easy to imagine why. He has removed or declared anybody that could possibly replace him. Those that could audit him? David Mayo? Jesse Prince? Gone. Mike Rinder has said that David is no longer a Scientologist. Interesting opinion.

To me, he thinks everybody is beneath him. Thus there's no one, in all of Scienodom, who has altitude over him. There's no one he would get his withholds off to. There could be no session, because he wouldn't be willing effect of his auditior. He couldn't share his inner thoughts. Imagine a session:

Do you have an arcx? (F)

Laureese fucked up again. (dirty needle)

Has Laureese missed a withhold on you? (LF)

Listen asshole - she fucked up! Don't ask me for a withhold, you idiot. Pull her fucking overts.

Yes sir.

See how it would go?

Auditing David Miscavage

AMC's new show "Preacher"

Did anyone else watch the pilot? I don't want to ruin anything but there's a line about the Cruiser from a newscast playing on a tv in a bar. Check it out, it's very funny!
AMC's new show "Preacher"

Was a member

Back in the seventies I was involved in the Auckland Org volunteering most nights. My father was a minister hence my involvement. In spite of being "the most ethical" people he managed to justify abandoning my sister & myself, my half brother Andrew and a set of triplets (my other half brother & sisters) - there may be others I don't know about. I'd like to try & contact them and a friend Elena Inta mentioned on pages here.

And if anybody is watching it seems a little short sighted to ask me to "Please read and understand the following: Announcement of Cessation of Hostilities - a Truce and Moratorium on Personal Attacks." when I don't have the permission to do so.

Was a member

Caitlyn Jenner tries to help Kate Bornstein see her Scientology disconnected daughter

Mike Rinder and Caitlyn Jenner try to help Kate Bornstein see her Scientology disconnected daughter.

Tony Ortega has the story. I'll excerpt it only briefly below.

Tony Ortega: What you didn’t see on ‘I Am Cait’: Kate Bornstein and Caitlyn Jenner at Scientology HQ

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

But then, away from the cameras, Jenner brought the subject up with her.

“Caitlyn asked me later, what’s up with your daughter? Have you gotten back to see her? No, I told her. I’d sent her a letter, birthday cards. I’d done an Internet search and found that she was living in Tarpon Springs, Florida. But then she had transferred to Los Angeles with a Sea Org command team. I learned that from [former Scientology spokesman] Mike Rinder,” Kate says.

“Caitlyn said, wait she’s in Los Angeles? I showed Cait the picture I have of her. She said ‘Let’s go see her!’ That’s how she is,” Bornstein says with a laugh. “I’ll go with you, she said. You will? I asked. Yeah! she said. That’s how it came up. Caitlyn is a champion. That role for her is comfortable and she knows how to walk that walk. She will champion people’s rights. And she will fight injustice. And so she agreed to come with me to Scientology.”

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

“Mike Rinder had pulled a few strings and found where Jessica was stationed and what her office was,” Kate says.

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Caitlyn Jenner tries to help Kate Bornstein see her Scientology disconnected daughter

mercredi 25 mai 2016

Sciobot Ad on ABC Family

I some how posted this to a blog the other day instead of here... Anyone know about this??

May 15th:

I am in Nebraska don't ask why I just am...

Channel surfing to see if there is intelligent entertainment available when I click on the cable ABC Family channel.

There before my eyes during the movie Aladdin is the sciobot ad playing in all it's glory.

So what is THAT all about... if ABC will take money from them I just wonder if they would take advertising from Isis or kiddie porn distributors or who ever has the bucks.

Freedom of the press does not extend to advertisers - anyone can turn down advertisers.

Anybody else seen the ad playing recently??

Sciobot Ad on ABC Family

11 am Sat 5/28 Stop Scientology Disconnection protest at SMP Opening

11 am Sat 5/28 Stop Scientology Disconnection protest at Scientology Media Productions Opening.

* * * * * BEGIN QUOTATION * * * * *

Sid (Phil Jones) • 10 hours ago

SMP Grand Opening Protest

This Saturday we'll be doing a peaceful protest during the opening of the new SMP property. We have plenty of Call Me magnetic car signs, as well as hand held ones for walking around. We'll be meeting up at Barnsdall Shopping Plaza in the parking lot on Saturday at 11am to distribute signs and give instructions. That's the corner of Vermont and Hollywood Blvd.

We'd love it if we could get a good crowd of people out so any L.A. people who can come along and join us it would be great to see you there. Also, if you have video cameras please bring them. It would be good for everyone's safety if we had lots of cameras rolling. Then there would be no 'misunderstandings' as to what we are doing.

I look forward to seeing you there.


Edit to add: We'll be near the Rite Aid. You'll see our car with the Call Me signs on it.

* * * * * END QUOTATION * * * * *

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11 am Sat 5/28 Stop Scientology Disconnection protest at SMP Opening

Ghostbusters star Leslie Jones Reveals She Was Once a Telemarketer for Scientology

Ghostbusters star Leslie Jones Reveals She Was Once a Telemarketer for Scientology.

Many websites are carrying the same story. I'll just pick one.

US Magazine: ‘SNL' Star Leslie Jones Was Once a Telemarketer for Scientology: ‘It Was a Very Easy Interview’

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

Another star with a Scientology past! Leslie Jones revealed on The Ellen DeGeneres Show on Wednesday, May 25, that she once had a job as a telemarketer for Scientology before her big break on Saturday Night Live.

“You were a telemarketer for Scientology?” DeGeneres asked the comedian.

“Yeah, they kinda still don’t know I’m not a Scientologist,” she said. “Thanks for blowing my cover, Ellen!”

The actress, 48, who appeared on the talk show with her Ghostbusters costars Kate McKinnon, Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy, explained how she got the odd job. “I lived in Glendale. I needed to pay the rent, and it was a very easy interview. I just acted crazy,” she joked. “Oh, my God, I’m sorry, Scientologists, for revealing things,” she said, staring at the camera with a blank face.

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Ghostbusters star Leslie Jones Reveals She Was Once a Telemarketer for Scientology

Scientology expose Troublemaker author Leah Remini booking speaking engagements

Scientology expose Troublemaker author Leah Remini booking speaking engagements.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version.  Name: LeahReminiSpeakingEngagements.PNG  Views: N/A  Size: 41.0 KB  ID: 12613  
Scientology expose Troublemaker author Leah Remini booking speaking engagements

mardi 24 mai 2016

Are Course Completion Lists from the Church of Scientology of Denver fraudulent?

Are Course Completion Lists from the Church of Scientology of Denver fraudulent?

From a Special Correspondent to Mike Rinder. Please go to Mike's blog for his correspondent's very thorough analysis.

Mike Rinder: Completion Lists

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

Hey Mike,

I just got Issue 427 of “Integrity”, the Denver Org’s magazine.

I’ve attached the completion list from issue 425 that you posted earlier and Issue 427. Issue 426 did not have a completion list.

Issue 427’s list includes many completions from issue 425! And they didn’t just accidentally include them – they mixed them in to make it not-so-noticeable.

Completion List issue 425

Completion List issue 427

Here are some observations:

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Are Course Completion Lists from the Church of Scientology of Denver fraudulent?

What I loved in Scientology !

What I loved in Scientology ? Some of the people !

And NOT in order or importance :

Geoff Lewis ( passed on ) downright bigger than life funny back on 8th in LA

TR Bob ( no clue where he is ) Was examiner on 8 th St & La Brea. Was famous for walking around with what he thought was the greatest example of TR O
( He always started bug eyed at everybody ! )

Dean Bleheart ( still in ? ) What a dry sense of humor & really good poet.

Yvonne of CC.( passed on - all too soon ) ) Warm. Wonderful, Could get things done.

Heber ( still in the hole ) Back in the day he was so much fun to be around !!

Sue Hall ( no clue where abouts ) Drop dead gorgeous. Good hearted person.

Carol Fergerson ( spelling ? ) ( still in ? ) Forever course sup that was so warm & wonderful.

Joanie Prather ( ?? ) Beautiful person. Warm friendly. None of celeb nose in the air some had.

Wings Hauser ( still in Hollywood ) Another one who had that bigger-than-life-persona. What a hoot !

Art Webb ( still at Flag ? ) Bus with DM back in the day. Knew him as an auditor in the Sandcastle. he was famous for his TR4 " I'll give you that again ".
Serious guy but not when being an auditor was nice to have a conversation with.

John Dries ( passed on ). A walking encyclopedia of reference long before any " tek vols ". And a wonderful guy.

Julia Salmen. ( passed on ) Nice gentle lady.

Sheesh. So many others really fine people in their own right - nothing to do with the cult.

Some just a conversation or two with. Some long time friends. We each moved on in our own way, but, so many really good people here there & yonder along the way THAT is what I loved while I was in the cult. People I look back & say to myself " I'm so damn glad I got to spend some time with them "!

So many more I passed by in the hall hurrying to get to course, ethics, cramming or session & I didn't then take the time to notice people!.

Please do add some people you enjoyed being with & around !
What I loved in Scientology !

lundi 23 mai 2016

Author Services, Inc. merged out

Author Services, Inc. merged out.

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *


Company Number C1057096

Status merged Out

Incorporation Date 13 October 1981 (over 34 years ago)

Company Type Domestic Stock

Jurisdiction California (US)

Registered Address

United States


Agent Address 6400 CANOGA AVENUE, SUITE 315 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91367

Inactive Directors / Officers


Registry Page

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *

Merged into?????

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *


Company Number C3759414

Status Active

Incorporation Date 25 February 2015 (about 1 year ago)

Company Type Domestic Stock

Jurisdiction California (US)

Registered Address

United States


Agent Address


Directors / Officers


Registry Page

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *

Interestingly, the information for the Florida "Branch" provides information on the directors and officers.

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *


Company Number F15000005044

Status Active

Incorporation Date 13 November 2015 (6 months ago)

Company Type Foreign for Profit

Jurisdiction Florida (US)

Branch Branch of GALAXY PRESS, INC. (California (US))



Directors / Officers

JOHN GOODWIN, director
JOHN GOODWIN, president

Source Florida Department of State Division of Corporations,, 1 Jan 2016

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *

HT - DeathHamster on WWP:
Author Services, Inc. merged out

dimanche 22 mai 2016

Vintage Video of L Ron Hubbard - LYING, LIAR, LIES! Watch L RON Hubbard LIE!

:ohmy::omg::unsure: WOW! RON THE LIAR!

He really is ugly, repulsive and bat shit crazy -

The Commodore (and so forth):wacko:
Vintage Video of L Ron Hubbard - LYING, LIAR, LIES! Watch L RON Hubbard LIE!

VIDEO: Scientology, Louis Farrakhan & the Nation of Islam

VIDEO: Scientology, Louis Farrakhan & the Nation of Islam.

From Allison Hope Weiner at The Lip TV.

* * * * * BEGIN INTRODUCTION * * * * *

Published on May 22, 2016

Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the religious group Nation of Islam for more than three decades, is encouraging African Americans to join the Church of Scientology. This unusual collaboration has lead many to ask why Farrakhan is embracing the church now. Investigative journalist Mark Ebner shares his insight into the church of Scientology and discusses his theories as of to why Farrakhan is started preaching the gospel of Dianetics in this Media Mayhem highlight hosted by Allison Hope Weiner.

* * * * * END INTRODUCTION * * * * *

VIDEO: Scientology, Louis Farrakhan & the Nation of Islam

Can Scientology Cure Asthma?

Can Scientology Cure Asthma?

This is an excellent article from a scientific and skeptical perspective. I'll excerpt only the introduction and the conclusion. Please believe me, you will want to read it all.

Penumbral Jots: Can Scientology Cure Asthma?

* * * * * BEGIN INTRODUCTION * * * * *

The news is hardly ever good for ‘The Church’ of Scientology these days, and with the recent release of a tell-all biography of the current head of the organisation, David Miscavige, by no less a person than his own father, Ron Miscavige, the heat just got a little hotter.

While I personally don’t think Ruthless: Scientology, My Son David Miscavige and Me will give as big a kick as some believe (it has too much the feel of a personal vendetta and remains largely pro-Scientology), it does contain a lot that is of great interest, not least of which is an answer to the question: what turned David Miscavige on to Scientology and set the wheels in motion for him to take over as head of the cult, becoming the alleged megalomaniacal bully of so many accounts?

The answer … is asthma. From The Hollywood Reporter:

“… Ron went back to the beginning of his and David’s story to describe how he introduced 9-year-old David to Scientology … and how the church’s auditing routines helped David with his asthma attacks. Ron described that as the key turning point in David’s life, the moment he decided he would dedicate his life to the church.”

* * * * * END INTRODUCTION * * * * *

* * * * * BEGIN CONCLUSION * * * * *

As with most pseudoscience, these ‘philosophies’ are not harmless. At best they delay or interfere with real effective treatment, at worst they demonise it and withhold it completely. Asthma can be a difficult condition to live with, and many sufferers are understandably desperate to be free of it. They become prime targets for those vying to make a profit with their exclusive panaceas.

Over a quarter of a million people die from asthma every year – and though the fallacious claim that illness “goes away and stays away” with auditing is by no means the worst aspect of the toxic cult that is Scientology, care should be taken that mythical anecdote does not end up lending credence and promoting the false hope of a cure.

* * * * * END CONCLUSION * * * * *
Can Scientology Cure Asthma?

New blog about "joining [Scientology] and helping the members wake up"

New blog about "joining [Scientology] and helping the members wake up."

I somehow think that blogging about this publicly is not a good idea.

The blog is: Mathew Vs Scientology

The inaugural, May 22, 2016 post states:

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

This Blog will follow my new current plan of joining the cult and helping the members wake up. I will document every interaction with them on this blog and see how far up the bridge I can go.

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *

I'll note that an apparently then 15-year-old with the same name in the same country tweeted about Scientology once in 2014.

I'll also note that a person with the same name has liked posts in the Facebook group Scientology Sucks.

Seriously, if anyone can communicate with this person on Facebook or otherwise, you might want to advise him that his plan is perhaps ill-advised.
New blog about "joining [Scientology] and helping the members wake up"

Would Ron Fail This Test?

Take a look at this test:

Self-Assessment on Psychopathy / Narcissistic Personality Disorder

1. I can be very smooth, engaging, charming, slick. I can give a very self-conscious and confident impression, and it is hard to make me speechless; I can talk someone into the ground if needed.
2. I can be very self-assured, opinionated, even a braggart. Sometimes I might have an inflated view of my abilities and be cocky.
3. I can be shrewd, crafty, sly and clever - if needed, I can also be deceptive, unscrupulous, underhanded, manipulative, and dishonest.
4. In my life, I have repeatedly used deceit and deception to cheat, con, or defraud others for my personal gain; to be honest, often I don't have much concern for the feelings and suffering of others.
5. I often don't feel much concern for possible losses or suffering of the persons I leave behind. Actually I feel that some of them didn't deserve it better for their dullness or the way they behaved towards myself.
6. People have told me that I can be quite cold to others. I can be and behave very gregarious - but still, I don't have very warm feelings for the majority of people I'm surrounded with. If such feelings exist, they can pass quickly or turn into open conflict if my interests are violated.
7. I would say that I have a lack of feelings toward people in general; and I know that some people think I am cold, inconsiderate, or call me tactless.
8. If something goes wrong, I rarely take full responsibility but tend to manipulate or to put the blame on others to divert from my own failures.
9. At times, I feel a strong need for novel, thrilling, and exciting stimulation, I get bored easily. This might result in me taking chances and doing things that are risky. Carrying tasks through 'to the bitter end' or staying in the same job for a longer time can feel very difficult for me.
10. Significant amounts of the money I have made I have made by intentionally exploiting or manipulating others. With 'classic' forms of work, I often feel a lack of motivation, a problem with my self-discipline, or to complete my responsibilities.
11. There are times when I can't help to be irritable, annoying, impatient, to threaten others, be aggressive (verbally or physically). I already found myself in several situations when I couldn't control my anger and temper anymore, leading to serious conflicts, bans or friendships breaking up.
12. I have failed several times to develop and execute long-term plans and goals. It would be fair to say that I live a nomadic existence and lack direction in life.
13. Occasionally, I find myself in unpremeditated situations out of a lack of reflection or planning or consideration of the consequences of what I start with. It is hard for me to emotionally resist temptations, frustrations, and urges. I have a tendency to rash, to act unpredictable, erratic, and reckless.
14. I can have hard times to fulfill or honor obligations and commitments, such as paying bills or loans, to keep up the standard of my work or contractual agreements.
15. I remember lying, stealing, cheating, bullying, fire-setting or vandalizing before I was 13. By then, I also already had been drunk for the first time, or used drugs or had sex. If I had already been running away from home at (or before) that age is another reason to click 'applies'.
16. Between the age of 13-18, I had problems related to crimes, exploitation, aggression, manipulation, or out of a lack of a empathy.
17. In my life, I already had an experience of a probation or other conditional release being revoked due to technical violations, such as carelessness, low deliberation, or failing to appear.
18. It is hard for me to commit to long-term relationships. Compared to others, the commitments I make are relatively inconsistent, undependable, and unreliable.
19. I have hard times committing to romantic relationships (or don't even want them). I have had many brief relations and affairs, and my choice in sexual partners can be very indiscriminate depending on my mood and chances. I can have several relationships at the same time - and am not shy to talk about my 'sexual conquests'. When I feel the urge to do so, I can act very enticing and convincing to 'coerce' others into sexual activity.
20. In my life, I did many things that could be considered criminal by a court, even if I have never been arrested or convicted so far. Regardless of that, I usually feel a positive emotional kick whenever I get away without consequences.
21. I think that I have a certain awareness of weak spots in our system and or society. Sometimes this skill comes in useful to get what I want.
22. I often exaggerate my achievements and talents. I expect people to show respect or even accept me as superior, regardless of me having commensurate achievements or not.
23. Sometimes, I find myself fantasizing about unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love.
24. I would think that I am "special" and unique. I prefer to associate with people of similar status and/or think that only they can fully understand me.
25. Admiration is something I can never get enough of. At times, I actively look out for it and can feel bad if I don't receive it.
26. I can be very disappointed or even angry if I am not treated the way I was expecting it or if things don't go my way / as I was expecting it.
27. I can be quite envious of others, or sometimes I can't help the feeling that others are envious of myself.
28. I know from myself that I can be quite arrogant and haughty at times.
29. My behavior or the way I feel is different from what is expected or accepted in the culture I grew up in in at least 2 of the following areas:
a) the way I perceive and interpret things, people, and events
b) the range, intensity of my affects or the 'appropriateness' in the way I display my emotions
c) control over my impulses and gratification of my needs
d) the way I relate to others and handle interpersonal situations.
30. The deviation mentioned in question #29 either feels completely justified to me - and when it doesn't, it is anything else than easy for me to take another perspective or to adapt my behavior to fit in. The deviations mentioned are not restricted to just one "triggering" stimulus but can affect a range of personal and social situations
(if you answered #29 with "doesn't apply", select it here as well).
31. Refering to #30, the fact that my relationships or certain situations can be affected by my difficulties to adapt, is causing me distress and/or has a diverse impact on my social environment at times.
32. My first memories of feeling or behaving differently (as mentioned in question #29) go back to my late childhood or adolescence.
33. I don't suffer from organic brain diseases, injuries, or dysfunctions.
34. To feel good in a group of people, I need attention - just listening for long time makes me feel uncomfortable.
35. My interactions with others often have a sexually seductive or provocative undertone (some might see it as inappropriate).
36. My emotions can shift rapidly - maybe that's because as a matter of fact, they usually don't go very deep.
37. I give lots of attention to my physical appearance to draw positive attention to myself.
38. In my speech, I emphasize emotions and impression over detail.
39. I tend to dramatize and exaggerate my display of emotions and can be quite theatrical.
40. Certain circumstances or people can have a strong influence on me, to the extent that I might change my plans or goals. I'd call myself suggestible.
41. Sometimes I am not sure whether the relationships I have are as intimate as I consider them to be. But then, I am not sure if I really need the full amount of depth - if I don't feel right, I might as well move on to surround myself with people who appreciate me more.
42. Generally, I am hungry for excitement and good entertainment, and to be honest, I love situations where I'm the center of attention.

Ron to a OT.
Would Ron Fail This Test?

Mother of the LA Org

Click image for larger version.  Name: Julia1.jpg  Views: 2  Size: 68.3 KB  ID: 12609
A few months ago, just for my own curiosity, I started researching the early history of Scientology in San Diego. I was surprised to find yet another person, who Scientology should be hugely indebted to, cast aside like an old dishrag.

Julia Lewis Salmen got her HDA in 1950, worked with LRH in Phoenix and D.C. and worked hard to create the forerunner to the OCA test. Then, in 1957, by his request, Julia and her new husband packed everything up, moved to Los Angeles and created what later became known as the LA Org.

By 1978 Julia was having serious health problems and was needing money. She had hoped that Scientology would pay her for the use of her personality test. Julia never received one red cent from Scientology before she died.

With all that Julia did for Scientology she should at least deserve the moniker "Mother of the LA Org".

You can read her story and the early days of Scientology in San Diego here -

Howard Dickman
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Click image for larger version.  Name: Julia1.jpg  Views: N/A  Size: 68.3 KB  ID: 12609  
Mother of the LA Org

samedi 21 mai 2016

Sticking my toe in...

Hello everyone.

New to the forum here, but I have been lurking around for some time now.
A brief (albeit necessarily vague) personal history:
i was in the SO for many years including time on the RPF--Fun with a capital F, that! This was in the US sometime in the last 20 years.
I would have left years earlier than I did, but as I'm sure many people here know, it is intentionally very difficult to do so ESPECIALLY when many close friends and family are still in.

im out now though. Out for good. I'm raising my own family and am happy to report any kids of mine will never be pressured into leaving home at some absurd age to slave away for premise an hour in sleep deprived desperation.

Thanks in advance to everyone here and elsewhere online making the truth known and providing resources for recovering people like me!
p.s. I do hope I was sufficiently vague to give you fine folks over at OSA a challenge, but I also recognize that the more I post, the more likely you are to connect the dots. Probably best to move along though. I'm super tame right now. Threaten to force my family to disconnect from me, harass me or my family and there is no end to the hell I will rain down when I no longer GAF.
Sticking my toe in...

vendredi 20 mai 2016

Twenty Things Judges Have Said About Scientology

A nice round-up of quotable quotes!


Scientology Money Project

Please turn each of these twenty quotes into jpegs and post them daily and widely on Twitter, Instragram, Facebook, etc


Scientology is evil; its techniques are evil; its practice is a serious threat to the community, medically, morally, and socially; and its adherents are sadly deluded and often mentally ill…(Scientology is) the world’s largest organization of unqualified persons engaged in the practice of dangerous techniques which masquerade as mental therapy.” –Justice Anderson, Supreme Court of Victoria, Australia
Twenty Things Judges Have Said About Scientology

What kind of person is dumb enough to become a Scientology member?

What kind of person is dumb enough to become a Scientology member?

A wonderfully sarcastic, mean-spirited article containing only 100% USDA Prime Entheta. Read it all. And then comment. Now.

Dangerous Minds: What kind of person is dumb enough to become a Scientologist?

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

If you’re on Twitter or Facebook, depending on where you live or what you’ve “liked,” lately you may have seen several promoted tweets and sponsored posts put out by the Church of Scientology disparaging the reputation of Scientology leader David Miscavige’s father, Ron Miscavige, himself a longtime Scientologist who left the Church in 2012. The senior Miscavige has recently published a rather damning tell-all memoir, Ruthless: Scientology, My Son David Miscavige, and Me, about his sociopathic seed and the authoritarian sci-fi religion of which he is the “ecclesiastical leader.” The Co$ social media alerts wanted to make sure that you’re aware of some things in his past to discredit him as his book climbs up with NY Times bestseller list. Miscavige Sr.‘s story was featured on a riveting recent segment of ABC’s 20/20 newsmagazine as well, something I think it’s pretty safe to say that his thin-skinned, used-to-getting-his-own-way, nasty-little-man son didn’t like very much.

But this barrage of promoted posts and tweets had rather the opposite effect on me than what the Church intended. It caused me instead to vaguely remember seeing a curious videotape back in the early 1990s where David Miscavige told an audience in Los Angeles that their messiah, Lafayette Ron Hubbard, had shuffled off this mortal coil, except that he put it in such a fucking ridiculous and utterly preposterously jargon-filled manner that his elite OT-level mumbo-jumbo became simply breath-taking to watch. The same guy who first showed me Heavy Metal Parking Lot had this tape. The Co$ tweet reminded me that I should share this video with our readers. (Thanks Scientology!) Of course it was on YouTube. Just skip around to various points in the video and play it down for a moment. But do watch how he beats around the bush of just saying “THE OLD MAN IS DEAD” in the first few minutes, it’s hilarious.


Hubbard’s innovations as a con man artist are undeniable—what criminal in history has ever come close to achieving his big score? No mere Three Card Monte dealer he, Hubbard was a genius at separating fools from their money. And then making them serve him like his own private armysorry—naval force. LRH figured out early that PT Barnum was right and a sucker is born every minute. And from time immemorial religions have never had a shortage of new victims lining up to be exploited either. Combining the two? Remarkable! But it—the whole Scientology gestalt—as successful a tax free con as it has obviously been, is really not a particularly sophisticated one. The particulars can be pretty crude and It only works on dummies ultimately. It’s a “belief system” (or self-help religion if you prefer) for stupid people, broken people, friendless people, losers, and feeble-minded rubes. The whole thing is so patently idiotic on the surface—or at least it should be seen as such—that anyone even remotely competent and self-possessed would just walk right past a folding table staffed by someone in a fake navy uniform offering them a FREE PERSONALITY TEST. Unless… unless they wondered if Scientology really did have some sort of “secret teaching”... But only an idiot would take the time to ponder that, wouldn’t they? BINGO! Step right up, step right up: We have found our next mark.


* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
What kind of person is dumb enough to become a Scientology member?

Idle Morgues in the news!

Idle Morgues in the news!

Does OSA do things like this?

I've been noticing something that seems like just a tech glitch but lately have wondered if it might be something more. Hoping someone can shed some light on what this might be.

Several times I have sent a text to someone, no pictures, and they will later tell me that they didn't get the text but instead got some symbol, like "@" or "*"

I don't know if this is just my phone acting up or what. It's intermittent.

What I do know is that if you really wanted to mess with someone, if you had the technology, you could alter or disrupt their communications, whether email or text. So you're sitting there annoyed with your friends because you think they're ignoring you, or they're sitting there wondering why you're sending them weird shit but don't say anything to you.

I think a cult with billions of dollars at its disposal might try anything to mess with any and all "enemies" and no doubt anyone posting regularly on ESMB might fit that description. It wouldn't be a costly operation, if the tech existed to do such things.

So, has anyone else experienced this? Or am I just paranoid? LOL. I could be, you never know.

But just becuz you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.
Does OSA do things like this?

jeudi 19 mai 2016

50% Discount on Scientology Religious Status EXTENDED FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY!

50% Discount on Scientology Religious Status EXTENDED FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY!

From Mike Rinder's Thursday Funnies.

50% Discount on Scientology Religious Status EXTENDED FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY!

OMG - Watch Scientologiy's new Infomercial ....You won't believe it!

OMG - Watch Scientologiy's new Infomercial ....You won't believe it!

mercredi 18 mai 2016

Fear: That Which Drives the Church of Scientology

Fear: That Which Drives the Church of Scientology.

From Mike Rinder. Only the introduction, topic headings and conclusion will be excerpted here. Please go to Mike's blog for the full essay.

Mike Rinder: Fear: That Which Drives the Church of Scientology

* * * * * BEGIN INTRODUCTION * * * * *

A new piece from the author of the recent post “An Evaluation of Scientology.”

Fear: That Which Drives the Church of Scientology

Religions go through cycles. They begin as seemingly benevolent and benign organizations with the intention of improving conditions and answering the basic questions of life. After a while, though, many—some would say all—devolve into strictly controlled practices ruled by fear in order to control their members and solidify their power base.

The Church of Scientology has followed this pattern and is steeped in a culture of fear, permeating every aspect of the organization, from the new person just starting out in Div 6, to the grizzled veteran redoing his Student Hat for the fourth time.

* * * * * END INTRODUCTION * * * * *


The Fear of Disconnection

Fear of Derision and Unacceptance for not FULLY Playing the Game

Fear of Ethics

Fear of Questioning Tech, Policy, and LRH

Fear of Committing Overts and Withholds

Fear of Study Tech Violations

The Fear of Never Handling One’s Ruin

Fear of Not Metabing or Getting Enough Sleep

Fear of Burning through Your Hours and not Finishing

Fear of Not FN’ing at Exam

Fear that What’s Revealed in Auditing Will be used Against You

Fear that one hasn’t Taken Enough Responsibility for Saving the Planet

Fear of Disseminating; Fear of Not Disseminating

Fear that there is no Other Tech for Handling Oneself

Fear of Life outside the Church

Fear of Seeing or Listening to Something Forbidden

Fear of David Miscavige

Fear of Scientology Finding Out Who Wrote this Shit!

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

That said:

a) I’m the same person who wrote “An Evaluation of Scientology” that Mike posted on his site on May 11th;

b) I hold little hope of any kind of meaningful reformation by the church; and

c) despite guesses to the contrary, I am fully OUT.

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Fear: That Which Drives the Church of Scientology

mardi 17 mai 2016

East Hollywood Neighborhood Council swears in Scientology member Barbara Carmichael

East Hollywood Neighborhood Council swears in Scientology member Barbara Carmichael.

As is increasingly the case, photojournalist Fred G. Haseney has the story. Please go to Mr. Haseney's post for the full story.

Jenny at LAX: East Hollywood Neighborhood Council Swears in Scientologist

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

This is Photojournalist Fred G. Haseney with his eye on scientology. On Monday, May 16, 2016, I attended the monthly meeting of the East Hollywood Neighborhood Council (“EHNC”), near the Pacific Area Command Base (“PAC Base” or “Big Blue”), the so-called “church” of scientology’s West Coast headquarters. As you may already know, I left scientology in August 2014, after 37-years, and have been speaking out against scientology, through this blog, for over a year.

The East Hollywood Neighborhood Council, one of 89 such councils, is a way for neighborhoods to find a voice in Los Angeles and not get lost in the shuffle. EHNC’s purpose is to encourage, promote, facilitate, foster and develop the quality of life, cooperation and participation of its 51,000 residents.

Scientology’s PAC Base—the former Cedars of Lebanon Hospital, sometimes referred to as “Big Blue” because that’s the color that the facility has been since 1978—and the Sea Org that operates that facility, is among the residents of East Hollywood. At a special meeting of the EHNC, held at the Armenian Youth Center, 1559 N. Kenmore Ave., in Los Angeles (a short walk from PAC Base), I attended a swearing in ceremony of new Governing Board Members. One of the new Board Members is a scientologist (there might be another new member who is a scientologist, but this has not yet been confirmed). PAC Base is where many of scientology’s Sea Org” members live. The Sea Org is a religious order and paramilitary in style. Each Sea Org member signs a “Billion Year Contract,” and devotes themselves entirely to serving L. Ron Hubbard (the founder of scientology and dianetics) and David Miscavige (the current leader of scientology). Sea Org members consider themselves among the “elite” and are the only “authorities” on virtually every subject. Anyone who isn’t a scientologist is quite often looked down upon by a Sea Org member. If you stand up to them and question what they’re doing, they will “Fair Game” you, meaning they will stop at nothing to shut you up and shut you down forever. If you’re not with scientology, you are their enemy.


Photo Caption: Imagine my shock and surprise when I discovered scientologist and Sea Org member Janet Weiland at last night’s meeting. Ms. Weiland works for the Church of Scientology in Los Angeles, at 1308 L. Ron Hubbard Way. I believe Ms. Weiland works for the Office of Special Affairs, an arm of the church that will stop at nothing to discredit those who speak out against scientology. In fact, Ms. Weiland went to the manager of the residence that I live in, in an attempt to get him to “handle” me. It’s my opinion that Ms. Weiland’s intention by coming to where I live was to get me evicted. In fact, if I had a job, Ms. Weiland would have, by now, visited my employer in an attempt to get me fired. All of this is scientology’s “Fair Game” tactics. For this photo, I’m sitting two tables away from Ms. Weiland, who is studying a document. Notice that she’s seated in such a way so as to face in my direction. You can read more about Ms. Weiland in an earlier blog (“The church of scientology’s Campaign to Silence Me“).


Photo Caption: This is scientologist Barbara Carmichael signing her “Neighborhood Council Board Member Oath.”

Photo Caption: This is the “Neighborhood Council Board Member Oath” that Barbara signed.


* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
East Hollywood Neighborhood Council swears in Scientology member Barbara Carmichael