mardi 19 avril 2016

Partnership League for Africas Development partners with Way to Happiness

Partnership League for Africa’s Development partners with Way to Happiness.

I'll say it again. My impression is that the Church of Scientology is making progress in the Third World using its Social Betterment front groups (e.g., Way to Happiness, Youth for Human Rights, Volunteer Ministers, etc.)

Partnership League for African Development - Our Partners

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African Brains: Renowned Solar Energy Expert Empowers the People of Africa to Power Their Continent

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Research scientist and philanthropist Dr. Richard Komp reveals that virtually all of the more than a billion people who live without access to electricity could have power to light their homes and schools and run their hospitals.

Nearly a billion people subsist today on $1.90 or less a day and 1.2 billion people live without access to electricity—nearly all of them in developing countries. The barrier to accomplishing universal access to electricity is purported to be finance, with the World Bank estimating it will take between $40 billion and $100 billion annually to achieve that goal. But energy pioneer Dr. Richard Komp stated otherwise in his presentation hosted by the Church of Scientology National Affairs Office in Washington, D.C., titled Empowering People to Power Africa.

Ms. Binta Terrie, founder of Partnership League for Africa’s Development (PLAD), spoke April 2, 2016, at the Church of Scientology National Affairs Office in Washington, D.C.

Dr. Richard Komp, co-founder and director of Skyheat, at a seminar held April 2, 2016, at the Church of Scientology National Affairs Office in Washington, D.C.

Dr. Komp is co-founder and director of Skyheat, a Maine-based nonprofit that works all over the United States and the world to promote research and development, education, and public awareness and use of solar and other renewable, non-polluting energy sources as well as energy conservation and positive environmental practices. He has developed a cost-effective way to provide energy to these underserved communities.

The seminar was co-hosted by the Partnership League for Africa’s Development (PLAD) and Youth for Human Rights International (YHRI).

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Partnership League for Africa’s Development partners with Way to Happiness

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