jeudi 28 avril 2016

Hi all.

Not quite sure why I signed up to this board, I'm not an ex scientologist but an ex christian (pentecost/word of faith church). Been out of that for a long time though but it did live me with scars on my soul. I've seen Going clear and read a lot of stuff about Scientology. One odd thing has happened. I am an introvert person and I don't find communication easy. I found myself drawn to the Scientology communication course, a starters course and it seems from what I read that's the one course people say they actually got something out of.

It's weird right. All I know about Scientology and still I think about possibly doing that one?

I guess the question is if anyone know something non cultish that have what people say they found useful from the Scn communication course?

Sorry if this seems like an odd post. It probably is. As I said I am bad att communicating with people and perhaps that is obvious. :nervous:

Hi all.

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