mardi 12 avril 2016

Help the daughter of an ex-Scientology Kid win a $10,000 college scholarship

Help the daughter of an ex-Scientology Kid win a $10,000 college scholarship.

Tony Ortega has the story.

Astra Woodcraft, ex-Scientology kid, wants you to read a short essay

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So this morning we just had energy to tell you about this message we received from Astra Woodcraft. Yes, that Astra Woodcraft, who helped change the way the media approached Scientology when, in 2008, she joined with Jenna Miscavige Hill and Kendra Wiseman to create and proposed the notion that covering the church meant more than learning the Xenu story.

Here’s what she sent us…

My daughter Kate is off to university this year to major in mathematics. You might remember she was in the videos that I did with the Lisa McPherson Trust soon after I left the Sea Org. She was about 2 then and now she is 17. How time flies!

Kate applied for a $10,000 scholarship through an app that she has used for tutoring called Wyzant. It’s all based on how many votes she can get. We’ve shared it on Facebook but we’re trying to find ways to get more votes as she needs at least 800 to be in the running. Considering her dad is still in Scientology and he has never been in her life, and I have raised her as a single mom, every penny towards university helps!

The scholarship requires an essay about someone who inspires you. Kate wrote a pretty great essay about my escape from Scientology when I was pregnant with her.

Please go read this short essay about Astra, and kick in a vote if you’re of a mind to.

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Every vote counts. Vote:
Help the daughter of an ex-Scientology Kid win a $10,000 college scholarship

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