mardi 16 février 2016

Some Remarks on the Writings of L. Ron Hubbard By William Blackbeard

These are the final paragraphs of a fine article on Hubbard's SiFi writing featured at Tony O's blog. There, we see themes in his fiction writing that abound in Scientology The poor schmuck average Joe rising to God like heights - the dilatant attitude of a man who professes to be a fine researcher, his inability to have any meaningful relationships on a personal nature are sharp criticisms of Hubbard's mental state.

I really suggest you read he article if you haven't, it is very illuminating. Mimsey


The character we discover in Charles Martel is basic to Hubbard’s imaginative creation — it is the man who dominates, who solves, heals, destroys evil and that unworthy of survival, bestows justice in judgment, gives noble quarter, is loved by a single good woman, is attractive to all bad ones, and who receives the honor and worship and respect to which people — his people, whom he has protected and saved — instinctively and rightfully sense of his. It is the dream-Hubbard, the ego-maniac’s version idealized in fantasy. It is the basis of all Hubbard’s adult action and his ultimate goal, however unachievable it is in logic and likelihood, and however unknown to his conscious mind.

It is this aspect of Hubbard in which we find our final understanding of his personality and character. I believe it is possible to postulate the source of this self-obsessed nature — not in engrams, certainly — in what has probably been his subconscious desire to create a work of genuine and lasting artistic or practical worth, of which he is subconsciously convinced he is incapable. This desire and opposing conviction he does not dare reveal to himself in its naked actuality, so that he has buried it and developed a thick protective sheathing against criticism (with which he might subconsciously and despairingly agree) and has sought to achieve his subconscious goal in various, usually abortive activities. This has led to his “exploring,” to his “studies “ in hypnotism, to his postulation of Dianetic “therapy,” to his insufferable ego (see the introduction to the book edition of Final Blackout, for a prime example of this), to his Major Hoople references to past achievements of a largely fictitious nature (see the article by Hubbard, written under a pseudonym, in Air Trails for April, 1949, in which he makes praising reference to his considerable research work in the aeronautical field under discussion — which he most certainly never undertook in any extensive degree), and to each and all of those aspects of the Hubbard nature which have astounded, shocked, and puzzled his acquaintances — Hubbard probably is incapable of true friendship or love for anyone other than himself, excepting a sort of eager dependence, concealed in snobbish condescension, he probably feels toward those who see him in his own terms and treat him accordingly — for so many years. I believe that the final key to this understanding lies in Hubbard’s work, and it is by the various aspects of that work, as delineated clumsily and insuccinctly in this too-brief article, that we arrive at an attitude toward the man and his likely abilities in any field calling for serious, concentrated, detached work. That Hubbard is capable of conceiving a good idea is not, of course, denied — but that he is capable of much worthwhile development of that idea, or that his statements pertaining to results achieved in that development are trustworthy I do challenge — and do deny.
Some Remarks on the Writings of L. Ron Hubbard By William Blackbeard

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