lundi 29 février 2016

Podcast: Rock and Scientology, featuring Jamie DeWolf

Podcast: Rock and Scientology, featuring Jamie DeWolf.

Farsighted Blog - Episode 17: Rock and Scientology

Podcast at link.

* * * * * BEGIN INTRO * * * * *

In this episode, we chat with the incomparable Jennifer Logue and get a brief introduction to Rock on Philly, an awesome Philly based website that aims to spread the gospel of the Philly music scene. Among a few different topics, she highlights their current push to get a grant to expand the site. Please click the link below to help out, it takes just a minute.

After we chat with Jen, I have my long awaited interview with Jamie DeWolf. Jamie is the great grandson of L. Ron Hubbard and a strong advocate against Scientology. Jamie is a a film maker and performer. He’s also a great person to chat with. Below is the YouTube video of the performance included in the episode.

Enjoy the episode, it’s one of my favorites.

EDIT: Original upload was missing a minute of two or talking and our hilariously awesome closing song, so redownload or stream the end or whatever.

* * * * * END INTRO * * * * *
Podcast: Rock and Scientology, featuring Jamie DeWolf

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