dimanche 7 février 2016

Independent Scientology Religious Liberty League attacks journalist Tony Ortega

Independent Scientology Religious Liberty League attacks journalist Tony Ortega.

Religious Liberty League: Dani Lemberger Nails Ortega as a Religious Bigot


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Our readers may have missed a recent smackdown of Tony Ortega by Dani Lemberger, the head of Tel Aviv’s Dror Center, a Scientology organization that broke away from the church in 2012. We did.

But it is an important event in the independent field, for it illustrates a paradigm shift in the movement. Namely, the separation of pro-LRH, pro-Scientologists from the haters and black propagandists who had, by stealth and sophisticated counter-intelligence techniques[1], hoodwinked a number of prominent independent Scientologists into believing that nothing but the destruction of Scientology could rid the world of the abusive policies and practices of the church under the one-man leadership of David Miscavige.

Click here for a ringside seat of the extravaganza, and enjoy.

In summary, Ortega lambasted CNN and religious scholar and TV personality, Reza Aslan, for filming a positive documentary on the practice of Scientology outside the church. Among other prominent persons in the independent field, Aslan and his film crew visited the Dror Center.

Ortega railed against CNN and Aslan for daring to show the benefits of Scientology, which laid bare his religious bigotry and his true message of hatred, intolerance and exclusion.

Lemberger took exception. He wrote an eloquent comment on Ortega’s blog, and then elaborated his position in an interview that was posted on the Dror Center’s website. We encourage everyone to read both pieces in the link above.

Among other things, Lemberger nails Ortega for:

* his “refusal to differentiate between the Church and the subject of Scientology,” pointing out the definition of insanity is the inability to recognize differences in things, which leads to an absurd fear of apples, for example, based on one apple that, many years ago, had a worm in it;

* his refusal to experience Scientology processing or to even visit the Dror Center during Ortega’s occasional trips to Israel, as requested by Lemberger; and,

* his positioning as an authority and journalist writing on the subject of Scientology when, in fact, he has a strong hatred and scorn of Hubbard and the philosophy he founded.

Ortega is a religious hate monger, his blog a cesspool of hatred, intolerance and exclusion. “No,” he protested to us several years ago when we called bullshit to his face; he was just reporting on corruption and inhumane treatment. His writings betray his contention.

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Association of Free Scientologists Israel: Ortega-Aslan-Lemberger


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However, Ortega’s post against CNN and Reza Aslan drew a sharp response from Dani Lemberger. Dani posted a comment which we have copied here in full:

Hello Tony,

You are right about one thing, Reza Aslan did spend a wonderful day with us, at Dror Center, Haifa, Israel, about a month ago.

I’m sorry to say, you are wrong about all the rest. And you do manifest bigotry and hatred, based on ignorance. You told me, when we spoke, that you visit Israel occasionally. I invited you to come see us at Dror, even get some free auditing, but you refused to come and “see for yourself.”

You ridicule the “indie” Scientologists who are still foolish enough to “believe in LRH” but when you have an opportunity to see what we do, you turn it down.

I told you on our last telephone conversation that you too, like other critics, refuse to make the obvious distinction between the scam called the “Church of Scientology” and the subject of Scientology. Miscavige is a lunatic, a despot, the operation he runs is NOT an organization, is NOT a Church and has NOTHING to do with the practice of Scientology.

Why would you be annoyed with Reza Aslan deciding to cover the philosophy or religion of Scientology?

Why make the false statement that we are: ” a movement that, at its national annual convention, managed to gather about 36 people.” You know this is lie! Fact is, there are many thousands of “indie” and “freezone” Scientologists, actively practicing around the world.

I can easily prove to you that we are expanding steadily, not only at Dror, but world-wide.

I can also, easily, prove to you that Scientology does deliver “miracles” and “amazing” results. We do so consistently at Dror. You or any of the readers of this blog are warmly invited to come take a look.

It pains me that LRH made some grave errors which enabled a lunatic such as Miscavige to seize control and destroy Scientology. Miscavige’s criminality may have killed Karen’s son, the Scientology philosophy definitely did not.

When I spent an evening with Karen at her home in July 2013, she still considered herself a Scientologist, we agreed that the Church is NOT Scientology, that Miscvige is a horrendous despot. Karen offered to help us in training on auditing tech of her expertise and gave us one of her e-meters as a present. Maybe she has changed her mind since, which she is entitled to, of course.

Marty Rathbun too was an ardent Scientologist when I met him in June 2012, and a few months later became an anti-Scientologist. I still love him and think he’s a great guy, even though we differ on the subject of Scientology.

Is Scientology a religion? I think not. But many scholars of the subject disagree with me. Two years ago we hosted, at Dror, Prof James Lewis, an expert on “Modern Religions” who has spent much time studying Scientology. He insisted it falls under the definition of religion, I told him I view it as an “Applied Spiritual Philosophy”. Doesn’t really matter what you call it.

Your refusal to differentiate between the Church and the subject of Scientology is what we, Scientologists, call A=A=A. The inability of the reactive mind to see differences. This is also the definition of insanity: viewing as identical, things that are not the same. Like, being afraid of all apples because one apple, years ago, had a worm in it.

So maybe you are somewhat obsessive and lack sanity on the subject of Scientology. I am sure you know very well that I am not at all like Miscavige, I am intelligent, truly caring of others, run Dror as a democratic partnership where people from all over the world love to come, and are free to leave. We charge reasonable rates for high-quality services, never compelling a person to donate a dime or take an action he does not wish.

Further, you also should know that I am one of the most effective enemies of Miscavige. Possibly even more dangerous to him than you. This point is hard to measure so I say, “possibly”. I am currently suing the Church of Scientology International, as your readers should know, in the Tel Aviv District Court. And, don’t tell anyone, this is still a secret, am helping a few other fellow “indies” in preparing their lawsuits that will soon hit the Church.

Scientology is now delivered throughout the world, by hundreds of auditors to thousands of “preclears” with great success. The subject will long outlive criminal operation which is on a rapid decline.

If you allow me some additional space on your site, I will be happy to tell your readers more about what we actually do. Those who scorn or mock, do so out of ignorance and I realize, in some cases, due to their suffering at the hands of an evil man, pretending to be a follower of LRH.

Thanks for posting this. Best wishes for a wonderful 2016, Dani Lemberger

Following this comment, a long exchange developed on Ortega’s blog. (Note: This is a link to Disqus, a discussion tool used by Ortega’s blog. We are not familiar with it.)

AFSI’s follow-up interview with Dani Lemberger

We recently called Dani to find out what made him so furious about Ortega’s post.

AFSI: Dani, in your comment on Ortega’s blog you accuse him of hatred, bigotry and ignorance. How comes?

Dani: Many other readers there have taken this point up. How dare I say that Tony is “ignorant” concerning Scientology. Tony Ortega has established himself as an authority on the subject and I dare state the opposite. There’s a few points to this:

First, if Tony is a journalist, I think he should bring news and opinions of others and remain unbiased. If he has a strong position of hatred and scorn towards Hubbard and Scientology, he loses his position as a fair reporter.

Second, Tony refuses to make the clear and obvious distinction between the Church and the subject of Scientology. This is irrational, upsetting and even damaging to me personally. That he and I have one common enemy, David Miscavige, does not mean we agree about the subject of Scientology.

Third, Tony has never had any auditing, has never even visited a decent Scientology center. It so happens his girlfriend is Israeli and he visits Israel occasionally. I invited him to come see Dror Center, inspect it with his own eyes, see what we are doing. He’s never come, says he’s too busy. Strange, if he would have had a genuine and honest approach to the subject, he’d find the time. He’s devoted his life to attacking Scientology, maybe he should take a fresh look at it.

AFSI: Anything else about this specific article, about Reza Aslan’s documentary?

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Independent Scientology Religious Liberty League attacks journalist Tony Ortega

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