dimanche 9 octobre 2016

Scientology Narconon rehab teaches that alcoholics can drink in moderation

Scientology Narconon rehab teaches that alcoholics can drink in moderation,

The linked and excerpted post is about another tragic Scientology Narconon rehab death. You can, and should, read the details of that death on Tony Ortega's website. The purpose of my cross-post here is to highlight one aspect of the problem.

Please also note that I have given the most generous possible interpretation to the Scientology Narconon Way to Happiness material used by the rehab program (i.e., limiting the permission to indulge in moderation only to alcohol), an interpretation that appeas to be more generous than that adopted by Rod Keller, the author of the article.

Emphasis added to the graphic below.

Tony Orgega - EXCLUSIVE: Recent deaths of Scientology rehab staffers points to ongoing problem


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While relapse by addiction professionals from traditional centers has happened, the relapse and death of up to fourteen staff members from one program is unheard of. Narconon’s advice to departing staff is the same as for all graduates – “Be Temperate.” The advice comes from The Way to Happiness, a booklet by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard. Narconon teaches that addicts do not need to live a life of abstinence.

A former staff member says that Narconon requested permission to make it clear that addicts risk relapse if they use drugs or alcohol, even in moderation. The request was denied by higher level Scientology officials because they hold that the words of Hubbard are not to be altered in any way, and so Book 8 continues to support temperance, not abstinence.

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Scientology Narconon rehab teaches that alcoholics can drink in moderation

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