lundi 26 septembre 2016

Why does Virgina McClaughry support someone she accused of trying to have her killed?

Why does Virgina McClaughry support someone she accused of trying to have her killed?

As others have noted, Virginia McClaughry is currently a major supporter of Mark "Marty" Rathbun and contributes frequently to his blog.

In a now deleted blog post that was preserved by the Wayback Machine on January 14, 2012, Virginia McClaughry stated

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

Now there’s a really good question.

In 1998, when Mike’s daughter was pregnant with her first child, and I was to be her “labor coach”, I “came out of the cold” as it were. Meaning I was there incognito, under-cover, and went the opposite of that which is overt. I began by launching the first of many attacks on the Church of Scientology, and who is behind it.

The weapon of choice, was something that most normal people wouldn’t even consider a weapon. It was a Bulletin, the scripture, holy words of L. Ron Hubbard, that was not being applied AT ALL within the Church of Scientology to it’s highest-level parishioners – The OT VII’s.

[OT=Operating Thetan, the levels (coursesand auditing) of which are the highest, and most expensive, within the Church]

David Miscavige, then head of the Church, with his obligatory thug Marty Rathbun, tried to have me killed to shut me up, when I first started challenging them on this point. Both of my dogs died of massive poisoning doses at that same time, as well, and my father was almost killed by a massive heart attack a few months later. These guys meant business.

See Marty Rathbun and Black Ops.

So, why did they (and those they are the attack-dogs for) try to kill me over this?

Because I staked the BEAST right in the heart.


What is called the “six-month check“, is, not to put too fine a point on it, a HUGE money-maker for the Church – to the tune of millions per year.

My weapon of choice, that bulletin, showed that they had no right to be doing that, and when I made sure it was spread far and wide in 1999 and 2000 – IT KILLED THAT INCOME LINE.

Boom chakalaka!


* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *

HT - Somebody posting as "Alanzo" on Emma's new blog:

And no, this matter is not sufficiently complicated. We are only talking about four blogs so far: Marty Rathbun's, ESMB, the McClaughry's and Emma's. Surely we can involve WWP and Tony Ortega's blog in the future.
Why does Virgina McClaughry support someone she accused of trying to have her killed?

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