LEAK: Independent Scientology Mike McClaughry Ron's Org Excalibur Correction List.
While the entire leaked document is set forth below, it is important to note the following background.
Virgina McClaughry, the wife of the author of the document, Mike McClaughry, is currently a major supporter of Mark "Marty" Rathbun and contributes frequently to his blog.
Further, the following Correction List does not concern Standard Scientology, but instead what might be thought of as the Extended Scientology created by Captain Bill Robertson and delivered by Ron's Orgs and the Galactic Patrol. Captain Bill channeled Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard (LRH) after LRH dropped his body in 1986 and proceeded with his research without being encumbered by a body. LRH dictated the next OT levels to up to OT 52 to Captain Bill via such channeling.
Finally, it important to place this Excalibur Technology in the proper historical and Technical context. As the document explains, key questions concern Black Static Thetans and Enslavers:
18. Is there a Black Static Thetan in restimulation?
Black Static Thetans were on the OT levels in the Church LTA.
In Last Time Around, the Enslavers took over the Church and
intentionally misapplied the subject. They used Reverse Scientology
to get Beings to agree to go out the bottom of the tone scale at
minus 40, where they remain to this day. These Beings are called
Black Static Thetans.
Some Scientologists in LTA were implanted with Reverse Auditing
commands. For example, the Enslavers would give a Scientologist an
implant and during the implant they would say things like "Go to the
beginning of the incident and stay there."
Now, these Reverse Auditing implants in LTA are not the reason for
Beings becoming a Black Static Thetan. The real reason a Being
becomes a Black Static Thetan is out ethics, he decides to do
himself in - all the way down to minus 40 on the tone scale.
The Scientologists on the OT levels in LTA were reasonable about the
take over of the Church by the Enslavers. They were out ethics
because they did not take responsibility for what the SPs were doing
to alter and misapply the subject of Scientology. Just exactly like
the Scientologists on the OT levels are doing today - they do
nothing about the SPs who took over the Church and who are
destroying and misapplying the tech.
And that is not just a small minor overt, that is an overt of
magnitude on all of the dynamics. Destroying or tolerating
destruction of the subject that would make all Beings sane and free
is the biggest overt possible.
The Being who decided to go out the bottom in LTA (a BST) always has
a point in time when he became aware of the Enslaver's suppressive
activities towards Scientology and Freeing Beings. The beginning of
an incident with the Enslavers or Implanters is usually when the
Being first perceived the evil intention being directed at him and
Due to fear of various things, such as losing the bridge, their
friends, their body, etc., they compromised their integrity and
"explained away" the evil they perceived.
And they continued on in Scientology while turning a blind and
irresponsible eye to the suppressive activities of the Enslavers.
Then some event, or a series of events, that was in some way very
destructive to them and their dynamics, occurred. For example, they
may have watched a loved one get implanted or die from the practice
of reverse Scientology. This destructive event was then correctly
perceived by the Being as being caused by:
1. The Enslaver's evil intention and suppressive activities.
2. The Being's earlier failure to confront and handle the Enslaver's
suppressive activities.
At this point of recognition, the Being became aware of the
magnitude of the evil of his own overts of omission and commission
that contributed to the destruction he then found himself
experiencing on his dynamics.
As an irrational solution to the amount of guilt, pain and
destruction the Being was now experiencing, they decided to wipe out
all respect for self, (Shame Blame and Regret) instead of facing and
handling the situation that they had contributed to in some way.
They usually then concluded something along the lines of not being
able to live with themselves any more. They considered themselves to
be too evil to even be in the game and universe, and thus they made
a final decision to take themselves out of the game completely,
forever. They descended to the bottom of the tone scale and there
they are, even today.
In other words, their enemy formula was completely out at this
point. They considered themselves too evil and too harmful to other
Beings, and so they used the aberrated and irresponsible solution of
leaving the area of overts to protect others from any further harm
by them. It is also a use of the aberrated and irresponsible
solution of preventing himself from being able to harm other Beings
by making himself completely incapable of acting.
And that is how Beings became a BST, not by implanting or the false
tech being used by the Church in LTA. Those things only contributed
to the motion of becoming a BST, they are not the primary cause of it.
BSTs feel very heavy. They did not re-enter the game This Time
Around so all of their incidents will be found to exist in Last Time
Around. They still have some of their composite case left because
they were not able to free all of the Beings in their composite case
with the false tech being used by the Church in LTA.
The full document is below.
* * * * * BEGIN QUOTATION * * * * *
Excalibur Correction List
Following is a hat write up by Mike McClaughry. Advice only, not an
LRH issue.
Excalibur Correction List
This list is to be assessed Method 3 and handled by the auditor if
he runs into a bog in session. It can also be used to locate
unidentified problems during Excalibur. Don't continue this list
past the point where the BPC has been repaired, as it is a repair
Any line reading on this list could be wrong with many BTs or
clusters. For example, you may find several BTs and clusters with
Out Int and each one would have to be handled on Out Int. When the
line being handled doesn't read, continue the list.
When a line reads, do the following:
Use the meter read to locate the specific BT or cluster that
produced that read.
Then check ownership - Is the (charge found) Mine? BT? Cluster?
Handle the line that read, then use normal Excalibur procedure to
blow the BT.
Check if this action acted as a wrong indication to other BTs and
clusters and indicate.
Repeat the same line to see if it now reads on another BT or cluster.
When the line no longer reads or F/Ns, continue down the list to the
next line.
Normally, after blowing a BT, one would then handle the entire plug.
During a repair action, it may or may not be adviseable to do that,
it is up to the auditor's judgement.
However, when all of the BPC has been handled and the repair action
is complete, one would always fully handle the plug to the end
phenomena of an FTA. Then complete the remaining plugs in the stack.
One does not do a Q and A and fail to complete the plug and stack to
an FTA.
If there is "no interest" in completing the plug and stack to an
FTA, then get in the rudiments. No interest means no interest in the
first place or out rudiments. Since there was interest in the first
place, that leaves out rudiments. Fly the rudiments. Also check if
the stack wording is correct and if not, get it re-worded to VGIs
and strong interest.
This Correction List can also be addressed to a specific BT or
cluster. If that is being done, that specific BT or cluster may have
more than one type of BPC that is preventing him from leaving. In
this situation, do not recheck the same line that you just handled.
Continue down the list to find the next type of BPC that BT has,
until the BT blows.
When addressing a specific BT or cluster, convert the question to a
proper sentence.
1. A BT or cluster with out Int? _______
2. Misowned another's out Int? (Handle the BT with out Int)_______
3. A BT or cluster with a wrong item? _______
4. A BT or cluster with a wrong indication? _______
5. What was correct for one was incorrect for the rest? _______
6. A BT or cluster has been given a wrong date? _______
7. A BT or cluster found a wrong location? _______
8. Misowned another's wrong indication? (Find the right BT.) _______
9. A wrong answer found to the "What are you?" question?_______
10. Is there an ARC break? _______
11. Is there a problem? _______
12. Is there a withhold? _______
13. Is there an overt? _______
14. Is there an invalidation? _______
15. Is there an evaluation? _______
16. Is there a protest? _______
17. Has something been misunderstood? _______
18. Is there a Black Static Thetan in restimulation? _______
19. Is there a BST group in restimulation? _______
20. Is there a BST cluster in restimulation? _______
21. Is there a BST resurrection clone in restimulation? _______
22. Has a Black NOTs BT or cluster been sent in? _______
23. Has a Black NOTs plug been sent in? _______
24. Is there an unhandled Psychic Warfare attack? _______
25. Is there an unhandled Influencer? _______
26. Is a BT or cluster in the plug being a monitor? _______
27. Is there an unhandled out ethics situation? _______
28. Does the solo auditor have an out ethics situation? _______
29. Is the auditor agreeing with some part of his own case?_______
30. Does a BT have a mutual out rudiment with the auditor?_______
31. Does a BT have a mutual out ethics sit with the auditor?_______
32. A BT or cluster being held by the solo auditor? _______
33. Is the auditor refusing to change? _______
34. Something wrong with auditor's willingness to help?_______
35. Something wrong with the auditor's attitude? _______
36. Has there been auditor's code violations? _______
37. A BT or cluster in the plug that the auditor is avoiding?_______
38. Is there any Being that the auditor started and abandoned?_______
39. Is there a PTS condition? _______
40. A BT or cluster connected to a suppressive? _______
41. A BT or cluster being held by a holder within the plug? _______
42. A BT or cluster in the plug with an evil purpose? _______
43. A BT or cluster in the plug that is suppressive? _______
44. A BT or cluster in the plug refusing to change? _______
45. A BT or cluster in the plug is refusing auditing? _______
46. A holder in the plug was overlooked or missed? _______
47. Part of the plug was overlooked or missed? _______
48. A BT or cluster in the plug is hiding? _______
49. A holder in the plug is hiding? _______
50. A BT or cluster in the plug hiding behind a picture? _______
51. A BT or cluster in the plug hiding behind a ridge? _______
52. A BT or cluster in the plug hiding behind another Being? _______
53. An Influencer hiding behind a BT or cluster in the plug?_______
54. An Influencer pretending to be part of the plug? _______
55. A BT or cluster in the plug is invisible? _______
56. A BT or cluster in the plug is "being nothing"? _______
57. A BT or cluster in the plug is below any awareness of self? _______
58. A BT or cluster in the plug is unconscious? _______
59. A BT or cluster in the plug is out of communication?_______
60. A BT or cluster in the plug that is hypnotized? _______
61. A BT or cluster in the plug is asleep? _______
62. The stack wording is missing plugs in the stack? _______
63. Something wrong with the stack wording? _______
64. A plug in the stack was overlooked or missed? _______
65. A cluster in the plug that is really a single BT? _______
66. A single BT in the plug that is really a cluster? _______
67. A cluster in the plug that is a cumulative cluster? _______
68. A cumulative cluster in the plug left incomplete? _______
69. Found the wrong type of cluster-making incident? _______
70. An earlier cluster-making incident was missed? _______
71. The cluster-making incident had an earlier beginning?_______
72. A BT that needs his Incident I run after the cluster broke up? _______
73. A BT or cluster with an error in running OT III? _______
74. A BT or cluster in the plug that needs Incident II run? _______
75. A BT or cluster in the plug that needs Incident I run?_______
76. A BT or cluster in the plug needing an earlier Incident I run?_______
77. A BT or cluster in the plug with an earlier universe incident? _______
78. A cluster in the plug stuck in a "pre-Incident I" incident? _______
79. The Incident II charge is Incident II Last Time Around? _______
80. The Incident I charge is Incident I Last Time Around? _______
81. A BT or cluster in the plug stuck in an incident? _______
82. A cluster in the plug stuck in an electric shock incident? _______
83. A BT or cluster in the plug stuck in a psychiatric incident? _______
84. A BT or cluster in the plug stuck in a drug incident?_______
85. A BT or cluster in the plug being a drug? _______
86. A BT or cluster in the plug being a drug incident? _______
87. A BT or cluster in the plug being a picture of a drug incident? _______
88. A BT or cluster in the plug that did not find basic on a chain? _______
89. The basic on a chain had an earlier beginning? _______
90. Basic on the chain won't erase as the charge is due to an overt? _______
91. Jumped from one BT or cluster to another? _______
92. A BT or cluster that copied the picture of a blown BT? _______
93. A BT or cluster that copied the universe of a blown BT? _______
94. A BT or cluster in the plug misowning another BT's charge?_______
95. A BT went Clear and the state was unacknowledged? _______
96. A BT or cluster in the plug stuck in past auditing errors?_______
97. A BT or cluster in the plug stuck in a former therapy? _______
98. A BT or cluster in the plug stuck in a former practice? _______
99. A BT or cluster in the plug with unhandled considerations? _______
100. A BT or cluster in the plug that needs some data or hatting? _______
101. A BT or cluster in the plug with an unhandled origination? _______
102. A BT or cluster in the plug that needs the rights of a Being? _______
103. A BT or cluster in the plug that needs a new purpose? _______
104. A BT or cluster in the plug with a scarcity on games?_______
105. A BT or cluster in the plug stuck in a loss? _______
106. A BT or cluster in the plug that needs "Who are you?"_______
107. A BT or cluster in the plug stuck in a life continuum?_______
108. A BT or cluster in the plug stuck in a service facsimile?_______
109. Is there a Created Thetan in restimulation? _______
110. Is there a Mule in restimulation? _______
111. Is there a clone in restimulation? _______
112. A BT or cluster in the plug has their own composite case?_______
113. A BT can't get through a wall? _______
114. A BT in the plug stuck in an earlier universe? _______
115. Is there a Source in Pawn in restimulation? _______
116. Nothing wrong in the first place? _______
117. Some other type of BPC? (Use proper list, L1C, C/S
53,etc.) _______
1. A BT or cluster with out Int?
A simple handling is to get them to scan down a chain of "went ins"
to the first "went in" and they will blow. Very difficult ones can
be handled by having them recall times they "went in" and they blow.
BTs can have Out-Int because they consider they can't get out. They
are in the valence of something that can't leave, such as being an
internal organ of the body. You can ask them "What couldn't get
out?" and they will blow.
In addition to getting stuck in something, a thetan can get stuck on
something. Scan them back through times when they "Went on" or have
them recall times they did that.
For recurring Int trouble that does not resolve easily, do the End
of Endless Int Rundown, doing only the recall steps, not the R3R
2. Misowned another's out Int? (Handle the BT with out Int)
So, a primary reason a BT or cluster cannot blow is their
misconceptions - lies about time, place, form, event and identity
and ownership. It takes the truth to set them free.
Have the BT spot that he misowned the Out Int of another BT. Find
the BT with Out Int and handle him to blow. Then use Excalibur Blow
Procedure to get the first BT to leave.
3. A BT or cluster with a wrong item?
4. A BT or cluster with a wrong indication?
Use L4BRB.
5. What was correct for one was incorrect for the rest?
Indicate it was incorrect to the others and use Excalibur Blow
Procedure on them.
If any one of them still has BPC after indication, then use L4BRB on
6. A BT or cluster has been given a wrong date?
7. A BT or cluster found a wrong location?
Find the right date or location. Then use Excalibur Blow Procedure
on them.
8. Misowned another's wrong indication?
So, a primary reason a BT or cluster cannot blow is their
misconceptions - lies about time, place, form, event and identity
and ownership. It takes the truth to set them free.
Have the BT spot that he misowned the wrong indication charge of
another BT. Find the BT with the wrong indication charge and use
L4BRB on him. Then use Excalibur Blow Procedure to get to blow. Then
use Excalibur Blow Procedure to get the first BT to leave.
9. A wrong answer found to the "What are you?" question?
Find the right answer and continue with Excalibur Blow Procedure to
blow the BT.
10. Is there an ARC break?
11. Is there a problem?
12. Is there a withhold?
13. Is there an overt?
14. Is there an invalidation?
15. Is there an evaluation?
16. Is there a protest?
17. Has something been misunderstood?
As always, first establish ownership of the charge - Mine, BTs,
Clusters, Another's.
Fly the out rudiment. Then use Excalibur Blow Procedure on the BT or
18. Is there a Black Static Thetan in restimulation?
Black Static Thetans were on the OT levels in the Church LTA.
In Last Time Around, the Enslavers took over the Church and
intentionally misapplied the subject. They used Reverse Scientology
to get Beings to agree to go out the bottom of the tone scale at
minus 40, where they remain to this day. These Beings are called
Black Static Thetans.
Some Scientologists in LTA were implanted with Reverse Auditing
commands. For example, the Enslavers would give a Scientologist an
implant and during the implant they would say things like "Go to the
beginning of the incident and stay there."
Now, these Reverse Auditing implants in LTA are not the reason for
Beings becoming a Black Static Thetan. The real reason a Being
becomes a Black Static Thetan is out ethics, he decides to do
himself in - all the way down to minus 40 on the tone scale.
The Scientologists on the OT levels in LTA were reasonable about the
take over of the Church by the Enslavers. They were out ethics
because they did not take responsibility for what the SPs were doing
to alter and misapply the subject of Scientology. Just exactly like
the Scientologists on the OT levels are doing today - they do
nothing about the SPs who took over the Church and who are
destroying and misapplying the tech.
And that is not just a small minor overt, that is an overt of
magnitude on all of the dynamics. Destroying or tolerating
destruction of the subject that would make all Beings sane and free
is the biggest overt possible.
The Being who decided to go out the bottom in LTA (a BST) always has
a point in time when he became aware of the Enslaver's suppressive
activities towards Scientology and Freeing Beings. The beginning of
an incident with the Enslavers or Implanters is usually when the
Being first perceived the evil intention being directed at him and
Due to fear of various things, such as losing the bridge, their
friends, their body, etc., they compromised their integrity and
"explained away" the evil they perceived.
And they continued on in Scientology while turning a blind and
irresponsible eye to the suppressive activities of the Enslavers.
Then some event, or a series of events, that was in some way very
destructive to them and their dynamics, occurred. For example, they
may have watched a loved one get implanted or die from the practice
of reverse Scientology. This destructive event was then correctly
perceived by the Being as being caused by:
1. The Enslaver's evil intention and suppressive activities.
2. The Being's earlier failure to confront and handle the Enslaver's
suppressive activities.
At this point of recognition, the Being became aware of the
magnitude of the evil of his own overts of omission and commission
that contributed to the destruction he then found himself
experiencing on his dynamics.
As an irrational solution to the amount of guilt, pain and
destruction the Being was now experiencing, they decided to wipe out
all respect for self, (Shame Blame and Regret) instead of facing and
handling the situation that they had contributed to in some way.
They usually then concluded something along the lines of not being
able to live with themselves any more. They considered themselves to
be too evil to even be in the game and universe, and thus they made
a final decision to take themselves out of the game completely,
forever. They descended to the bottom of the tone scale and there
they are, even today.
In other words, their enemy formula was completely out at this
point. They considered themselves too evil and too harmful to other
Beings, and so they used the aberrated and irresponsible solution of
leaving the area of overts to protect others from any further harm
by them. It is also a use of the aberrated and irresponsible
solution of preventing himself from being able to harm other Beings
by making himself completely incapable of acting.
And that is how Beings became a BST, not by implanting or the false
tech being used by the Church in LTA. Those things only contributed
to the motion of becoming a BST, they are not the primary cause of it.
BSTs feel very heavy. They did not re-enter the game This Time
Around so all of their incidents will be found to exist in Last Time
Around. They still have some of their composite case left because
they were not able to free all of the Beings in their composite case
with the false tech being used by the Church in LTA.
Corrected Handling for BSTs -
Based on the real reason of how a Being becomes a BST, the following
corrected handling for BSTs is given - that aligns with LRH issues.
The Corrected BST Handling is -
Determine if the BST is responsive or unresponsive.
If responsive use Power Process 3 -
HCOB 21 February 1970 End Phenomena And F/Ns In Power -
"Power Process 3
For those overwhelmed by a clearing practice:
1. What condition have you encountered in Scientology (or auditing
or clearing) LTA?
2. How have you handled it?"
If the BST is unresponsive or resistive - run Power Processes 4, 5,
and 6 -
Tell me a source.
Tell me about it.
Tell me a no source.
Tell me about it.
What is?
What isn't?
Tell me an existing condition.
Tell me how you handled it.
After getting the EP on the Power Process or Processes, run
Excalibur Blow and Can't Blow procedure on the BST and any lingering
Beings from the BSTs composite case.
Be ready at any time to pick up and handle the BST's overts of
omission or commission that led to him deciding to go out the bottom
of the tone scale, if necessary. Use responsibility processes, if
- - - - -
It should be understood that the beingness of the auditor has an
incredible effect on the case gain of the Being he is auditing. In
Excalibur auditing the Beings getting auditing are in telepathic
communication with the solo auditor. Thus they perceive directly
into the auditor's universe and thus they directly tap into and
benefit from the auditor's understanding of things, his knowingness,
his certainty, his ethics level, etc. Sanity is also contagious.
When the Excalibur auditor knows how a Being becomes a BST and also
knows that all Beings are basically good and also knows the remedy
for the BST's aberrated solution to the overts he committed in LTA -
the BST's speed of recovery is greatly accelerated.
Get the BST to spot the point in time when he decided to totally
cave himself in and take himself out of the game. Get the BST to
spot his overts of omission and commission that led to that
decision. Use standard grade 2 tech and responsibility processes to
clean the BST up to where he no longer considers himself too evil to
be in the game. He now sees it was an insane solution to take
himself out the game to prevent himself from harming other Beings.
Therefore he no longer wishes to trap himself and with some renewed
faith in himself, he goes free and is no longer a BST.
If your auditor beingness is really good, in a lot of cases you will
be able to handle the BST's BPC on what made him decide to become a
BST, with just two-way-comm. Of course, if the BST does not handle
on two-way-comm, then use the Grade 2 tech that exists for handling
overts and also run responsibility processes to handle his BPC on it.
19. Is there a BST group in restimulation?
20. Is there a BST cluster in restimulation?
Sometimes BSTs are found in groups or clusters or cumulative
Handle them with the same procedure as you would any cluster:
Date/Locate their mutual cluster-making incident.
After the group or cluster breaks up, handle any remaining BSTs as
single BSTs.
If it is a cumulative cluster then continue to Date/Locate each
earlier cluster-making incident until you have Date/Located the
basic one on the chain.
On a cumulative cluster, you get a partial break up of the group or
cluster on each Date/Locate. When you handle the basic
cluster-making incident on the chain, the Earlier Mutual Incident
question will no longer read, and then you engage in checking for
and handling any remaining single BSTs.
BSTs are main Beings who have composite cases of their own. After
the BST is handled, check for any lingering BTs or clusters from the
BST's composite case. Use Excalibur Blow and Can't Blow procedure on
them until they are all blown.
21. Is there a BST resurrection clone in restimulation?
"Resurrection Clone - A thetan implanted LTA to take over a person's
body TTA.
Resurrection Rundown - Black Static tech used in LTA after 1980.
Promised resurrection into better conditions.
Life after Death Rundown - Black Static Tech used in LTA after 1980.
Promised resurrection into a more ideal body.
Super Static C/S 29 -
A resurrection clone is a Black Static Thetan who was promised a
specific "resurrection" by Xenu in the LTA taken over Church. The
LTA "auditing" rundown was called the "Resurrection Rundown" or
"Life After Death RD".
This may be a "Resurrection Clone". Not of course a real Clone of
one's own, or even another's Clone, but a Player or Big Thetan who
took the "Resurrection RD and Black Static Tech Bridge LTA! and was
implanted to be "like" the preOT.
The C/S should make sure that the above indicators do not come from
the person's own LTA track, or one of his own Clones, or from Coltus
implants TTA or LTA.
This can be assessed on the meter to find which it is. Assess: "Is
this thetan -
- in the Coltus Implants TTA?
- a Clone of Yours?
- another's Clone?
- an LTA Player who got BS Tech?
- an LTA Player who got the Resurrection Rundown or Life After Death
- in the Coltus Implants LTA?"
If none of the above read well, check:
"Is it someone who was ordered to take over your body by God and
wants to be Resurrected?"
If still none of the above produce big reads or BDs, then it's
probably just a plug, or maybe even a TTA "Black NOTser", or other
phenomenon such as an other-determined Creation, all of whose
handlings are given elsewhere.
3) If you do have a "Resurrection Clone" (really a Player or Big
Thetan who was implanted to be like the pre-OT or OT) then run:
"What condition have you encountered in auditing LTA?"
"Tell me how you handled it".
Run to EP of F/N VGIs and the implant data realized that was given
on the LTA "Resurrection RD". This removes the compulsion to take
over the pre-OT's or OT's body.
4) If still "glued" in the Physical Universe, or if seems to be
behind a barrier like a "glass wall", run PrPr 4,5,6 as covered in
Black Static Thetan handling.
5) Do the Blow & Can't Blow Steps to handle any remaining bits of
"case" stuck to him.
...End on EP of the thetan leaving the preOTs or OTs U1, plus F/N
VGIs or FTA. "
BSTs are main Beings who have composite cases of their own. After
the BST is handled, check for any lingering BTs or clusters from the
BST's composite case. Use Excalibur Blow and Can't Blow procedure on
them until they are all blown.
22. Has a Black NOTs BT or cluster been sent in?
23. Has a Black NOTs plug been sent in?
BTs and clusters and Plugs sent to you by Influencers are easily
handled. They have a sort of foreign feeling to them because they
are not part of your NOTs case, they were really part of someone
else's case, and so they do not actually fit in. They can tell you
who sent them over to you.
A simple way to handle the Beings sent is to get in communication
with them, find out why they are there (they were sent for a purpose
that they are supposed to fulfill), then try handling that with a
bit of 2 way communication, rights of a Being, what games are around
etc., and they quite often handle easily.
An auditor is responsible for creating a safe auditing space for the
Beings he is auditing. It is important to provide a safe space for
these Beings and not allow the Influencer who sent them to
interfere. It is also important that you not give in to a tendency
to treat them as pieces in the game, which is how the Influencer who
sent them is treating them. Thus you grant them the beingness that
they are a player in the game and they have a right to make their
own choices, which makes them a self-determined and free Being in
the game.
So, don't treat them like a piece by ordering them to go back to the
Influencer who sent them. Handle them, and let them see for
themselves that they do not "need" to do what they are doing, and
that they have a choice. If they are afraid of whoever was
controlling them, handle whatever is the actual underlying charge
Handle the Being who is practicing Black NOTs as you would any other
In the case of Alan Walters and his followers - they can send over
giant clusters called "spiritual teammates" - and these clusters can
have tens of thousands of Beings in them. The top holder of these
giant "spiritual teammate" clusters will be found to have an evil
purpose towards the targeted person. You can break up the "spiritual
teammate" cluster by running Power Processes on the top holder. The
Beings in it will then be freed.
After the Black NOTs cluster breaks up, use Excalibur Blow steps on
any lingering BTs.
If a plug has been sent, find out its purpose as a plug and handle
the entire plug with Excalibur procedure.
24. Is there an unhandled Psychic Warfare attack?
25. Is there an unhandled Influencer?
The handling for the Influencer himself is Power Process 1AA:
What have you done?
What problem were you trying to solve?
What haven't you said?
What problem were you trying to solve?
Power processes are run totally muzzled, which means TR 0-4 only.
TR-0 means to confront the pc with auditing only or with nothing.
That means no attitudes. That also means auditor's code in.
The end phenomena is the Influencer backs out of your universe.
The meter can be used to track Influencers who try to hide. They
can't hide from their meter read.
Influencers are aware and active Beings, just like you, and they are
not part of your case. In other words, they are not a BT or cluster
and attempting to handle them as a BT or cluster, such as Church OT
7 auditors do (due to their ignorance of them), does not work.
They are also not stupid and they can respond intelligently to
counter any solution you use for them. It is like being in a chess
match with someone, where they respond intelligently to your moves.
However, their Achilles heel in this game is that they too are
basically good. And, if you know that and use correct Auditor
Beingness on them, you can successfully handle them.
Sometimes they state they do not like what they are doing and wish
to stop it.
So, a final valuable tool in handling Influencers is to give them
the rights of a Being:
Right to your sanity
Right to leave a game
26. Is a BT or cluster in the plug being a monitor?
Definition from the HASI transcript of Tech Briefing 7 -
"Well, the monitor, is an important beast. The monitor, thetan, is
one of the usual...uh... types of plugs. You have a whole plug was
set up to monitor the thetan's activities, or to, make him behave
in a certain way or believe in a certain way. And attached, to, the
top of the plug - usually near the top or at the top, on the
org-board - is this thing called a monitor. Now the monitor, quite
often, can be...can be a Cluster, yes, and it can be a BT - which
has a couple of more stuck to him, in his valence - but he's
usually a pretty powerful guy, ..."
"When (unintelligible) we say one way monitor, we mean that he's
taking, whatever occurs in your universe and relaying it somewhere
else. Ah... usually to the original... implanters who made up the
Pre-I plugs."
Monitors can be used by Influencers to practice Psychic Warfare.
They can be used to spy on the Pre-OT and relay data about the
Pre-OT and his thoughts and activities to Influencers. And they can
be used to attempt to adversely control the Pre-OT by relaying
thoughts from Influencers that are designed to restimulate known
plugs and stacks in the Pre-OTs case.
The handling for the Influencer is Power Process 1AA:
What have you done?
What problem were you trying to solve?
What haven't you said?
What problem were you trying to solve?
Sometimes you get a win and the Influencer decides to stop working
for the Implanters or Enslavers. Sometimes you cannot get the
Influencer to cease his work for the Implanters so the end phenomena
there is to get him to back out of your universe by running Power
Process 1AA on him.
Either way, whether you can get the Influencer to stop working for
the Implanters or not, you can always handle the monitor within your
case with Excalibur Blow and Can't Blow procedure. You can also
handle yourself on not being the effect of Psychic Warfare. That
would be accomplished by not going into agreement with Psychic
Warfare thoughts or thoughts generated from your case when your
plugs and stacks get restimulated by Psychic Warfare.
27. Is there an unhandled out ethics situation?
28. Does the solo auditor have an out ethics situation?
29. Is the auditor agreeing with some part of his own case?
30. Does a BT have a mutual out rudiment with the auditor?
31. Does a BT have a mutual out ethics sit with the auditor?
32. A BT or cluster being held by the solo auditor?
33. Is the auditor refusing to change?
34. Something wrong with auditor's willingness to help?
35. Something wrong with the auditor's attitude?
36. Has there been auditor's code violations?
These are all related to the solo auditor being the top holder.
Ethics is the answer.
In that the Pre-OT is the top holder for the plugs and stacks within
the Excalibur case, this constitutes an aberrated relationship
between the BTs and clusters and the auditor. Holding is defined as
"suppression carried on through time" or "constant suppression."
For the auditor to be acting suppressive to the preclear, is an
incorrect auditor beingness. Yet, this is exactly what is going on,
the Pre-OT is holding the plugs and stacks in place for whatever
aberrated reason he has for doing that.
When a BT or cluster can't blow the Excalibur auditor asks them if
they are being held. They will sometimes answer that they are being
held by you, the Pre-OT who is being their auditor. And that is the
truth too, when you take a look at that, you will see you are
holding them. And in doing that, you are acting like an implanter
and suppressing those Beings from attaining sanity and freedom.
So, the Excalibur auditor must change this somehow in order to free
the BTs and clusters that he is holding on to. You now must get your
ethics in and change your fixed attitude towards the pc (BT or
cluster) and also change your often hidden-from-yourself desire to
hang on to the BT or cluster.
Following are some LRH quotes on this subject:
LRH lecture 6 November 1952 Methods of Research - The Thetan as an
Energy Unit -
"We have to postulate his case can be resolved. And, by George,
you'd better postulate it.
The next one is, is "Do I want to resolve his case?" Just ask
yourself. This would scare into view this fact: "Heck no. I think
that women ought to be aberrated," or "Heck no, I think men really
ought to be (something or other)," or "I think old men ought to be
under the thumb. They're dangerous." If you fail to ask yourself -
fail to make such a postulate or find out why you can't make such a
postulate about a case - you'll do the darnedest things sometimes,
quite to your own surprise, your own amazement.
Why, every time you start to audit this preclear you keep changing
your mind and giving him the wrong signals. You're operating on a
LRH lecture 6 March 1952 HCL-8 Attack on the Preclear
"All right. Your attitude toward the preclear is differentiated by
whether or not you're willing or unwilling to do anything for the
preclear, and then whether you're going to validate the preclear or
validate his aberrations.
Now, your willingness or unwillingness to help him will be dependent
upon whether or not you have any sneaking idea in the back of your
head as to whether or not you're going to use any of his aberrations
or not for your own control of him. Just ask yourself that.
So it's a very good thing to ask yourself, "Let's see. Is there any
reason why I don't want this preclear to get well!" And you're
liable to straightwire out of a very startled you, the fact that you
don't want this preclear to get well.
Be fair with yourself. You very often discover that in spite of you
being you and being fully, actually determined to do your level best
in this one particular case, there's a little bug there that if you
got it out and recognized it, all of a sudden, you'd find the
preclear very easy to run.
Instead of stopping the session at that moment and saying to myself,
"Somehow or other this person restimulates me; there is some reason
why I can't make this person well" and going outside and getting a
cup of coffee and let the preclear sit there on the couch and
contemplate the sins of the world or something of the sort, this
auditor goes on plowing along, plows the preclear into more
somatics, more somatics."
37. A BT or cluster in the plug that the auditor is avoiding?
38. Is there any Being that the auditor started and abandoned?
It has been found that when an Excalibur solo auditor encounters a
BT or cluster he cannot or will not handle, he sometimes uses a
solution of abandoning it and goes on to audit some other BTs and
clusters. Some Excalibur auditors also abandon plugs by ending off
on an F/N instead of continuing to audit the plug to the actual end
phenomena of a Floating Tone Arm.
We have given these abandoned BTs and clusters and plugs a name -
The Pitch Pile.
Meter Check - Is there any Being that the auditor started and
Use the meter read to locate the abandoned BT or cluster.
Indicate the BPC of being abandoned to the BT or cluster, and you
will now free them.
If the BT or cluster is still ARC Broken, handle the rudiment to
F/N. If the BT or cluster is so ARC broken that they are now out of
communication, use an LIC to handle it.
Ask the BT or cluster what is preventing them from going free.
Handle it.
If the BT or cluster and the auditor do not know what is wrong,
assess the Excalibur correction list on that specific BT and handle
all reads until the BT or cluster goes free.
Now ask if there are any more Beings in the plug and handle them to
FTA on the plug.
Recheck the original question and handle what you find to the EP of
FTA on the plug.
Continue checking the question until the Pitch Pile is gone and the
question F/Ns.
39. Is there a PTS condition?
40. A BT or cluster connected to a suppressive?
41. A BT or cluster being held by a holder within the plug?
42. A BT or cluster in the plug with an evil purpose?
43. A BT or cluster in the plug that is suppressive?
These questions are all related to the holders in the plug.
First, the BTs and clusters being held are not victims in this
situation. They cannot be aberrated or trapped without their
agreement. They have their own aberrated reasons for agreeing to be
held and for being part of a composite. PTSness depends upon having
overts on the suppressive. If all else fails to free them, get their
overts on the holder off.
Excerpts from HASI transcript of Tech Briefing 4 -
"Now this is the key thing: That..that there IS an organization to
this stuff. No matter how crazy."
"But THAT WHOLE THING! Whole..that.. (lowers voice) is an org board.
You see? That's the key. If you just run a little piece of it,
you're not handling this -schoop! - this whole thing. (normal voice)
That's an org board. All the way from this guy who has a evil
intention to get that guy. You know?"
"And so, if you, run it, knowing that, and you sort of poke into it
at the level of, the "flame on the candle", where you're not getting
any as-is-ness and can't get these guys, to sort of, "break up" or
to, get a little or.. the mock up to dissolve, or them to realize
who they are - Then you must suspect that somebody's holding them.
"Is somebody, higher up the org board here holding you?" See?"
"But then it's also possible, that he's being held, by somebody
else. Even if he is a cluster. So even if Cluster doesn't read and
you can't get a mutual incident, going.."Is somebody ELSE holding?"."
"But the whole, principle is to pull out the whole stack - or.. part
of it that was connected to that and you can run it in and find the
top of the Org Board first and then handle it all the way down.
You'll find it happens much quicker that way. You may go for, 45
minutes handling the guy who's at the top of the stack, and then 15
minutes later you've blown a thousand BTs out. You know? Because he
was holding all of them and they all couldn't get out without a lot
of effort. Because of his, intention on them. Either a good or a bad
intention. It doesn't matter. The guy could be holding them because
he's an old Commander of an army troop and he has all his soldiers,
he's holding under him. And they're holding their families or
something. Who knows? But, you could have a evil guy there,
suppressing them on it."
"Now here you get, all the PTS/SP-phenomena, evil purpose
"And.. you get the idea of Missed Withhold with them or a Dirty
Needle or something. A little small Rock Slam and you go "Hey, were
you working with the other side?" "Oh, mm-hmm, yea, well I was a
pilot, you know, hmm, hmm....,flew these planes, hmm, hmm, dropped
the bomb..." Then you get of course you have to get them.. "How many
times you did that?" and so on."
"Then you have to handle the..the overts they did. And if there's no
charge coming off of that and it won't free him up, on the track,
after you get even.."how many times?" and all that stuff. You..you
have to find out if they're PTS. Still withholding because of some,
association WITHIN, the organization. OR you can go back and
date..."When did you start?" or "What was the date of that, evil
purpose?" You can date the evil purpose. He says: "Yeah, it's all
right to "do in" thetans." "OK. When did you make that?" And then
you can go - you know - uh, "What were you before you, made that
purpose?" - After you get the charge off the purpose. You usually
find out HE HIMSELF, was either coerced, blackmailed, implanted,
some way - in the normal criminal fashion of Xenu and his boys -
MADE to do that. Very much like the Russians do with their,
population, but on a much, broader scale. You know?"
Regarding Power:
"So it's not uncommon to find these "out of valence in R6" guys. Not
uncommon at all. We haven't had to even run Power on any of them
yet, which is interesting. But I'm sure you can find them stuck
enough that you have to run Power, on them. I've run other people on
Power..we haven't found any in our, auditing that we had to run
Power on yet. Where they just could NOT, get anything. And the..the
thing was, they were so stuck in the incident it was PT for them and
so on. And nothing woke them up or nothing got them to blow or
anything. You see?
But to run Power, you do need to be in comm with the guy. And you
CAN do it just by straight intention. Back and forth, back and
forth, back and forth, until the guy finally blows loose of it. You
see? Even the Power commands will start getting him in comm. You
know? Because it's asking for rudiments anyway. It's..it's asking
for everything. That's what's beautiful about Power. It's one
process. But it handles everything..on the guy all the way down to
the engram he's stuck in. Uh, You all familiar with the Power
process, I'm talking about? Power 6? You know, "Tell me an existing
condition." "Tell me how you have handled it?" It's for the
Note from Mike:
Basically, the handling for a holder is to get them back into
valence. It is not natural for any Being to suppress other Beings
and so the valence of working for the Implanters or Enslavers is an
unwisely assumed artificial valence for any Being.
You may have to get the holders overts off or even run out their
evil purpose. Just getting the holder to spot when and where and how
and why he assumed this artificial valence is very workable. One
good question that helps is - "What purpose did you have before you
assumed the false purpose of suppressing other Beings? "
The most usual reason they started working for the Implanters is
they assumed the winning valence in an implant - the winning valence
in an implant incident is the guy who is giving the implant to other
Beings. Most of the time you will find the holder stuck in such an
incident and that is when he went out of valence.
It is very rare to have to resort to Power Processes to handle a
holder. Most of them will handle easily with an application of
correct auditor beingness and simple two-way-comm with them on the
subject of how did they get into this false and assumed valence of
being a holder. You want them to cognite they assumed this false
identity and go back into their own valence, which is basically good.
In essence, you are running the enemy formula - find out who you
really are.
Two-way-comm with the holder is a very powerful tool. Here is an
actual session example of how two-way-comm was used to handle a
Without a make-wrong attitude, the auditor sincerely asked the
holder -
"why are you holding this other Being?"
The holder said sarcastically -
"why not? "
The auditor replied -
"Well, why for? Nobody does something for this long for no reason.
So, what's your reason? "
The holder looked at it and said -
"for pay"
As soon as the holder said that he recognized the outpoint and burst
out laughing. The holder realized the Implanters were not going to
pay him for this, that arrangement was made trillions of years ago
and the paymaster was long gone. No one was putting any money in any
bank to pay the holder for his work. Upon seeing the outpoint of
"pay" the holder burst out laughing and there was an F/N.
The holder then started to sink in tone and the auditor asked -
"are you stuck in an incident? "
The holder said -
The auditor asked -
"what type of incident? "
The holder said -
"electric shock"
The auditor applied the tech on Brief Dianetic Handling and said -
"Spot the first moment of the electric shock incident"
The auditor then ran the holder down the chain of incidents, using
the Brief Dianetic Handling on each earlier incident. The chain
ended and the EP was attained when the auditor told the holder to
"spot the first time you ever saw a psychiatrist, witch doctor,
priest or the like".
The holder saw a very early incident he had with an "enlightened
one" and saw that he went out of valence in that incident and took
on the valence of the "enlightened one" - and that was when and
where he started working for the Implanters.
Then the auditor got the holder to spot the first moment of the
incident with the "enlightened one".
As soon as the holder saw that, he also saw who he was before that
incident and went back into his own valence and decided to cease
working for the Implanters, as that was not his basic original
beingness and purpose. The holder then went free and an FTA turned
on as the holder and the Beings he was holding all went free.
44. A BT or cluster in the plug refusing to change?
A BT can be stuck because they are resisting change. You can get
them to as-is this and blow by asking - "When did you decide not to
change?" "What began that?"
45. A BT or cluster in the plug is refusing auditing?
Note from Mike:
One time when I was trying to audit a resistive case Being that
would not go into session and was fighting the auditor, LRH told me
to run "Look at me. Who am I?" It worked beautifully. It dropped the
Being right into the incident he was stuck in - he had me confused
with the doctors in an implant incident. To the Being, I was not an
auditor trying to help him, I was an evil doctor trying to implant
him. He stopped fighting me, went into session, and ran the incident
out and became sane.
Apply HCOB 30 June 1971RD Expanded Green Form 40RF GF 40XRF.
Refusing auditing is one of the seven resistive cases.
46. A holder in the plug was overlooked or missed?
47. Part of the plug was overlooked or missed?
48. A BT or cluster in the plug is hiding?
49. A holder in the plug is hiding?
50. A BT or cluster in the plug hiding behind a picture?
51. A BT or cluster in the plug hiding behind a ridge?
52. A BT or cluster in the plug hiding behind another Being?
53. An Influencer hiding behind a BT or cluster in the plug?
54. An Influencer pretending to be part of the plug?
55. A BT or cluster in the plug is invisible?
56. A BT or cluster in the plug is "being nothing"?
Use the meter read to track the location of the Being. Use normal
Excalibur tech to blow the BT or cluster. For an Influencer who is
hiding, use the meter to track his location and run Power Process
1AA to back him out of your universe.
57. A BT or cluster in the plug is below any awareness of self?
58. A BT or cluster in the plug is unconscious?
59. A BT or cluster in the plug is out of communication?
60. A BT or cluster in the plug that is hypnotized?
61. A BT or cluster in the plug is asleep?
Get them awake and into communication by running "hello and ok" or
by a tone 40 acknowledgement or by mimicry.
For BTs in a hypnotized state you can order them to wake up. Or ask
them "how do you wake up?" - if he says clap your hands together,
you do that - to wake him up.
62. The stack wording is missing plugs in the stack?
63. Something wrong with the stack wording?
Get the stack wording properly worded to VGIs and high interest.
64. A plug in the stack was overlooked or missed?
Use normal Excalibur procedure on the plug to the end phenomena of
an FTA.
65. A cluster in the plug that is really a single BT?
Use normal Excalibur procedure on the BT. Then complete the plug he
is a part of.
66. A single BT in the plug that is really a cluster?
67. A cluster in the plug that is a cumulative cluster?
68. A cumulative cluster in the plug left incomplete?
69. Found the wrong type of cluster-making incident?
70. An earlier cluster-making incident was missed?
71. The cluster-making incident had an earlier beginning?
A Cluster is a group of body thetans crushed or held together by
some mutual bad experience. Thetans believed they were one. This is
the primary error.
When running the Excalibur valence shifting process on a cluster,
you ask each BT in the cluster "Who are you?" If the cluster does
not break up and blow on the valence shifting process, you then
Date/Locate the mutual incident that formed the cluster.
The handling for a cluster or a cumulative cluster is Date/Locate to
blow. The dating must be precise, down to seconds and even fractions
of seconds. The locating step must also be precise, down to inches
or fractions of inches. The Dating step and the Locating step are
both taken to blow. See HCOB 15 November 1978 Dating and Locating.
You first establish the type of incident by meter read:
Impact, injury, explosion, implosion, crash, accident, illness,
freezing, heat, electrical, psychiatric incident, electric shock,
drug shock, drugs, implant, rape, etc.
Date the point when the cluster was formed. For a cumulative
cluster, date the later mutual incident first, then proceed to find
the earlier mutual incident, and then the next earlier mutual
incident. Continue this until the basic mutual incident is found, at
which point it will all blow.
Single Beings who do not leave when the cluster breaks up, can then
be handled with the valence technique or with Incident 2 and
Incident 1, when applicable. Also handle any copying by spotting
that someone is copying, and it usually goes. If not, find and
handle the Being that is copying, to a blow.
Finally, check if the Date or Location acted as a wrong indication
to any other Beings.
False dates can be given within an implant but these do not read
well on the meter, whereas actual dates read well. You can check the
meter for "false date given in an implant" and the read will tell
you if it is a false implant date.
Keep the use of Date/Locate to a minimum. Use it only after other
techniques have not handled the BT or cluster. The potential problem
with using Date/Locate is it can act as a wrong date or location to
other BTs and clusters. When that happens it can cause a build up of
mass and pressure. Any lie produces solidity. You can blow this
build up of mass and pressure by indicating it is a wrong date or
location to the other BTs or clusters.
A cluster can repeatedly F/N as BT's blow. Clusters can occur at
Incident II and Incident I. They can also occur at 1 quadrillion,
which is the Clearing course materials. They also occur at random
dates for different reasons.
Incident II made clusters of BT's. Severe impacts and experiences
also make clusters. Those who do not leave on running the impact or
its chain will leave when Incident I is run on them.
72. A BT that needs his Incident I run after the cluster broke up?
Intend the BT to 4 quadrillion years ago:
Loud snap
Waves of light
Chariot comes out, turns right and left
Cherub comes out, blows horn, comes near
Shattering series of snaps
Cherub fades back (retreats)
Blackness dumped on thetan
The effort to stop must be gotten off. Effort to withdraw or hurry
may also be present.
73. A BT or cluster with an error in running OT III?
Do the OT 3 Correction List. Then return to this list and complete
the plug to FTA.
74. A BT or cluster in the plug that needs Incident II run?
Intend the BT or cluster to 75 million years ago -
Sequence of Incident II for thetans on another planet -
Capture (being shot)
Transport to Teegeeack (Earth)
Placed near a volcano (Find the specific volcano)
Nuclear Explosion of the volcano
Terrific Winds - Thetans blown above peak
Electronic ribbon goes up and thetans stuck to it
Thetans pulled down by ribbon and implanted
Beginning implant up to "the pilot" who says he is mocking it up
Asia & Pacific Volcanos Atlantic Volcanos
North JapanTangier
South JapanSaint Helena
Mount WashingtonCanada
Mount RanierLas Palmas
Mount HoodOther?
Mount Shasta
San Gorgonio
Certain buttons have to be gotten in when running a thetan through
incidents. The Effort To Stop the motion hangs up the action and
gives a stuck picture. Get the Effort To Stop off and the scene
races through.
The Effort To Withdraw also hangs up the action. Rush, Protest,
Not-Is, Suppress are also present. These were actions - thoughts -
the thetan had during the Incident and are picked up only when the
incident doesn't run well.
75. A BT or cluster in the plug that needs Incident I run?
76. A BT or cluster in the plug needing an earlier Incident I run?
Intend the BT to 4 quadrillion years ago or the date of the earlier
Incident 1:
Loud snap
Waves of light
Chariot comes out, turns right and left
Cherub comes out, blows horn, comes near
Shattering series of snaps
Cherub fades back (retreats)
Blackness dumped on thetan
The effort to stop must be gotten off. Effort to withdraw or hurry
may also be present.
77. A BT or cluster in the plug with an earlier universe incident?
Intend the BT or cluster to the earlier universe incident and use
the Brief Dianetic Handling - have the BT spot the first instant of
the incident. If it does not blow then ask for an earlier similar
incident and have the BT spot the first instant of that incident.
Continue going earlier similar to EP.
There is also a remedy of having the BT spot the first time they saw
a psychiatrist, priest, magician, witch doctor - that type of
suppressive beingness, and then to spot the first instant of that.
Earlier as necessary to EP. It's very effective.
78. A cluster in the plug stuck in a "pre-Incident I" incident?
Excerpts from HASI transcript of Tech Briefing 7 by Captain Bill
Robertson -
"Now. I wanna give you some definitions and then I'll show you why
this is also an earlier similar, to... the Incident II. Because
there was a capture, from Earlier...Universe. In other words these
thetans were whooshed up, with something very much like a vacuum
cleaner, and ..Whoosh! Not...not a....but I'm saying it's in the
function of a vacuum cleaner to whoosh up thetans rather than dirt.
But (unintelligible) put them through these experiments and made
them into plugs. And.. it resulted in some, standard plugs and
some, sort of experimental ones.
Now... you say: "Wow - that's interesting. That's not covered
anywhere." and so on. No it isn't but you will find it's covered, on
every one of your NOT's cases, and (laughing) that's why (laughing)
it is there."
"But... right now we're interested in: "What is the Pre-I... plugs?""
"Let me give you the definitions first so you... can follow what I'm
talking about. And these words are made up to... be familiar, to
people on this planet, at this time. Uh... so that auditors can work
with them. But you'll find out as you work with them, you
will...uh...also groove-in the various, BTs and Clusters. And if you
intend, the right... actions, with these things, the right... like
uh...say a vacuum-cleaner but you can... intend it as a thing to
whoosh... pull-in and attract thetans. They will get it. And they
will (unintelligible): "Oh that. Yes I have that!""
"Ok. Now...ok. In these, Pre-I plugs you're gonna find the following
things. This vacuum-cleaner I talked about. Uh...we call it a
"Hoover", and...uh...the incident called "Hoovering" and it's...it's
the first, or most earliest - usually earliest - incident on
these...uh... Pre-I plugs. They were "hoovered" out of an Earlier
Universe, or "vacuumed". The actual instrument used, was itself
composed of BTs and Clusters. And it is... looks not unlike, in fact
it looks very similar to, one of these...uh...uh... outside...uh...
speakers or...uh... amplifying speakers that you see, attached to
poles around a...a crowd...uh... in rock concerts or in public
lectures. You know, the big bell - the four sided bell coming out -
and the round ball at the back to contain the speaker amplifier. Now
they...it looked not unlike that...ahhh... similar to it but
composed of BTs and thetans, with a nice... uh..."black
hole"...Cluster in the middle, of the bell - inside - and a little
golden ball inside of that. Which was very attractive and kept
putting out a message of "Help me play this big game, I don't
really understand it...." or similar, flows. Anyway, to pull the
thetan in. Very aesthetic and so on... The black hole... Now, what
was this "black hole" thing...uh...Cluster. Well that is a Cluster
which is, pretending to be a negative...uh... energy. He's doing an
implosion, all the time. He's pulling in, pulling in, pulling in.
He's...uh.. pulling in all things...uh...energies of thetans and so
on. It's (unintelligible)...it's like a giant...uh... well, just
like a black hole. It sucks in all kinds of mass, energy, thetans,
everything like that."
"It may occur at first to your...vision as a little...spot. But if
it's down at the bottom of a plug, it could be holding the whole
thing, together, in a sort of a monotonous...uh...force, idea.
It's not the HOLDER OF THE PLUG you understand, not the top of the
org board. It's not likely that it is the TOP of the org-board. It
could be just put in there to give cohesion to the org. They don't
usually...these "black holes" don't usually, have much to do with
...uh...the suppression of the plug. They're just sort of
automatically, charged to just "pull things in". Like glue - you
see - except on a SUCTION basis. So the black hole was in the middle
of this "Hoover", and it pulled the thetans in, to this little
golden attention unit point which was giving out the nice aesthetic
message. When they were captured, they were then, taken to the
experimental... area. And this is... see this is "earlier similar"
to Incident II, (unintelligible) 4 to 7 quadrillion years
ago....these guys were.... whoosh... "hoovered" out of their, own
Universe, and they were usually kept in the first, instance...they
were kept in...in a thing called an "Electrosphere". An
"Electrosphere", is a large sphere, which has a magnetic, charge
on the inside - electromagnetic charge on the inside - so that a
thetan...the thetan cannot touch the wall. He feels repelled by
this. But... he also does not join up with the other thetans. So you
eventually, essentially get a...uh...like one of these giant gum
ball machines, if you picture it that way... it's a lot of thetans
inside of a giant sphere, and they can't quite get out...they
can't....they're pressing against each other and so on.
But they're held in this. And it's kept at a low temperature. All
right. That's the "Electrosphere". And... then, they are put through
various processes to make them amenable to being...clustered and BTs
and into Plugs..
The first...uh... or one of these - plus the...we don't put them in
order because each one may have had a different experimental track -
but you just look for these things that are...be hanging the guy up.
You know - like the "Hoover", is usually the earliest one. But then
there's "Electrosphere". He could have been stored in an
"Electrosphere". Uh...and he could have been put in a thing
called...we call the "Spin-drier". The "Spin-drier"... You know -
like a spinning, machine to dry your clothes out. Right? Or a
centrifuge, if you like. But... the "Spin-drier" was to...uh...
impact the thetan with other thetans, make him... more than one, and
to spin him, with this... tiny amount of mass that he had, by
being... attached to another or mocking up something, or the other
being mocking up something. A tiny amount of mass but, he was spun
at high, high rate of speed in this "Spin-drier", and it made him
feel (CBR lowers voice) very heavy...very heavy.
(CBR voice back to normal) So, he was then... given the idea of
mass, and he could then BE mass. He was ordered to "BE... heavy",
"Be mass"."
79. The Incident II charge is Incident II Last Time Around?
Intend the BT to 75 million years ago in LTA and have him run it.
80. The Incident I charge is Incident I Last Time Around?
Intend the BT to 4 quadrillion years ago in LTA and have him run it.
81. A BT or cluster in the plug stuck in an incident?
82. A cluster in the plug stuck in an electric shock incident?
83. A BT or cluster in the plug stuck in a psychiatric incident?
84. A BT or cluster in the plug stuck in a drug incident?
Handling for a BT stuck in an incident:
LRH lecture 16 April 1952 HCL-21 Anatomy of the Theta Body -
"Now when you start to audit this person the first thing that you
ought to know is how many psychos do you have on your hands? That's
the first thing you want to know. Who's stuck on the track? What is
psychosis? You can reduce psychosis to this definition. Psychosis is
the condition of an entity or idle spirit you might say, moving in
to control, but being stuck on the track. Now that, that's
psychosis; trying to control, stuck on the track.
What's our goal then? If you have a psychotic entity on your hands,
your problem is a very simple problem all of a sudden.
Now here you have then, a simple problem of finding out where he's
stuck in the track and in what kind of an incident he's stuck.
First, what entity is stuck, when is he stuck, and run it out.
That's you run it out with thought, emotion and effort, routine
Now if you can't contact him very well, you can do such tricks as
making him remember something absolutely real. Or you can ask the
preclear's higher levels to simply move in over this entity, possess
the entity and boom him through the incident. Entity doesn't like
that, but you can actually move in over the top of one of these
entities and just grind him through the incident. He can't do
anything about it, he won't even protest.
But when they're very soundly out of communication and quite asleep,
quite unconscious and so on, you quite often have to do this because
they think this is happening just now. There's the big mistake they
make in time. It seems to them that this place they're stuck and the
incident which they're running is now. That is the manifestation of
psychosis, the timelessness of an incident and the conviction that
the incident is happening now.
Alright, with thought, emotion and effort then; either by making the
preclear move over the top of the entity and push it on through, or
directly to the entity making it go on through, or if you're high
enough on the level, just moving in and going on through it
yourself; you then bring this entity out of its era and you bring it
into present time, in other words. And one after another you spot
and straighten up these entities. "
- - - - -
There is the technique called a Brief Dianetic Handling. You have
the BT spot the first instant of the incident. If it does not blow
then ask for an earlier similar incident and have the BT spot the
first instant of that incident. Continue going earlier similar to EP.
There is also a remedy of having the BT spot the first time they saw
a psychiatrist, priest, magician, witch doctor - that type of
suppressive beingness, and then to spot the first instant of that.
It's very effective.
Handling for a cluster stuck in an incident:
Establish the type of incident and Date/Locate the mutual-cluster
making incident. When the cluster breaks up, handle any lingering
BTs with Excalibur Blow tech.
85. A BT or cluster in the plug being a drug?
86. A BT or cluster in the plug being a drug incident?
87. A BT or cluster in the plug being a picture of a drug incident?
Acknowledge this answer to "What are you?" and then ask "Who are
88. A BT or cluster in the plug that did not find basic on a chain?
89. The basic on a chain had an earlier beginning?
Use the meter read to locate the Being and complete the chain.
90. Basic on the chain won't erase as the charge is due to an overt?
What was the overt?
When was it?
Is that all of the overt?
How did you justify it or why was it not an overt?
Who missed it?
Take it earlier similar to F/N. Then use normal Excalibur Blow
91. Jumped from one BT or cluster to another?
Indicate it happened and handle both BTs.
LRH lecture 16 April 1952 HCL-22 How To Audit A Theta Line, Parts I
and II -
"When it comes to auditing a theta line, you are playing tag with a
will-o'-the-wisp, because one of these - if you can't see them yet,
one of these theta lines can be very, very cagey, and they can cross
over and cross you up and so on.
What happened was, is you slid off the entity that you were auditing
and you went in over on another entity.
This prevents it from happening. Why? You see how the entity is
operating that you are auditing; you see how the machine is moving
and how the entity is going through the incident, and you see that
this incident is getting about a ten-point drop. He goes over
certain points of it: it's a ten-point drop and it's an eight-point
drop and it's a fifteen-point drop and it's a ten-point drop, and
all of a sudden you're only getting a half-point drop and a
half-point drop and a half-point drop. Well, he might have hit a
sticker; he might have hit a holder in that entity, but the chances
are he didn't.
So you say, "Well, let's roll through that again," and then if you
keep getting your drops characteristic, you're still on that entity.
But supposing you just all of a sudden just suddenly start to get a
little surge up, and it sort of idles around and so forth. Well,
instead of auditing the right outboard theta line, you're suddenly
auditing the left side. The machine characteristic will shift very
markedly. "
"You understand that many entities will get the sudden idea that
they are about to be handed their discharge papers and cut loose and
sent hither to and forevermore. And they will suddenly start saying,
"Hmm! Let's see, this is Dianetics, huh? Tsk! Well, let's see. Now,
this guy is pretty easy to fool." And so they start to work on you."
"Well, this machine will detect it, and this will tell you why a
preclear is balking. "
"And the technique which is available to you and most useful to you
now, is simply identify the thing - preferably on an
electropsychometer - identify which entity it is and what it's stuck
in and then just audit it through what it's stuck in, regardless of
how silly or how strange it seems. Whatever the incident is - audit
it through, audit it through, and get this entity at least out of
that somatic, if not into present time. And your chronic somatic
will go away.
That means that a psychosomatic illness can be treated selectively
by an auditor - very selectively. "
92. A BT or cluster that copied the picture of a blown BT?
93. A BT or cluster that copied the universe of a blown BT?
94. A BT or cluster in the plug misowning another BT's charge?
After a BT leaves, some other BT may copy him or the incident just
Thetans in the body may obsessively copy the pictures of other
thetans. Therefore you can find it seems that the thetan who just
left is still there because there is a picture left. Spot the fact
that someone else copied it and it usually goes.
Use normal Excalibur procedure on the BT that is copying to get him
to blow.
95. A BT went Clear and the state was unacknowledged?
Acknowledge the state, rehab if necessary and use Excalibur
procedure to a blow.
96. A BT or cluster in the plug stuck in past auditing errors?
Indicate, repair the error if necessary and use Excalibur procedure
to blow the BT.
97. A BT or cluster in the plug stuck in a former therapy?
98. A BT or cluster in the plug stuck in a former practice?
Apply HCOB 30 June 1971RD Expanded Green Form 40RF GF 40XRF. Former
practices is one of the seven resistive cases. Then use Excalibur
blow procedure.
99. A BT or cluster in the plug with unhandled considerations?
100. A BT or cluster in the plug that needs some data or hatting?
101. A BT or cluster in the plug with an unhandled origination?
102. A BT or cluster in the plug that needs the rights of a Being?
103. A BT or cluster in the plug that needs a new purpose?
Use two-way-comm to handle and Excalibur Blow/Can't Blow procedure.
104. A BT or cluster in the plug with a scarcity on games?
Sometimes they won't let go of their old game of wearing a hat in
the plug, because they have a scarcity of games. They don't know
what else they could go do, if they were not doing that. In this
case you could remedy their scarcity of games by having them create
some games. You could run R2-46 in the book Creation of Human
Ability - What kind of game could you have? Give me some more games
you could have.
105. A BT or cluster in the plug stuck in a loss?
There is the technique called a Brief Dianetic Handling. You have
the BT spot the first instant of the incident. If it does not blow
then ask for an earlier similar incident and have the BT spot the
first instant of that incident. Continue going earlier similar to
basic on the chain and the BT blows.
106. A BT or cluster in the plug that needs "Who are you?"
Now you ask "Who are you?" The BT should realize he is himself, not
whatever fixed idea he was being, and leave. He should now realize
he is a Thetan and say " I am me." If the BT answers the question
"Who are you?" with "I am grandma's garage" then you ask "Who were
you before you were grandma's garage?" He should say "me" and blow.
If the BT answers the question with a name, such as "I am Joe Jones"
then you ask him "Who were you before you were Joe Jones?" He should
say "me" and blow. On a cluster you will ask each one of them in the
cluster "Who are you?" and get repetitive blows.
Excerpt from the LRH Book 8-8008
"The only true identity is "myself." It is not a name, it is not a
designation. Orders, titles, ranks, praise and enduring fame alike
do not bring about the condition "I am" or an actual identity; they
bring about instead an identification, with all the liabilities of
identification. "
LRH lecture 16 April 1952 HCL 21 Anatomy of the theta body -
"Actually the recognition, the recognition of their existence and
that they do have an identity which is distinct and separate from
the people they are imitating and the recognition on the part of the
theta being that that entity is there, practically kills their
power. "
After getting the answer "I'm me" you acknowledge that answer.
Anywhere along the line that the BT or cluster blows, you end off
the valence shifting process. There is no need to continue as the BT
or cluster is no longer there. It will be seen that the BT or
cluster blows at the point of recognition by himself and the auditor
that he is a Being.
On those Beings who are in worse shape and therefore who are more
difficult to blow, the Being seldom gets much of a read and seldom a
blow on the first right answer to the Who? question. The Being gives
the right answer "Me" and there's no real read. What you do then is
acknowledge encouragingly and ask the Being to repeat the answer
"Me". Thus encouraged, a BD F/N and blow on the repeated answer
107. A BT or cluster in the plug stuck in a life continuum?
LRH lecture 8 March 1952 HCL-11 Resolution of Effort and
Counter-Effort: Overt Acts
"Now, regret that one has killed or maimed or injured results in
another phenomenon: the phenomenon of life continuum. An auditor
must know this phenomenon - life continuum. When a person has done
an overt act to another, he conceives that he has taken on the
responsibility and responsibilities of this other person, including
this other person's responsibilities in life - his goals, his
physiology, his infirmities, his computations, his methods of doing
business. All of these things, every single one of them, can form up
into the life continuum pattern. "
"You'll find an overt act lying ahead of every life continuum. "
108. A BT or cluster in the plug stuck in a service facsimile?
Handle the service fac with grade 4 tech and then use Excalibur blow
109. Is there a Created Thetan in restimulation?
110. Is there a Mule in restimulation?
111. Is there a clone in restimulation?
Corrected Handling for Created Thetans -
If you run into a Created Thetan that is part of a plug, tell him
that he can now go free, or that if he wants to, he can repostulate
himself back into his original creative entity.
"...he could just say "I am no longer myself..." Nobody else would
influence him to do this, you see. He'd say, "I am no longer this
unit. I am now another unit which created me in the first place"."
Created Thetans also have the rights of a Being -
Right to their sanity
Right to their self-determinism (sometimes referred to as Right to
leave a game)
A Created Thetan may originate that he wants to continue to help
you. Two-way comm. this, and be sure to let him know he is free to
stop and do something else at any time, per the rights of a Being.
Remember that Ron once said - no one owes their help, for that is
A Mule is two or more Created Thetans combined together by some
mutual cluster-making incident. Date/Locate their mutual
cluster-making incident to break them apart.
112. A BT or cluster in the plug has their own composite case?
Indicate it and then use normal Excalibur Blow procedure to get the
BT to blow.
113. A BT can't get through a wall?
Have him spot other Beings stuck to him in his valence. If
necessary, have them find out who they are.
You can also handle his considerations with two-way-comm.
114. A BT in the plug stuck in an earlier universe?
Have him spot his purpose in the earlier universe.
115. Is there a Source in Pawn in restimulation?
Super Static C/S 53 -
"...on LTA reviews or LTA Coltus implants, you may come across a
very hard to differentiate, but definitely evil intention... It also
may seem that a lot of thetans are intending it. Well, they are!
The postulate is "We Are One". It is a... contrived alter-is of the
Source Level knowingness and certainty: "We Are All", meaning that
before or outside of games the Sources are all that exists. But they
are highly individual and very logical, not a cluster or a one.
It may even come across as "We Are All One", but it is still an
The date of this postulate (or implant to be a postulate) is: 564
GUMs ago.
(LTA - approximately)
The location is:
Coltus (approximately 455 Light Years above North Pole)
The implant date is "Forever"
The implant location is: "In Your Central Viewpoint" so it would
stick as a postulate in whatever beingness a Player chose.
The really sticky thing about it is that it was not always done to
the Player himself, but to a "double" of the player. This was merely
a trapped Player... or even possibly a Clone of a Player... This is
where the "Source in Pawn" idea comes from - as stated in the title.
The implanted thetan was implanted to totally forget or not-is who
he really was and become a new clean "Source". Then he was implanted
to copy fully or duplicate exactly the beingness of whichever Player
Xenu wanted to control. There was only one difference - the thetan
being implanted was also given the "Source postulate" or "certainty"
of "We Are One". This made him stick to the Player he was supposed
to copy and made all of these "false Players" stick together and at
a very basic level which would not be found until the person started
handling his postulates or Source Operation Level activities.
The power of this "influence" of course lessens as the person goes
up the bridge, but may seem to get strong again when he is doing
Source Operation Levels, as a sort of vague feeling that there is
some unhandled opposition or Counter intention to his purposes.
Handling if encountered on a case:
1) Date/Locate as above to exact D/L for that Person.
2) R-factor on the implant and what a Source in Pawn is.
3) Run the double (or group of opposition) on PrPr3 as this implant
was done with a twisted type of auditing tech - repeated commands
etc. Usually you will find it was done after 1980 LTA...
3A) Or, you could run it as "another practice" with the PrPr2
1) "What condition have you encountered in the Source in Pawn
2) How did you handle it?
4) Do a Blow/Can't Blow to FTA.
Note 5: There may be a lot of effort, strain, and charge coming off
this implant as any being who had it tends to stick to all the
others who had it by the "We Are One" postulate. "
116. Nothing wrong in the first place?
End off the correction list and continue handling the plug to FTA.
117. Some other type of BPC? (Use proper list, L1C, C/S 53,etc.)
Establish by two-way-comm what kind of BPC exists and use the proper
* * * * * END QUOTATION * * * * *

LEAK: Independent Scientology Mike McClaughry Ron's Org Excalibur Correction List