dimanche 5 juin 2016

El Con Hubbard, the policeman

In the meantime most are familiar with the ridiculous claims of El Con Hubbard. Here is another one.

On July 4, 1958 El Con Hubbard held a the "Clearing Congress"lecture at the Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C.. The first lecture - 5807c04-01 - was titled:



Yes it is a fact, that Hubbard himself never became clear in his mind until he died - with time it even got worse. But thats not the matter now. In this lecture megalomanic Hubbard claimed, that at one time he was a policeman:


You have police because other people are so bad. I investigated the police one time. I became a cop. That's the best way to investigate something, become it for a while, you know. You can go too far with that sort of thing (laughing). But where do we have, where do we have, in essence here, a cave into the society ... what could cave society in? Well, all you have to do is have a police force and society would start caving in.

..... especially when the police force would consist of crackpots like El Con Hubbard.

Later on El Con Hubbard even phantasizes about his imaginary professional practice:

I had hardened criminals walk into a horrible bar crammed into the back between two cockroach dens. You know, hardened criminals - cop killers, you know. They come in, I pat 'em on the back, have a drink boys, mind the peace - they would. A cop yelling - a cop that's a fake ... I looked like a cop. I was wearing a cop's uniform - a little different. Cops see a couple of these guys come in and they say, "hmmm, evil beings". "What are you people doing here?". Next thing you know why the nightclub starts to whirl, chairs start to go down with a crash, the proprietor is very unhappy, and war has commenced.

Oh wonderful El Con, what would the world have done without you ?
El Con Hubbard, the policeman

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