mercredi 27 janvier 2016

Oral History Interview - Communication Impact on a Former Scientologist

Oral History Interview - Communication Impact on a Former Scientologist.

Article by a Communications Major at Ashford University.

The Major Minor: Oral History Interview - Communication Impact on a Former Scientologist

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Scientology. Is it a science? Is it a religion? Or is it a business? Many have never met anyone who has ever been involved in it. The culture is not that of a nationality or ethnicity, but rather of a religion begun within the United States. As the subject of this oral history interview is concerned about keeping her identity confidential, she will simply be referred to as V.R. She was chosen as an interview subject due to the unique culture into which she was recruited, and from which, in her own words, she “escaped.” That dominant culture was Scientology, and its elite sub-group of Sea Org (Wright, 2013). Within these two cultures, V.R. experienced a manner of communicating far removed from any she had experienced prior to her recruitment, but which has impacted her even 30 years after having abandoned the church and its teachings.

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Oral History Interview - Communication Impact on a Former Scientologist

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