dimanche 31 janvier 2016

Nation of Islam seeking 1,000 Scientology Dianetics Auditors

Nation of Islam seeking 1,000 Scientology Dianetics Auditors.

From Tony Ortega.


Nation of Islam seeking 1,000 Scientology Dianetics Auditors

Church of Scientology Negative Publicity Collection – 2016

I was not going to start a new thread for 2016 for two reasons. Firstly; the amount of Co$ bad press last year was quite time consuming to keep up with and I had to start abbreviating the list of links the last 3 months of the year. Secondly; it seemed like hardly anyone was checking out my monthly installments of the thread. This made the task daunting and uninspiring, but I felt compelled at least to finish the year because I am not the type of person to quit a project before it is complete.

Then, out of curiosity, I used Google…

Google “Church of Scientology bad press” and you will find that in the top 10 are links to either my threads at the chat forums or other sites linking to them.

I guess my project over the past couple of years has some value because people can come and see the monthly lists all in one location instead of trying to compile them on their own or randomly going from link to link to link.

In other words, I decided to continue my project of collecting Co$ bad press for 2016. This year my lists will be a bit more abbreviated than the previous two years, and I decided to include Tony Ortega’s articles at the Underground Bunker as well – www.tonyortega.org. The only reason I did not include Tony’s articles in the past two years of threads is because anyone who reads or finds Tony Ortega’s articles on Scientology will find that he is a journalist who does his research and has enough guts to expose the truth about Scientology and it’s complex criminal activities on a daily basis. I was hoping that other media outlets would follow suit and begin to do some research on the complex shenanigans of the Church, it’s front groups, it’s leader and members.

If you missed the previous year threads, here are the links –


Ex-Scientologist Message Board

Why We Protest

Operation Clambake

Reaching For The Tipping Point

Ex-Scientology Kids


Ex-Scientologist Message Board

Why We Protest

Operation Clambake

Reaching For The Tipping Point

Ex-Scientology Kids


I compiled the 2015 list into one 140 page PDF document that you can download and share –

Also, if you missed it, here is the 78 page PDF document for 2014 that you can download and share –
Attached Files
Church of Scientology Negative Publicity Collection – 2016

Hi All, from an Ex-Jehovah's Witness

Hi Everyone. I'm not actually an ex-Scientologist, I'm and Ex-Jehovah's Witness. So a lot of the same mental abuse problems, just a different cult.
Nice to meet you!
Hi All, from an Ex-Jehovah's Witness

samedi 30 janvier 2016

you talk the talk, do you walk the walk?

you talk the talk, do you walk the walk?

Jamie DeWolf Documentary

Scientology Under Siege! Church Insider Planning Exposé On ‘Twisted’ Secrets

'Going Clear' was just the beginning!
Nearly one year after the release of HBO’s bombshell Scientology documentary, Going Clear, RadarOnline.com has learned that the controversial church is about to be hit with yet another PR nightmare.

L. Ron Hubbard‘s great-grandson Jamie DeWolf tells Radar that he’s been secretly filming his own exposé for months, and it’s set to blow the lid of the church once and for all!

Jamie DeWolf Documentary

How is the cult dealing with the "gender fluid" Jaden Smith?


I have been running across snippets like this about Jaden for a couple of years. Has anyone heard it there is push back from the cult? I can't see Tiny Dave being happy about someone from Smith's family being so publicly low on the tone scale. Mind you, as long as Jaden is making money......

(Shouldn't need to be say, but I will say it. I really, truly do not give a damn about what other people wear. My only thought about this is what might be being said at the Celebrity Center.)
How is the cult dealing with the "gender fluid" Jaden Smith?

vendredi 29 janvier 2016

'The Arrangement' Is Going to Make a Lot of Scientologists Very Nervous

Maxim: 'The Arrangement' Is Going to Make a Lot of Scientologists Very Nervous


* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

The Arrangement, a TV series that is definitely NOT inspired by Scientology and/or Tom Cruise's alleged "girlfriend auditions" that led to his ill-fated marriage to Katie Holmes, has been picked up a E!, making it the second scripted series — after The Royals — for the cable entertainment news channel.

The Arrangement is about Megan Morrison (Christine Evangelista), a young and beautiful actress who auditions for the female lead in a blockbuster alongside Hollywood's biggest star, Kyle West (Josh Henderson). A fairytale romance ensues, until Megan is asked to sign a contract detailing how the relationship will play out. Kyle's mentor, Terrence Anderson (Michael Vartan), runs an organization called The Institute of the Higher Mind. Where do they come up with this stuff???

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
'The Arrangement' Is Going to Make a Lot of Scientologists Very Nervous

First independent church of Scientology

These guys are picking a fight with the cos by registering a tax exempt church with the name scientology in it. They will be asking the cos to hit them with a copy write and/or trademark infringement lawsuit. Kinda exciting!

First independent church of Scientology

Junk mail: solved?

Hello There,

While I was a $cientologist, I received a lot of junk mail as any other cult member. When I left, I continue to receive a lot of junk mail as any other ex cult member. It was not so annoying, that way I was still "informed" about the scieno scene. After several years (about 17!:yes:) I moved and the junk mail stopped.
Approximately after five years at my new address, the junk mail started again. One promo per week... Then two promos per week... Then a magazine, etc. At that time I decided to stop this unwanted mail and I started to send it back with the mention "refused, back to the sender". No effect...
Then I wrote "refused, back to the sender. Life is better outside scientology". No effect...
Then I wrote "refused, back to the sender. Life is better outside scientology. Check forum.exscn.net".
IT WORKED!!:dancer::happydance:
So I don't know if it's the power of internet or the power of my postulate... But if someone annoyed by junk mail want to try, let us know if it works also for somebody else.

Have a nice week-end!
Junk mail: solved?

A Nanny Story

In 1977, before the complex was fully renovated, all Pac orgs sent their EPF to one central Estates org for EPF training, the Pac Training Org. The lineup was fairly long and all recruits were required to complete a series of classes called Product 0 minimally, but ideally also complete both Product 1 and Product 2. The EPF was at its largest then, about 300 young people strong, and twice a day we had a huge EPF muster in Lebanon Hall.

One day, at the 3:00 muster, there was an announcement about a dire situation at the Child Estates Org where the children did not have adequate nannies and a call was made for volunteers. My friends tried to dissuade me, said I'd never get out of there, but I volunteered anyway. I was 16 then, a runaway, and completely green to Scientology.

On my first day, there were so many EPF there that the staff were scrambling to train and organise it all. So I was asked if I wanted to take a walk and see the other nurseries. This was when COS still owned the Melrose Ave building, before the children were moved to Fountain Avenue, and all the Sea Org nurseries were there, where we were bussed back and forth every day from the horseshoe entrance at Lebanon Hall.

Mostly the nurseries looked the same - wall to wall cribs, children spending most of their days in them, severely overcrowded nurseries with babies with propped up bottles and the smells of bleach, urine and dirty nappies. So I went down the halls and looked. One nursery was so different, though, that my eyes lit up and jaw dropped. One infant nursery had far less children and was exceedingly calm and peaceful. (To be continued)
A Nanny Story

Pete Griffiths and John McGhee court update

Pete Griffiths and John McGhee were in court in Dublin again on Wednesday and Thursday. Here is a selection of reporting from Ireland. The verdict will take a few weeks to come in.

"Scientologist: My regret."
"Now you must see why your cult must be stopped."

Larger, more readable image: http://ift.tt/1ZYi2Pe
Pete Griffiths and John McGhee court update

jeudi 28 janvier 2016

another rock star passes

Paul Kantner of the Jefferson Airplane passed away - Damn - I so loved that group. That sucks. I got into Scientology the same year I found The Jefferson Air Plane and it was when I got into drugs. If there's anything that one can say about Scientology - it was down on drugs - and for that I can thank Hubbard. My life could have gone a whole other direction. Back to Kanter and the Airplane, who I saw in Rochester when I was in college - though the drug influence was there - there was so much more to the group's music. I recall seeing them play in Glendale when they had those shows on Brand boulevard - and Kantner was speaking and the man sure wasn't the "hey dude! What strings do you use on your strat?" shallow self possessed half baked musician, but an eloquent well spoken man. Amazing. Sad to see him go.



SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Paul Kantner, an original member of the 1960s rock group Jefferson Airplane who stayed with the San Francisco-based band through its transformation from hippies to hit makers as the eventual leader of successor group Jefferson Starship, has died at age 74.

Kantner, who drew upon his passion for politics and science fiction to help write seminal favorites such as "Wooden Ships" and "Volunteers," died on Thursday of organ failure and septic shock at a San Francisco hospital where he was admitted after falling ill earlier in the week, his former girlfriend and publicist Cynthia Bowman, the mother of one of his three children, told The Associated Press.

The guitarist and songwriter had survived close brushes with death as a younger man, including a motorcycle accident during the early 1960s and a 1980 cerebral hemorrhage, and gone on to recover from a heart attack last year. His death first was reported Thursday by the San Francisco Chronicle.
more at link


another rock star passes

Man on WWP is concerned about his girlfriend in Narconon Rehab in Nevada

Man on WWP is concerned about his girlfriend in Narconon Rehab in Nevada.

The following was posted by "Jim Dahlen" on WWP. I'll post a comment there that I cross-posted it here.

Not to be unkind, but I obviously don't know if this is a legitimate inquiry or some sort of trap


* * * * * BEGIN QUOTATION * * * * *

Hello, My name is Jim Dahlen and last Thursday I sent my girlfriend to this rehab in Nevada. They charge $33,000. For treatment and it is a3-6 month rehab. These people were the nicest people while her parents and I were checking them out. One thing I didn't like was they didn't want her to bring a return ticket they even have it on the home page. Now that she is there I have called to see how she is doing and they won't tell me anything, they even became rude. Her parents got to talk to her after an argument. Now as I'm looking the place up I see it's a scienentology rehab. We had no idea. I am worried now. I am wondering if you can e-mail me so I my find out a little more about this place. We liked this because they stressed it was not a religion based program. You don't get any indication that it's a sciencetology baced program from the home page. As I write to you I'm thinking to what her mother told me earlier about her being sick for only 2 or 3 days and is doing fine now. That is impossible but would rather keep that between us in emails. If you have time can you drop me a quick note about what or who I should contact about this place. I don't like that they have turned on us as soon as she got there and that the place is a cult run rehab in the middle of nowhere my email is jamesdahlen@yahoo.com thank you

* * * * * END QUOTATION * * * * *
Man on WWP is concerned about his girlfriend in Narconon Rehab in Nevada

John McGhee dares to contact a scientologist!


A FORMER MEMBER of the Church of Scientology was warned by a judge today that he would face serious consequences if he interfered with any member or did not stay away from the Church or mission.
In the second hearing today concerning the Church of Scientology, embalmer John McGhee was given the warning by Judge James O’Donohoe at the Circuit Civil Court after being told by barrister Frank Beatty, counsel for two Church members, that Mr McGhee had breached an existing court injunction.
McGhee, of Armstrong Grove, Clara, Co Offaly, told Mr Beatty that he had sent leading Church of Scientology member Zabrina Collins a text “connected with the death of Jim Carrey’s girlfriend” in which he had stated: “Now you must see why your cult must be stopped.”

John McGhee dares to contact a scientologist!

Vid. of fundraiser for NZ, Sydney org circa Nov. 2015

I don't know how many of you have cringed through this all the way like I did this morning - it was posted over on The Bunker but I can't get DisCus to work for me so I thought I'd drop my 2c worth here.

This is the offending article:


One of the "hosts" is Len Collen, OT VIII and fund-raiser extraordinaire. His wife Caroline (former ED Sydney Day org, also OT VIII but now "Needing to do the SRD") is there in a sari. Last I saw them was when Tony O was at the Giant Dwarf in Sydney with Steve Cannane and Bryan Seymour. Len and Caroline were in the audience. Keeping a low profile, just like all good OSAspawn should, until Anna Detheridge noisily "outed" them.:biggrin:
The other "host" ("Simon?") looks familiar but I can't quite place him.:confused2:

Among the dancers it looks like the infamous Carli Crutchfield - but that may just be that I've left my usual glasses at work and I'm sitting in a darkened room trying to read this with my sunglasses while a thunderstorm is brewing outside:eyeroll:

Around the 10 minute mark, Edwin Taylor makes an appearance and spruiks for NZ org. Ed has been Syd staff pretty much since the mid-80s. Interesting how he talks about how big the machine for recruiting "raw meat" was at that time, It was actually decimated after 1983 and what he ran into was a pale version of the early 80s. Yet he's talking about that as something that was awesome and to be aspired to now - shows how bad things are in the cult right now. And they're not noticing.:duh:

Then there's the "acceptable truths" posed by the (probably) SO speakers while we have the vid. of someone's kid playing around. Hope the kid avoids the recruiters in the future and makes a life for himself.:prettyplease:

THIS is now the REAL work done by $cientology orgs - as my mate Feral has pointed out on numerous occasions, the orgs are now just "shopfronts" for fundraising - they really don't DO anything but beg for donations in many and various ways. And so I'm sure whoever filmed this and posted it on social media for the "SPs" to "pervert" is now being roasted slowly by OSA ANZO. O hai Vicky.:wave: Managed to convince your seniors at OSA INT that you are punishing the offending juniors already and are all over this "flap?":puke:

I wanted to post this explanation over at the Bunker so if anyone could cross-post for me I would much like that - I'm heading back to work now and I just don't have the time (nor the glasses :coolwink:) to do it myself.
Vid. of fundraiser for NZ, Sydney org circa Nov. 2015

Flag - Outer Org Trainees

This post from The Oracle on Mike Rinder’s Blog deserves a special mention. For many decades it has been customary for senior management to initiate programs that require scarce and valuable staff from all over the world to go to Flag for training but this post portrays the practice as having deteriorated into a kind of desperate organizational self cannibalism.

The Oracle says
January 27, 2016 at 3:18 pm
Mike, you wrapped it up the way it is. This is how it has been with staff and conditions do not seem to change for them.
The shipping them off in the night as “outer org trainees” is one of the most gruesome traditions I have seen. When Flag needs to get their stats up in the academy and there are no public, orders get sent out to these Orgs to send staff to train. Flag also gets workers as these people have to work five hours a day or more for accommodations and food. So Flag gets free labor except for paying for food and offering a bed.
The Orgs invariably upon being ordered to send someone, (and unmock a post in the Org), send the person they can live with out the best, or the person they want out of the Org.
Many of these people get used to deliver to the public arriving arriving at Flag for service. Many get recruited for the Sea Org if they qualify. The routine is engramic for these people, to wake, work, study and deliver. And the education, they did not pay for, becomes compulsory. I watched these folk for six years at Flag, the ones that were able to stick it out, and they looked traumatized.
In the tech dictionary Hubbard describes what degrades a being as: “degraded beings find ANY instruction painful as they have been painfully indoctrinated with violent measures in the past. They therefore alter-is any order or don’t comply.”
Most of the people who graduate from Flag ordered training, do so in post traumatic stress syndrome. They go home in a very bad condition and can not think with or use the knowledge / engram content. End up leaving or being dismissed or “disciplined” and blow off. Have huge debts they can not repay to Flag and wander off to recuperate. Not even being able to make use of the information as they can not really think with it. Or apply it.
It is sick to order someone to train. If they wanted to learn they would have paid for the courses way back when. Every day their debt grows under these sadistic conditions, and they still have contracts to fulfill back home, if they ever return. I’ve heard with GAOT going in circles some people have been at Flag for ten years on compulsory training cycles training and retraining. People that signed a five year contract at their org.
Where are the thousands of “Flag Trained auditors” that have been cranked out over the past three decades and ordered to the ship to train? They are not on staff and they are not out here with successful practices. I have had two people trained in this way who were “graduated in a state of shaock” that they could not think with anything they “learned”, use it, apply it, and the last thing they wanted to do was audit anyone. Don’t even want to go into what the ones that are auditing out here, are doing and thinking.

“Flag training” is a brutal sadistic experience. The students are already looked down upon as DB’s when they arrive, as they are “public” or “class four org staff”. If they come their senses and decide to route out, they are ordered for compulsory auditing / sec checks. They vanish never to be seen again. Never able to use what they owe for!
Then the grand finale , under the best outcome, the very tiniest who make it through, return home, and audit or manage the org until their contract is up, are expected to replace themselves with another Flag Trained auditor or executive.
This is the Church of Scientology under David Miscavige. Making degraded beings. Routing people back down the bridge. And it is all in the enforce band.
He has the audacvity to call Sea Org “volunteers”. Tell me which of those Sea Org staff in Atlanta or L.A. Org volunteer to be there. I can guarantee you, none! And of the 200 staff sent into L.A. Org, many are gone already.
“Hope” is a very powerful and holy force. To manipulate and use people giving them false hope is as unholy as it gets. And this is David Miscavige’s forte these days. Why he has Sea Org members body routing on Sunset Boulevard and working Atlanta and Tampa.
He wiped out the mission network, then he suppressed the class four Orgs into non existence with the Sea Organization.
There is a massage parlor chain out here called “Massage Envy”, where you can buy a membership for monthly (weekly or daily too) massage, that has swept the nation and boomed in cities of health conscience people. But the Church of Scientology can’t get staff. Empty. That’s right, someone has outdone David Miscavige with massage parlors. I haven’t heard any of any ARCex field protesting on Hollywood Boulevard either. I drove down the boulevard last night, and the street is full of staff. And clients.
Flag - Outer Org Trainees

Advice--cult wanting to come into workplace

I currently work with an organization that caters to low-income and mostly homeless people. We open up our space to people who organize and camp and are working towards systemic change. Someone from the local cult has offered up a seminar that has nothing to do with Scio, but they have identified as Scio and that who is behind it. The folks involved say they don't intend to get involved. My initial reaction was to totally block this. The woman who approves things also said 'no' to this, because they know a little about my history and were uncomfortable and think the cult does not align with the philosophies of the organization. Then, it was brought out that we generally allow people in the space if they respect our philosophies while here.

I love where I work, and don't want them to be hit with the BS religious discrimination thing, so I'm a little lost. I was actually going to be the person on-site for this meeting and the woman in charge said that if for some reason it was allowed I absolutely should not have to be the person who does this. I considered just having it been told to them that persons here are actually in bad standing with the cult, and cult members are not allowed to mix with me--but, don't want cult attention back. Any ideas how to proceed are welcome. Thanks.
Advice--cult wanting to come into workplace

delphian school

Hi all, I was a wog at the Delphian School in Sheridan 85-87. I was perusing the threads and things I had forgotten for ages came coming back, I was there with Gus, Megalomaniac, Sky, the Ruiz bros etc.. I can look up a word faster than anyone. It is my party trick!
delphian school

mercredi 27 janvier 2016

Scientology opposes mandated employer insurance coverage for abortion, birth control

Scientology opposes mandated employer insurance coverage for abortion, birth control and reproductive health.

The Congressional Record shows that on April 30, 2015, the United States House of Representatives (controlled by the Republican Party) considered a proposed "joint resolution (H.J. Res. 43) disapproving the action of the District of Columbia Council in approving the Reproductive Health Non-Discrimination Amendment Act of 2014."


Attached to the Congressional Record is the following letter:

* * * * * BEGIN QUOTATION * * * * *

Hon. Phil Mendelson,
Council of the District of Columbia,
Washington, DC.

Dear Chairman Mendelson: We represent the city's broad and diverse faith community. We may believe and practice our faith differently. We may have divergent positions on important issues. However we all agree that faith communities have a right to freely exercise their religion and a responsibility to promote and protect this important freedom. We believe religious freedom is not only our priority, but also a priority in our society.

We come together then to oppose the Reproductive Health Non-Discrimination Amendment Act of 2014. We believe it would infringe upon religious employers' freedom to make employment decisions when necessary to preserve their religious mission and identity. In doing so, the legislation would allow for unjust and unnecessary government interference into religious employers' governance and operations.

While religious employers do not police employees' or dependents' private reproductive health decisions, these employers must have the freedom to respond to employees' public behavior repudiating their religious mission and identity.

We believe that the legislation would in fact discriminate against religious employers in a manner prohibited by the significant constitutional and legal protections provided to religious organizations in the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

We respectfully request that you oppose the Reproductive Health Non-Discrimination Amendment Act. We pray that you will be fair and reasonable in your considerations of our sincere concerns. We will follow up with you with regard to these priority concerns.


Reverend Patrick Walker, President, Baptist Convention of D.C. and Vicinity; Reverend Susan Taylor, National Public Affairs Director, Church of Scientology National Affairs Office; Talib M. Shareef, CMSgt, USAF-Retired, Imam/President, The Nation's Mosque, Masjid Muhammad; Reverend Kendrick E. Curry, Pastor, Pennsylvania Avenue Baptist Church--DuPont Park; Reverend Dr. George C. Gilbert, Pastor, Holy Trinity United Baptist Church--Hillbrook; Reverend A.C. Durant, Pastor, Tenth Street Baptist Church--Shaw; Reverend Sylvia Stanard, Minister, Church of Scientology; Reverend Lee Holzinger, Minister, Church of Scientology; Reverend Monsignor Robert Panke, Rector, Saint John Paul II Seminary--Brookland; Reverend William Byrne, Secretary of Pastoral Ministry and Social Concerns, Archdiocese of Washington.

Michael Scott, Director, D.C. Catholic Conference; Reverend Frederick Close, Pastor, St. Anthony Catholic Church--Brookland; Reverend Adam Y. Park, Pastor, Epiphany Catholic Church--Georgetown; Reverend Michael Briese, Pastor, Holy Name Catholic Church--Capitol Hill North; Reverend Monsignor Godfrey T. Mosley, Pastor, St. Ann Catholic Church--Tenleytown; Reverend Mark R. Ivany, Pastor, Assumption Catholic Church--Congress Heights; Reverend Michael J. Kelley, Pastor, St. Martin Catholic Church--Bloomingdale; Monsignor Raymond G. East, Pastor, St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Church--Anacostia; Reverend William Gurnee, Director of Spiritual Formation, Saint John Paul II Seminary--Brookland.

Monsignor John Enzler, President and CEO, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington; Reverend Henry A. Gaston, Pastor, Johnson Memorial Baptist Church; Reverend Beth Akiyama, Minister, Church of Scientology; Reverend Kay Holzinger, Minister, Church of Scientology; Reverend Mario E. Dorsonville, Vice President of Mission and Immigration Outreach, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington; Reverend Avelino A. Gonzalez, Director, Ecumenical and Inter-Faith Affairs Archdiocese of Washington; Reverend Monsignor Ronald W. Jameson, Rector, Cathedral of Saint Matthew the Apostle--DuPont Circle; Reverend Monsignor James D. Watkins, Pastor, Immaculate Conception Catholic Church--Shaw; Reverend Monsignor Paul Langsfeld, Pastor, St. Joseph's Catholic Church on Capitol Hill.

Reverend Gregory Schommer, O.P., Pastor, St. Dominic Catholic Church--Southwest Waterfront; Reverend Andrew F. Royals; Reverend Mark R. Ivany, Pastor, St. Benedict the Moor Catholic Church--Kingman Park; Reverend Ron Potts, Pastor, Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament--Chevy Chase; Reverend Thomas Franks, S.S.J., Pastor, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church--Buena Vista; Reverend Cornelius Kelechi Ejiogu, S.S.J., Pastor, St. Luke Catholic Church--Marshall Heights; Reverend Alfred J. Harris, Pastor, St Mary Mother of God Catholic Church--Chinatown; Reverend Evelio Menjivar, Pastor, Our Lady Queen of the Americas--Kalorama; Reverend Richard Mullins, Pastor, St. Thomas Apostle Catholic Church--Woodley Park; Reverend Raymond M. Moore, Pastor, St. Thomas More Catholic Church--Washington Highlands; Monsignor Charles Pope, Pastor, Holy Comforter-Saint Cyprian Catholic Church--Capitol Hill.

* * * * * END QUOTATION * * * * *

Thereafter, on April 30, 2015, the Washington Posted noted that the House of Representatives had voted to strike down the Washington, D.C. law banning reproductive discrimination.

Even leaving aside issues concerning mandated employer health insurance under Obamacare, abortion, birth control, and reproductive health, this is very important for a nuumber of additional reasons.

It shows that the Church of Scientology has allied with the religous right, and particularly the Christian right, to push the issue of "religious liberty" -- i.e., religious exemptions from secular laws (e.g., concerning abortion, birth control, gay rights, etc. -- or, for Scientology, mandated employer health insurnace coverage for pssychiatric, psychological or other mental health care) under the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby decision.

Perhaps redundantly -- but it bears repeating -- the Church of Scientology has allied with the religous right, and particularly the Christian right.

The Church of Scientology National Affairs Office is perhaps not the joke some thought it was.

The Church of Scientology may be playing a deeper game than many supsected. I don't believe the Church of Scientology really cares about the issues of abortion or birth control. This was about builidng alliances and the larger issue of "religious liberty" as discussed above.
Scientology opposes mandated employer insurance coverage for abortion, birth control

Oral History Interview - Communication Impact on a Former Scientologist

Oral History Interview - Communication Impact on a Former Scientologist.

Article by a Communications Major at Ashford University.

The Major Minor: Oral History Interview - Communication Impact on a Former Scientologist


* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

Scientology. Is it a science? Is it a religion? Or is it a business? Many have never met anyone who has ever been involved in it. The culture is not that of a nationality or ethnicity, but rather of a religion begun within the United States. As the subject of this oral history interview is concerned about keeping her identity confidential, she will simply be referred to as V.R. She was chosen as an interview subject due to the unique culture into which she was recruited, and from which, in her own words, she “escaped.” That dominant culture was Scientology, and its elite sub-group of Sea Org (Wright, 2013). Within these two cultures, V.R. experienced a manner of communicating far removed from any she had experienced prior to her recruitment, but which has impacted her even 30 years after having abandoned the church and its teachings.

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Oral History Interview - Communication Impact on a Former Scientologist

Cure: A Journey into the Science of Mind Over Body

I just saw the author being interviewed on tv and I've ordered the book

"..........Did you know, for instance, that there are placebo trials involving fake surgery? Surgery! (Not with a general anesthetic. But still.) Or that large-pill placebos work better than small ones? (Which is funny if you think about it, considering they are equally inert.) Or that placebos sometimes work even when we know they’re placebos? (There is, correspondingly, a niche market for placebos online.)

And that’s just the kid stuff. There’s also evidence suggesting that placebos affect the immune system, not just the subjective experience of pain.

“It isn’t trickery, wishful thinking or all in the mind,” Ms. Marchant writes, when explaining the biology of the placebo effect. “It is a physical mechanism, as concrete as the effects of any drug.” What we are swallowing with any pill is essentially an idea: That we will feel better. This belief alone is often enough to trigger the release of our body’s natural endorphins, or dopamine, or whatever other chemical our body was expecting to make or consume if we’d taken an actual drug...."

Cure: A Journey into the Science of Mind Over Body

mardi 26 janvier 2016

Dianetics Revisited.

Here's some interesting commentary from Mechanisms and Aspects of Therapy in Dianetics.

This aspect of pain is quite interesting in that many patients have, at one time or another in their lives, pretended to the family or the world that they had a pain. The patient thought, when he asserted this "make-believe" pain, that he was lying. In therapy, the auditor can use these "imaginings", for they lead straight to sympathy engrams and actual injury. Further, these "imaginary" pains are generally displayed to the person or psuedo-person whowas the sympathy ally present in the engramic moment. Thus, if a small boy always pretended to his grandmother, and thought he was pretending, that he had a bad hip, it will be discovered eventually that sometime in his early life he hurt that same hip and received sympathy during the engramic moment which is now eclipsed from the analyzer. Patients often feel guilty over these pretenses. Sometimes soldiers in the recent war have come home pretending they had been wounded and, when in therapy, are afraid the auditor will find out or give them away to their people. This soldier might not have been wounded in the war, but an engram will be found which contains sympathy for the injury of which he complains. He is asking for sympathy with a colorful story and believes he is telling a lie.

Of course it is well documented that Ron claimed war injuries and healing himself from the same with Dianetics when he never saw combat or was never wounded.

But that hip...where have I heard that before? Hmmmm...I know! HIP! HIP! Naaaaawwww...that wasn't it...let's see...

Ron's Affirmations:

Your hip is a pose. You have a sound hip. It never hurts. Your
shoulder never hurts.
Dianetics Revisited.

lundi 25 janvier 2016

Hubbard College of Administration - California BPPE 2012 Fact Sheet

California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education 2012 Fact Sheet for Hubbard College of Administration.

After I stumbled on the information concerning the Church of Scientology Cadet School, I was inspired to look for government information on the Hubbard College of Administration. I found the following.


In reviewing the above document, I believe you will become familiar with the number "0" and the figure "0%."
Hubbard College of Administration - California BPPE 2012 Fact Sheet

U.S. Department of Education statistics on Church of Scientology Cadet School

U.S. Department of Education statistics on Church of Scientology Cadet School.

I was researching something else and ran across the following.

Note the source is PSS Private School Universe Survey data for the 2013-2014 school year.

U.S Department of Education
Institute of Education Sciences
National Center for Education Statistics


Attached Images
U.S. Department of Education statistics on Church of Scientology Cadet School



Church of Scientology of Santa Barbara needs only $290,000 to pay off mortgage

Church of Scientology of Santa Barbara raises $10,000 toward paying off mortgage; only $290,000 to go.

From Mike Rinder. Please go to Mike's post for his analysis.

Santa Barbara: The Results Are In


Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version.  Name: ChurchOfScientologyOfSantaBarbara.jpg  Views: N/A  Size: 95.7 KB  ID: 12048  
Church of Scientology of Santa Barbara needs only $290,000 to pay off mortgage

Church of Scientology of Santa Barbara has only $290,000 left to pay off mortgage

Church of Scientology of Santa Barbara raises $10,000 toward paying off mortgage; only $290,000 to go.

From Mike Rinder. Please go to Mike's post for his analysis.

Santa Barbara: The Results Are In


Attached Images
Church of Scientology of Santa Barbara has only $290,000 left to pay off mortgage

OT 11

Hello to all of you. is here somebody i can talk to about OT 11 ? thank you
OT 11

dimanche 24 janvier 2016

Tom Cruise shilled for Walmart

Don't have to be very patient with the vid because TC shows up just before the one minute mark. Get your barf bag and have it to hand....

Tom Cruise shilled for Walmart

Tom Cruise shilled for Walmart...another soulless corporation

I just discovered this a few days ago. Frankly, I felt nauseated after watching and listening to Tom Cruise extol the "virtues" of Walmart. I also got a bit confused because I had to remind myself that he wasn't speaking in front of Scientologists schilling for the cult. As you will see there's not much difference to his delivery of smooth bullshit. I am not a Walmart fan because they do a lot of the same things the cult does, hurt people in the name of the "bottom line". They encourage their poverty line employees to get on food stamps and other welfare programs because, well, working for Walmart will not keep you much above the poverty line. Many are even below it. Scientology does similar things with the SO staffers, as you know.

Anyway.....Don't have to be very patient with the vid because TC shows up just before the one minute mark. Get your barf bag and have it to hand....

Tom Cruise shilled for Walmart...another soulless corporation

30th Anniversary!

LRH's obituary by Forrest Ackerman on Tony Ortega's blog:

On the 30th anniversary of L. Ron Hubbard’s galaxial soul ejection, an obit by an old friend


"Result: (LRH made a) solemn oath not to break the rules.

Reality: he broke ’em.

Consequence: I broke with him.

About the early 70s we got back together again. He made a generous offer I couldn’t refuse: “Just get me in print. Forry, I don’t care about the money: you keep half of it.” He caused me no further trouble but half of nothing was nothing in the case of one anthologist who justified using a Hubbard story without paying because he considered LRH in the same class with Hitler and Satan (not necessarily in that order)."

more: http://ift.tt/1Qti29d
30th Anniversary!

snowboarding in NYC during the blizzard!!

Oh god - watch this! I wonder if Purple Rain has seen it. I was caught in the blizzard of 66 in rochester - I was going to college then - the following spring I found scientology from an FSM - Dale somebody. There is a picture of me in one of the Rochester news papers on cross country skiis during the blizzard


snowboarding in NYC during the blizzard!!

Oscar nominee Cate Blanchett calls out Scientology for their homophobia

Oscar nominee Cate Blanchett calls out Scientology for their homophobia.

From Oh Know They Didn't: Cate Blanchett sings (also calls out Scientology for their homophobia)!


At approximately 9:15.

Oscar nominee Cate Blanchett calls out Scientology for their homophobia

samedi 23 janvier 2016

Looking for Hubbard Management Books you might not want anymore

I'm required to purchase the OEC0 and Admin Dictionary for a nutrition course where they use Hubbard material. I just need to not spend on something I don't really want. In looking for used on Amazon, there was a comment to post here and ask if anyone had one they would like to unload.
Hope its OK for me to ask.
Looking for Hubbard Management Books you might not want anymore

The Church of Scientology says abortion is murder

The Church of Scientology says abortion is murder.

Please note the dates of the tweets.

The Church of Scientology says abortion is murder

Has an Ex-Client and Declared Suppressive Person Taken Sterling Management to Court?

Has an Ex-Client and Declared Suppressive Person Taken Sterling Management Systems to Court on a Technicality?

A long, detailed well researched article at Jenny at LAX.


Has an Ex-Client and Declared Suppressive Person Taken Sterling Management to Court?

Body Routing fail

So, I was looking forward to discussing the history of body routing with one of LA Orgs body routers after my dr's appointment at Kaiser, while waiting for my ride. There I was, non threatening, simply standing near the bus stop at Sunset and Vermont, and despite 4 0r 6 of them being there looking ready to pounce, not one approached me. They only had eyes for people their own age.

Either I was invisible, or they thought I might be too cranky? No - I was looking forward to a nice chat.


I'll have to give it a go the next time I'm over that way.

BTW - AFAIK, the whole handing out of tickets was concocted by Howie Rower of the franchise down in Greenwich Village back in the late 60's. Hubbard thought it was a good idea, and so I spent quite a few days handing out tickets in the bitter cold, a block away from the Hotel Martinique. (NYO's home then) Howie ditched the idea because it had abysmal stats - the people pulled in were rarely qualified, either financially or interested in spiritual improvement. Hubbard, with his outflow = inflow meme, on the other hand, made it policy.

Personally - I think it is window dressing - the body routers in their white shirts, black pants and ties stand out as obvious SO members, and any whales driving by would see them and think their dono's are hard at work.... Or is div 6 so blind as to fail to see what a waste of personnel it is and try something different? Or have they forgotten the emergency formulae? (change your operating basis)

Body Routing fail

vendredi 22 janvier 2016

New Film - Scientology: Suspicious Deaths

New Film - Scientology: Suspicious Deaths.

New film by Java Films. Vimeo On Demand. 41 Minutes. Rent for $2.99 for 24 hour streaming period. Buy (download and stream anytime) for $7.99. Watch on iOS, Apple TV, Roku, and Chromecast. Learn more.



Scientology is one of the world’s most controversial and secretive religions. Famous followers extol its virtues but a series of suspicious deaths brings into question its treatment of their members.

In this film, we investigate three cases of deaths of Scientology members. We find incomplete police investigations, suspicious circumstances and family members who are convinced there is more to their loved ones deaths’ than meets the eye.

A look at the dark side of a new but powerful religion.

Youtube trailer:

Attached Images
New Film - Scientology: Suspicious Deaths

Kirstie Alley and Scientology: comedy

A clip from Kathy Griffin's Dec 18 2013 Bravo! special highlighting Kirstie Alley's idiosyncrasies.

Kathy Griffin on Scientology
Kirstie Alley and Scientology: comedy



scn sucks.

beats me what to do. make fun of it or tear it apart due to abuses. never fell for the abuse thing myself.

the cool truth is no one cares about scn.

I'm just here looking for photos of die harders and the stupid look when they found out I was right.

Friday Celebrity Gossip

. . .
Just because
"Enquiring minds want to know"

Mariah Carey Is Engaged
to (ex-scio) James Packer


Mariah Carey Is Engaged to James Packer:
Why She Has Finally Found the Perfect Man to Marry


March 2015:
Erica Packer spotted with former Scientology
boss Tommy Davis in Los Angeles

Attached Images
Friday Celebrity Gossip

jeudi 21 janvier 2016

First Independent Church of Scientology

Trademark Application: First Independent Church of Scientology


* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *


This trademark (serial no. 86817837, mark text "FIRST INDEPENDENT CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY") was filed with USPTO on 2015-11-12 and has a current status of "new application - record initialized not assigned to examiner". Use the following table to research its status, prosecution history events, classification of goods & services, and current owner etc.

Basic Information

Mark Physical Characteristics Standard character mark
Trademark Current Status New application - record initialized not assigned to examiner
Trademark Current Status Date 2015-11-17
Registration Number 0
Registration Date
Serial Number 86817837
Trademark Application Filing Date 2015-11-12


Mark Classification

Primary Classification Code 045 Mark First Use Anywhere: N/A
Mark First Use in Commerce: N/A
Class Status: Active
Class Status Date: 2015-11-17
International Class: Personal and social rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals (e.g., social events services, funeral services, matrimonial agencies, etc.) / Security services for the protection of property and individuals (45);
Prior U.S. Class: 1. Miscellaneous (100); 2. Advertising and Business (101);
Classification Statement: Spiritual ministry services

Mark Owner Information

Owning Party Type: Original Applicant
Owner Name: JAMES R. FONDA
Legal Entity Type: Individual
Address: 655 N. Central Avenue, 17th Floor, Glendale, CA 91203


Correspondent: RAYMOND R. TABANDEH
Attorney Name Raymond R. Tabandeh
Attorney No. 79176/F558

Prosecution History Events

Event Date Event Description

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *

HT - WWP: http://ift.tt/1T7cVwd

************************************************** *********

US Patent Office File:


First Independent Church of Scientology

Grand Theft Auto 5 cult parody

My son found this cult parody in GTA 5. It isn't dead on, but it does start with a personality test. The first question in the personality test is "Do you have red hair?" One moves up though the levels by giving increasing large amount of money.

At the end of the quest, you get either a tractor or $2 million based on the choices you make.


A game that I've just finished, Fallout 4 also has a cult that you can join:

There is another cult in Fallout 4 called the Children of Atom, but you never get a chance to become a member, which is too bad because I really wanted to be recruited.

The section on the Children of Atom starts at 2:16 while exploring the radioactive wasteland section of the game:
Grand Theft Auto 5 cult parody

Rachel Bernstein support group

Hey everyone. I thought it would be appropriate to post this here.

Rachel Bernstein (http://ift.tt/1PrZUYe) is one of the few trained therapists who has taken the time to find out what destructive cults are all about and has spent the last 20+ years working as not only a family therapist but a cult recovery specialist as well. She is based in Los Angeles, CA and is starting a support group for ex-Scientologists and former members of other destructive cults.

I have interviewed Rachel on my channel (part 1 of our video is below) and she is the real deal. She was also stalked by Scientology herself shortly after she started getting going back in the early 1990s so she understands this group particularly. Her next support group is starting soon but there will likely be ones in the future if people cannot sign up for this one. I highly encourage anyone who is recovering from Scientology to be part of this. I know from personal experience that talking about our time in this destructive group with others who understand the experience is invaluable to our recovery.
Rachel is not paying me to endorse her. I have met her in person and know she is a good person who wants to help and that is why I support her. For anyone who lives outside of Los Angeles, she also does online consulting and can be contacted via her website or at rbpsychology@gmail.com.

Rachel Bernstein support group

Stephen Levine 1937-2016

Stephen Levine, a long time meditation teacher noted for his work in bringing Buddhist teachings and practice terminally ill people, died a couple of days ago in New Mexico. For many years he had led the Santa Cruz sangha in California, and was a lifelong friend of Ram Dass.

For the last four years he had been making a series of what he called couch talks with his wife Ondrea, where he would talk at length about issues of practice.

This is his last one, and one of the best if not the best;


and a little biographical info about Stephen;

Stephen Levine 1937-2016


Willful Blindness . . . it is a human disease that is particularly prevalent in the upper reaches of the Church of Scientology.

I ran into this video this morning and I found it very, very germane to the problem of Scientology . . .

Even in the face of all the exposure of its basic fraud and continuing crimes, so many public faces continue to support, tout and protect it.

This video is indeed sobering in the context of the cult of Scientology.


Sau Paulo Brazil

This just in, from booming Brazil.

Click image for larger version.  Name: 1501514_838378086279173_7146604729796979866_o.jpg  Views: 4  Size: 67.9 KB  ID: 12007Click image for larger version.  Name: 12471767_812541122191086_4692416115323579221_o.jpg  Views: 4  Size: 73.0 KB  ID: 12008Click image for larger version.  Name: 12471823_812541225524409_774117099723905919_o.jpg  Views: 4  Size: 75.9 KB  ID: 12009Click image for larger version.  Name: 12474088_812541115524420_8724903546512593195_o.jpg  Views: 4  Size: 54.3 KB  ID: 12010Click image for larger version.  Name: 12484582_10201218241495772_6908354764889213130_o.jpg  Views: 4  Size: 64.7 KB  ID: 12011Click image for larger version.  Name: 12489345_812541248857740_667383356773151088_o.jpg  Views: 4  Size: 78.9 KB  ID: 12012Click image for larger version.  Name: 12493505_1104361152909709_7036544153096430004_o.jpg  Views: 4  Size: 101.5 KB  ID: 12013Click image for larger version.  Name: 12493849_1104360732909751_2641302901981371522_o.jpg  Views: 4  Size: 67.0 KB  ID: 12014Click image for larger version.  Name: 12493983_1104361116243046_3672549855410639267_o.jpg  Views: 4  Size: 55.6 KB  ID: 12015
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Click image for larger version.  Name: 1501514_838378086279173_7146604729796979866_o.jpg  Views: N/A  Size: 67.9 KB  ID: 12007   Click image for larger version.  Name: 12471767_812541122191086_4692416115323579221_o.jpg  Views: N/A  Size: 73.0 KB  ID: 12008   Click image for larger version.  Name: 12471823_812541225524409_774117099723905919_o.jpg  Views: N/A  Size: 75.9 KB  ID: 12009   Click image for larger version.  Name: 12474088_812541115524420_8724903546512593195_o.jpg  Views: N/A  Size: 54.3 KB  ID: 12010   Click image for larger version.  Name: 12484582_10201218241495772_6908354764889213130_o.jpg  Views: N/A  Size: 64.7 KB  ID: 12011  

Click image for larger version.  Name: 12489345_812541248857740_667383356773151088_o.jpg  Views: N/A  Size: 78.9 KB  ID: 12012   Click image for larger version.  Name: 12493505_1104361152909709_7036544153096430004_o.jpg  Views: N/A  Size: 101.5 KB  ID: 12013   Click image for larger version.  Name: 12493849_1104360732909751_2641302901981371522_o.jpg  Views: N/A  Size: 67.0 KB  ID: 12014   Click image for larger version.  Name: 12493983_1104361116243046_3672549855410639267_o.jpg  Views: N/A  Size: 55.6 KB  ID: 12015  
Sau Paulo Brazil

mercredi 20 janvier 2016

Trademark Application: First Independent Church of Scientology

Trademark Application: First Independent Church of Scientology


* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *


This trademark (serial no. 86817837, mark text "FIRST INDEPENDENT CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY") was filed with USPTO on 2015-11-12 and has a current status of "new application - record initialized not assigned to examiner". Use the following table to research its status, prosecution history events, classification of goods & services, and current owner etc.

Basic Information

Mark Physical Characteristics Standard character mark
Trademark Current Status New application - record initialized not assigned to examiner
Trademark Current Status Date 2015-11-17
Registration Number 0
Registration Date
Serial Number 86817837
Trademark Application Filing Date 2015-11-12


Mark Classification

Primary Classification Code 045 Mark First Use Anywhere: N/A
Mark First Use in Commerce: N/A
Class Status: Active
Class Status Date: 2015-11-17
International Class: Personal and social rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals (e.g., social events services, funeral services, matrimonial agencies, etc.) / Security services for the protection of property and individuals (45);
Prior U.S. Class: 1. Miscellaneous (100); 2. Advertising and Business (101);
Classification Statement: Spiritual ministry services

Mark Owner Information

Owning Party Type: Original Applicant
Owner Name: JAMES R. FONDA
Legal Entity Type: Individual
Address: 655 N. Central Avenue, 17th Floor, Glendale, CA 91203


Correspondent: RAYMOND R. TABANDEH
Attorney Name Raymond R. Tabandeh
Attorney No. 79176/F558

Prosecution History Events

Event Date Event Description

* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *

HT - WWP: http://ift.tt/1T7cVwd

************************************************** *********

US Patent Office File:


Trademark Application: First Independent Church of Scientology

What would an all Scientology town be like?

Would it be like this?


PHOENIX (AP) — Two polygamous towns in Arizona and Utah are corrupt communities where people are spied on and routinely denied basic services as a way to root out non-believers, federal lawyers said Wednesday during opening statements in a discrimination trial.

An attorney for one of the towns, Colorado City, Arizona, countered that the case was filed because the government finds the dominant religion in the towns to be distasteful and wants it eradicated.

"Who is discriminating against who?" attorney Jeff Matura asked jurors.

The case marks one of the boldest efforts by the government to confront what critics have said is a corrupt regime in Colorado City and Hildale, Utah, where the dominant religion is the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

The sect broke away from mainstream Mormonism when the religion disavowed polygamy more than 100 years ago.

The trial will focus on allegations that the towns systematically denied housing, water services and police protection to people who do not adhere to polygamous-driven beliefs.

U.S. Justice Department lawyers contended in their opening statement that both towns remain beholden to sect leader Warren Jeffs, even as he serves a life sentence in a Texas prison for sexually assaulting underage girls he considered wives.

The lawyers also depicted the church's security operation and local police as paranoid entities that work in lockstep and violate the civil rights of non-believers.

Attorney Jessica Clark described how security officers have spied on people with cameras placed around Colorado City and Hildale, and staff members have been positioned on the outskirts of the towns to keep an eye on people arriving.

She said the city cites a water shortage while denying building permits to non-believers but allows other buildings to be constructed for believers.

"All the entities work together seemingly for the benefits of FLDS and its leaders," Clark said of the church.

The communities deny the allegations and say religion isn't a motivating factor in decisions.

Lawyers for the towns tried unsuccessfully to get a judge to bar evidence of polygamy, underage marriage and church teachings.

Jeffs is not in the courtroom, but his presence loomed over the proceedings. The government says city officials assisted him while he was a fugitive and still follow his directives. A judge has said the Justice Department has evidence suggesting officers dropped off packages, letters and other items for Jeffs while he was a fugitive.

"His control of the cities and police continues today," Clark said.

Matura told jurors the U.S. Justice Department case was based on the false assumptions that religious people can't function properly in government jobs and that everyone who works for the towns is a member of the sect.

Dowayne Barlow, a former aide to Bishop Lyle Jeffs, a sect leader and brother of Warren Jeffs, later testified that church leaders selected who would serve as police officers and in government leadership posts in the two towns.

Testifying for the Justice Department, Barlow said employees of the communities helped send packages of money and letters to Warren Jeffs while he was sought on charges of arranging marriages between girls and older men.

Experts believe the trial will provide a rare glimpse into towns that for decades have been shrouded in secrecy and are distrustful of government and outsiders.

Some witnesses are expected to invoke their Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination, as they did during depositions.

The federal government wants a ruling that the towns have violated a fair housing law, and it seeks unspecified changes to prevent discrimination.
What would an all Scientology town be like?

Narconon Turkey Drug Rehab Center Director-General arrested for carrying drug

Narconon Turkey Drug Rehab Center Director-General Ismail Karakas has been arrested for carrying drug in his bag.

From Tony Ortega (2nd item).



Narconon Turkey Drug Rehab Center Director-General Ismail Karakas has been arrested for carrying drug in his bag. General-President of Narconon Dila Tezemir said, “We think this is a conspiracy.” Karakas had been chosen as “The most successful non-governmental organisation leader.”

* * * * * END EXCERPT FROM TONY ORTEGA * * * * *

Original story:


Narconon Turkey Drug Rehab Center Director-General arrested for carrying drug

9 th planet

I didn't see a tinfoil thread - so here goes:

Target Two Located!!!!


CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (Reuters) - The solar system may host a ninth planet that is about 10 times bigger than Earth and orbiting far beyond Neptune, according to research published on Wednesday.

Computer simulations show that the mystery planet, if it exists, would orbit about 20 times farther away from the sun than Earth, said astronomers with the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.
More at link.

This reminds me of the Zecharia Sitchin stuff about the twelfth planet, and how the people there came to earth and did gene splicing to turn Cro-Magnon man into homo sapiens so they could have them mine the planet for precious ores. Then it reminded me of the planets in collision theory that earth was once a satellite of Saturn when it was a brown dwarf, which was captured by our sun ( and in the electric universe theory, it switched from being a cathode to an anode [or vice versa] and ceased being a brown dwarf and reverted to planet status - I know it sounds weird - go watch some of their videos - they explain it much better) and the earth was pulled into a new orbit around the sun.

The point of my posting it was this - who really knows the real history of our solar system? There's all those weird canals on mars that don't have any water manifestations ( deltas etc. indicating water flow), there's the asteroid belt - which may have been a planet. If señor El Ron really had whole track recall- why didn't he have answers for any of these conundrums? Like why are the woolly mammoths and mastodons up frozen in the tundra? He said on the "free being" tape an OT could have ripped the air cover off and given the planet a spin. Could. Thanks Ron. Perhaps you should have stuck to writing westerns.



9 th planet

(Gay) Will and Jada "outed"

Alexis Arquette is lashing out at Will and Jada Pinkett Smith in a Facebook post the day after the latter announced she was boycotting the Oscars.

'When Jada comes out as Gay and her beard husband admits his first marriage ended when she walked in to him **** servicing his Sugar Daddy Benny Medina ..then I will listen to them,' writes Arquette.

The transgender actress later added in the comment section: '"She" being his FIRST wife. Paid off, silent.'
Will's first marriage to Sheree Zampino ended in divorce in 1995 and he married Jada two years later.
Medina is a powerful Hollywood manager who has worked with stars including Jennifer Lopez and Tyra Banks.

(Gay) Will and Jada "outed"

$cientologists/non-$cientologists Will and Jada Pinkett Smith both gay?

Transgender actress and activist Alexis Arquette calls Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith "gay hypocrites" and refers to Will as Jada's "beard husband". Interesting as to how the two were so very involved in Cof$ - to the point of funding a school - and then all of a sudden it seemed they had "fallen away" and not another word was mentioned about them having a $cientology association.

$cientologists/non-$cientologists Will and Jada Pinkett Smith both gay?

Inside the con confidence game

Today I listened to a radio interview about con artists and their victims. I am not sure if the interview can come up here so I may need some help. Its http://ift.tt/1zJb04x the progam is The Current on CBC radio for January 19,2016. The title is, Inside the con artists confidence game.

I have realized that the technique the con artist uses was like Hubbards. Infact the Field Staff Member training was training to be a con artist. New insights on what happened. Hope this information can help others.
Inside the con confidence game

mardi 19 janvier 2016

Mental health and exes.

I've had several conversations with non-Scientologists who have said that Scientology obviously attracts people with mental problems.

I don't think that is usually the case.

But I have seen way too many people who have left Scientology, or were kicked out after being on staff a long time, who ended up homeless or living hand to mouth.

I went through that myself.

I went so crazy once that I locked myself up in a mobile home and stayed for days at a time in one room because of the "Thetans" that were in the other room who threatening me.

They would keep poking me in the face or in the back if I left the room.

I am certain that I would never have experienced any of this if I hadn't been in Scientology.

It took me several weeks to get over this and could look directly at and talk to another human being.

Over the years I have seen or heard about way too many ex-Scientologists who have hit the skids, as we used to call it.

Scientology is dangerous. That's all I have to say.

The Anabaptist Jacques
Mental health and exes.

Nearly 20 years under (and/or trying to get back under) the radar.

First off, a huge thanks to those that make this place possible, whoever you are! I am quite enthused to be allowed to participate. For the moment, you can call me Storm. I am 51 years old *snicker* and currently residing in (presiding over) the second human body that I have made "squeeze the cans". My current body has been present in Baton Rouge, Orange County, Miami Org, and Flag. In my opinion I have quite a story to tell, and my intention in doing so is to help others reconcile what is "felt in the gut" together with what is "observed to be" (sometimes observed on the floor in a shattered mess) into a cohesion of self. as Ex-Scientologists, this is what has been stripped from you - and you deserve better.

Beyond that intention, I come here seeking validation of my knowingness; not because my knowingness requires validation, but because were my knowingness to be validated, I truly believe others could shed some suffering.


PS - I learned today, though your wonderful site, that Claire Jeans, Qual Sec at Miami has died of throat cancer. This is a source of significant personal pain, but a pain mitigated by the reality Claire chose to run. There was no other option for her (Claire-Bell). What I mean by that, may or may not be revealed in later posts. As I said, the loss is personal.
Nearly 20 years under (and/or trying to get back under) the radar.

Anonymous Worldwide Anniversary Protest Feb 10, 2016

(Couldn't find the thread for this, so I'm posting another. If anyone can find the original, please combine.)

Worldwide Protest Against Scientology for Anonymous Anniversary


Greeting citizens of the world. We are Anonymous.

We would like to invite you to join us on February 10th, 2016, to observe the eight year anniversary of Project Chanology by joining in a world-wide protest against the cult of Scientology.

Scientology was created by science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard in 1952, based on his self-help system, Dianetics. It teaches that humans are immortal beings in need of spiritual counselling which they call auditing, and which is sold to members on a per session basis. Scientology is legally recognized as a tax-exempt religion in the U.S., Italy, South Africa, Australia, Sweden, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, and Spain. It is considered a commercial enterprise in Switzerland, and characterized most correctly as a cult in France and Chili, and as a non-profit in Norway.

The Church of Scientology is known to brainwash and defraud its members and attack its critics with psychological abuse, character assassination, and lawsuits. Ex-members have confirmed that the church routinely employees psychological abuse and asks members to donate large amounts of money. In addition, Scientology is known to suggest abortions to female members so they will have more money to give the church. They are known to have dumbed manure on peaceful protestors, as well as having had protestors arrested and beaten.

Join us on February 10th, 2016, as we continue to protest Scientology.

Anonymous Worldwide Anniversary Protest Feb 10, 2016

MISSING: Mike Jones. Last Seen at Scientology Celebrity Centre in Los Angeles

MISSING: Mike Jones. Last Seen at Scientology Celebrity Centre in Los Angeles.

This came across my Twitter feed from some trusted sources.



From the Reddit thread:

* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *

all 7 comments
sorted by: best

[–]bagginsforsure 2 points an hour ago

Is this a joke? Does anyone know more? :/


[–]ellaraitchscn4stadtech[S] 2 points an hour ago*

I don't know much, but it sounds like a case of disconnection. Sad.


[–]bagginsforsure 2 points an hour ago



[–]ellaraitchscn4stadtech[S] 2 points an hour ago

Looks like this is legit. The guy's father posts at the Underground Bunker under the handle Sid, and is ex-Scn himself. There is a medical emergency in the family and they are desperate to reach their son.


[–]bagginsforsure 3 points 58 minutes ago

Thank you. :( "Church." What a joke.


[–]ellaraitchscn4stadtech[S] 2 points 41 minutes ago

Can you imagine facing the end of your life and not knowing if your kids are OK? I'm panicking a little just thinking about it. Fuck this shit.


[–]bagginsforsure 2 points 34 minutes ago

Unfortunately I can imagine a version of what he/she must be going through as I have lost my biological family to scn disconnection policy. I don't know a bit about this family but compassion isn't going to come from scn management in L.A. I hope the police and media are involved very quickly to move things along.


* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Attached Images
MISSING: Mike Jones. Last Seen at Scientology Celebrity Centre in Los Angeles

Church of Scientology supports Second Amendment right to bear arms as a Human Right

Church of Scientology supports Second Amendment right to bear arms as a "Human Right."

[NOTE: I thought I posted this yesterday, but couldn't find it today. If it was deleted for some reason, could a mod please let me know? I didn't receive any messages about the post. I don't mean to double-post, or evade a mod decision, but like I said, I can't find an earlier post and haven't received any messages about this.]



PAC guards now carrying loaded firearms

PAC guards now carrying loaded firearms


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Church of Scientology supports Second Amendment right to bear arms as a Human Right